
Tenfold Manifestation

Cain expected all sorts of answers, especially after witnessing how Lord Zero had devoured a man's head with a single bite with what he could only describe with glee and satisfaction. The gruesome act could suggest that the old man might be struggling with the effects of the Mark of Abbadon, possibly succumbing to madness or an insatiable hunger. Cain braced himself for a troubled tone or a barrage of empty words filled with excuses or pleas for help. However, what he received was something entirely different.

"It has been amazing, my Lord!" Lord Zero's voice was full of youthful excitement, surprising Cain. The old man's enthusiasm was unexpected, given the brutal act he had just committed.

"Explain," Cain commanded, an intriguing light appearing in the eyes of the dark dragon. He wondered what exactly was happening with Lord Zero.