
Quest Complete

Souta and Alexander landed on the ground nonchalantly. Souta took a glance at Alexander's condition and asked, "You look worse, do you need help?"

"I'm fine, I can still do this," Alexander said.

"I shouldn't have asked you." Souta said calmly as he raised his hand and cast the very basic healing spell, [Light Heal]. He couldn't use it on himself. Plus, he doesn't need it since his parasite overpowered this spell.

"This is enough for first aid," Souta said as he used his light elemental power to enhance the effect of [Light Heal].

"You don't have to do that. I can manage it once we return to the castle." Alexander said.

"Fine." Souta shrugged his shoulders. It was at this time that he noticed that there were two people staring at them.

Souta smiled as he placed both of his hands in his pocket. He approached the two as he examined them.