
The Era of a Villain

Good? Bad? Strong? Weak? How are they decided? A young man, along with 40% of the population of the Earth, is transported to a different world. The young man was in a hospital bed in a coma, blissfully unaware he was not on the same—planet he was born on. Imagine waking in an unknown place with a purple-skinned man checking your vitals. 'Oh, a purple man? How nice they bought Barney the dinosaur to see me.' "Doctor! Doctor, the man passed out!" Vincent did not pass out; he closed his eyes because the lights blinded him. "Vincent Frost, the being who has sponsored you, has chosen you to be a villain. The villain system is now bounded and can't be removed." Vincent's mind, which was still cloudy, became clear instantly. He immediately shot up in his bed and screamed. You have to be kidding me! I created the cover using Webnovel tools; it has nothing to do with my character. Join our so-called villain and his journey to becoming a villain.

HNIC409 · Fantasie
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Vincent woke up to a silent house. Not even a servant was around. For the first time, he woke up and came to the Grimm's palace; he fixed his breakfast.

He had spent the day before reading Patty's books about the elements she had given him. He went outside and saw that even the guards who usually patrolled the grounds were absent.

[Vincent Frost Grimm. You must report to the center plaza to be registered and cleared for transportation to this year's awakening site.]

Vincent closed the notification. "No wonder no one is around. I'm not the only one who will be leaving today." Vincent unfurled his wings and took off. He reached the center plaza and landed. His arrival turned a few heads since he wore the clothes that bore the Grimm's family crest and the cloak with Caden, the Reaper symbol. 

A worker who was dressed rather extravagantly came over. "The line for Class A and above citizens is this way, Lord." Vincent nodded and followed behind him.

The people watched with looks that varied. Some fear other hatred, and few with envy.

Vincent saw a lot of familiar faces while he was walking. Most of them were students from the academy. The number of people changed as he passed the different citizen classes. He finally reached the plaza that was meant for him. "I wish you great prosperity, Lord." The guy bowed and walked away. 

Vincent could feel the shift in the air. The hair on the back of his neck raised a little. 'These people are the true elites.' Vincent strolled to the back of the line and waited. He could feel their gaze. He could feel them trying to figure out his strengths and weaknesses. 

He got to the front of the line and was surprised to see Dessie. Dessie smiled at him but still did her job. "Name, age, and school." Vincent smiled at her. "Vincent Frost Grimm, 16, and my school, I'm not sure."

Dessie typed and logged the information. "Can you elaborate on the school portion?"

"I am registered at Staple Academy as a student but have never attended one class. My masters have taught me everything I know." Dessie nodded her head. 

"Who are your masters then?" Vincent raised an eyebrow at her. "Please, I need you to confirm even if the answer is public knowledge." Vincent sighed and told her.

"My masters are the Seven Harbingers of Death, their master, and my grandmaster is Caden the Reaper." The surrounding people gasped and gave a closer look at Vincent. "It's true! He is wearing the same cloak as the harbinger of death!" 

Dessie typed the information in and gave Vincent a pair of dog tags. "These are to identify you if anything goes wrong. Your system will answer all of your questions about the awakening." Vincent took the dog tags and put them around his neck.

He went to the side and found a spot on the wall. 'System, give me the summary about the awakening.'

[The awakening- the process of being baptized by the universe. This process has been happening for eons. The Host's original planet could not survive its awakening; thus, 40% of the population was transferred to the closest awakened world. The awakening process will last for six months. There are no requirements to participate in the awakening, except the person participating must not have gone through the awakening process before.]

'What happens to the individuals in the awakening?'

[They are exposed to numerous energies, and the energy they are most compatible with will merge with them. They will receive talents or enhancements if they are incompatible with any of the energies they are exposed to. In some cases, the individuals may receive both or multiple. The Host should understand that the inventory function will not be available during the awakening. It is advised to have an outer storage.]

'That would explain why some people are carrying bags.' Vincent silently moved everything out of his inventory and put it inside his bracelet. 'Is there anything else I need to know?'

[People can watch the awakening happen in real-time. They can't directly interfere with the participants but can send encouraging messages and support items.] 'That also explains the lack of crowds and screaming.'

A man garbed in the royal colors of gold, white, and red appeared. His voice sounded in everyone's ears. "I am Alec. I am from the royal capital. I will oversee the transportation of the individuals who are Class B and above. Get inside my ship, and we will set off immediately. The voyage will take two weeks to get there." The ring on his finger glowed, and a gigantic ship appeared. 

They boarded the ship and sat down in their seats. "This will be your first voyage in space for many of you. I will let you float around for a while, and then you will be assigned rooms to stay in. You will have a roommate, and no, they may or may not be the same gender."

Alec made sure everyone was buckled in and then went to the cockpit.

Vincent was seated between a guy who looked like he would puke and a girl who showed no emotions. He passed a throwaway bag to the guy next to him in case he did lose his lunch.

There was trembling, and then Vincent felt him sinking into the chair. He had a smile on his face as he looked to his right and saw the ground getting smaller and smaller. 

The ship broke through the atmosphere, and Vincent saw the stars face to face. He looked at the planet Strara. It was 20 times bigger than Earth and was purple with gold ascents. 'It is breathtaking.' Vincent blinked and noticed he was floating.

He was used to feeling weightless and adjusted himself. He didn't unfurl his wings and made the movements of swimming. He 'swam' while looking for his room. He found it just in time for the gravity to kick on.

Numerous sounds of moans and grumbling erupted. 

Vincent landed on his feet and walked inside the room. The room was standard; it had two of everything and a bathroom. Vincent took the bed on the left. It was closer to the window. He had no bags since everything he owned was inside his bracelet.

'I just have to ensure not to embarrass myself since people are probably watching already. I should probably pull the privacy screen when I shower and change; you can never be too safe.'

HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE!! This will be the last chapter I post since the holidays are here. I will be back after New Year's. Thanks for reading and adding my book to you library! Tell me what you think so far in a comment or review.

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