
The Entity of Fear

Entity000 · Fantasie
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17 Chs

The Selection

[ Looks like our first Actor had chosen his Manager. And our lovely Gods, bestow it to them after everyone is finished. ] Natsu made his way out of the Stage,when a door opened in the barrier.

" So who did you get?" Ashely asked Natsu and he replied,

" I chose Typhon." wearing a smug look on his face. Then Rea ask another question.

" Do you even know who that is?" and Natsu shook his head sideways, then Rea added " Then why did you choose him?" As they were waiting with a reply. Natsu smiled, being confident and gave them a thumbs up as he said,

" Because he said he is a Fire breathing Dragon." then Ashley smack the back of his head.

" How can you be so laid back? Your decision here will determine your survival in the future." Natsu massaged the back of his head, as he received Ashley's scolding.

As the group beckered Natsu they saw a line was formed, the crowd is being obedient and waited for their turn. Raven was looking at the crowd, when suddenly an Angel came to him and said,

" Look at them, some of them saw their loved ones die, yet they're being obedient." Raven just look at her and then replied,

" They don't have time to mourn, this people survived til now because they understand the situation." Then he returned his gaze to the crowd and added, " They have to strengthen themselves, everyone here had lost someone important, but they're still striving to survive. This isn't the time to mourn and take revenge for the dead and also " as he pointed to the crowd, and Carla turned her head to where he was pointing, " don't you notice that the we had decreased again." She look at the crowd was surprised for what he said is true.

" Others already tried to get their revenge, you can guess what happened next. " Then Raven made a popping sound with his lips, " Well you get the idea."

" How can you be so calm when explaining something so .. " she didn't get to finish her sentence when she saw his eyes, ' This guys really doesn't care.' Then he spoke

" It's not my obligation to save them or to get revenge for them, we are in a world where we should care about ourselves." He then turned his head away, " You of all people should know this, you planned something similar." She gave up, as she change the topic.

" Do you have any idea on what will happen next?"

He nodded and said

" Our Managers will give us a new power." Then he sat on a broken pillar, she then followed and sat next to him, " Didn't you arrived at the same conclusion?"

" Yeah I did, I just came here for confirmation."

" Shouldn't you ask our Supervisor over there?" as he pointed at Alexander.

" You know he would've already said it to us at the beginning, but the fact that he didn't, means there's something else. " Then she pointed at the people in the line, " And look, your companions are already in line, aren't you gonna join them?"

" I could ask the same thing to you."

" Are there any reason why you didn't join them, can you at least tell me that?"

" Well isn't the protagonist supposed to be last, so when his power is revealed he can leave the people in awe?" She glared at him and as he thought, ' What is with this woman and her glares?'

And at the same time she was thinking

' Argh, What is with this man?'

" Well if you don't want to tell me, you could've said so, I wished after this I wouldn't really have to see your face ever again." she left and fall in line as she was thinking ' He really pisses me off, I was kind enough to talk to him.' as she grumbled all the way to end of the line.

A few hours went by, there are people who got green, some blue. The only highest power level so far was Natsu. As people were talking and complaining, some were relieved, a new message floated in the air,

[[ Mana: 8,312

Title: The Beast Summoner

Power Level: Red- Catastrophic ]]

As people were astonished at another Catastrophic level, they look at the stage and saw a small little girl. Then they heard Alexander giggling as he said,

[ Oh yeah I forgot to explain, there are two types of Title, The Unique and the Hierarchical types.] people are confused at his words so he continued to explain [ Ok let me make it easier, even though you aren't categorized as Royalty, you can still be exceptional. Look at this girl for example, she is a beast summoner this means she has a Unique Title, while the first one belonged to the Hierarchical Title.] The people are silent [ The Hierarchical Title shows you your position, as I mentioned before amongst the others, but the Unique Titles are different they are solely yours, you don't have the same Attribute as others, for short only that little girl can summon beast.] then people looked at the sweet little girl humming her way out the stage.

After her a little boy came in,

[[ Mana: 7,561

Title: The Beast Titan

Power Level: Red - Catastrophic ]]

Alexander laugh again with excitement while saying

[ Wow there are a lot of monster! ] then he continued to laugh, as the crowd was surprised at the boy. And the boy got out the stage like nothing special happened.

The People saw a Demon Girl they are familiar with.

[[ Mana: 8,871

Title: The Lightning Demon Queen

Power Level: White - Heavenly ]]

The people paled at the sight, they can hear their Supervisor laughing even more. Now the current highest power level is this Demon Girl.

[ Marvelous! This is truly pleasurable! Monsters everywhere! It was not a waste being here! A Queen came out!] He shouted while having the widest smile at his newly founded mouth, white razor sharp teeth appeared.

When she got out another Person entered and then,

[[ Mana: 10,234

Title: The Ice Elf Queen

Power Level: White - Heavenly ]]

The crowd paled at the sight again, as they stared at the elf girl that made her way out of the stage and went towards her group. The Laughter of Alexander can still be heard. [ Two Queens at a row! ]

" Aunty and Big Sister both of you are so powerful, how did you two get so powerful within 7 days." Hannah asked the two.

" Well for me, Raven told me to train my powers." Rea was the first to reply.

" As for me I just strived to survive while killing monsters and using my powers to the fullest." Then Ashley spoke next. Then somebody suddenly spoke.

" Well that's not the only reason." The group turned towards him, it was Raven.

" Even though he said ' They Reward the efforts' or something like that, but that isn't enough," as he look at the smiling Alexander. " Within that past week, everybody got a boost to improve their power level faster, but telling you this is pointless now, the result will still be the same, your current power level is the result of the hard work you put in."

[ You really are a smart kid.] He suddenly appeared before Raven. [ Well it is as you said, we boosted all of you within the past week.]

' That is why the Apocalypse Dragon told us to train, but I wasted 6 days myself.' he pondered in his thoughts, when suddenly Alexander spoke again.

[ Nothing gets passed you, no wonder that Dragon was interested in you, I'm beginning to like you too.] Then a pair of red crescent moon eyes formed in his eye sockets, with a smile as he observed Raven, and he started encircling him.

[ You truly are a fearless individual I cannot wait for your Power Level, so don't disappoint me.] as he neared his mouth to Raven's ear and whispered. [ You got this far from just the talk you had with that Lizard, you're a Dangerous one, Raven Syraight.] Then he laugh and vanished in an instant, and returned to his for position.

' That guy is really creepy, and he just called the Apocalypse Dragon a lizard, so much for being feared by all.' as he thought of this, he remembered the Dragon's words and he looked at Alexander, Alexander noticed his gaze and put his index finger on his mouth as he mouthed ' Shhhhh.'

He now realized what this being is. Then somebody spoke

" God, that guy was creepy just now." It was Ashley.

" Hey Raven, how did you know that we got boosted the past week?" Natsu ask Raven.

" A Dragon told me." He honestly answered him, Natsu was surprised.

" Was it that Black Dragon from that time?" Now it was his mother asking, he nodded in reply.

" Why didn't you tell us if you already knew about it." Natsu asked again.

" Well I Wasn't sure at first, so I observed you guys getting stronger at an incredible pace, and also you guys were already diligent on your training so I don't have to inform it to you." Natsu nodded as if he was satisfied with the answer.

" Oh the line is short I'm going there now." The group stared at Raven's back. As they talked amongst themselves.

" What do you think his Power level is?" Ashley asked the group.

" I am guessing it will be red or orange." Natsu answered

"Huh why did you say that?" This time Rea was the one asking

" Well he didn't get to train in the past week, and also he just used his power at the 6th day." Natsu answered her question.

" Well if he already got a clue about it, why didn't he trained." Ashley asked again.

" Because we all thought that his power was Self Regeneration." This time Rea asnwer her. Ashley just nodded, and added,

" Oh I get it, in order to train his power, he should always get hurt and always injure himself." Rea nodded in response.

" Couldn't he just train that way?" This time the group looked at each other and shook their heads at Ashley's question.

" It is us who asked him not to do it, and he just followed our orders, we told him we'll take care of things." Rea was the first to talked.

" Yes, after all he was the one who saved my life, he jumped in front of the monsters and sacrifice his body to cover my half dead self." Natsu chuckled as he remembered that scene.

" Big Brother took care of us when everyone just ignored us." Hannah spoke this words as she remembered the first time she encountered Raven. While Ace was just silent.

" Oh, I'm sorry, I get it now." then she added.

" But Carla said he was the one who annihilated the Church of Revelation." Ashley asked again.

" That is why I said ' we all thought ', but at the 6th day when the Church of Revelation came, he transformed into a Dragon." Ashley's eyes widened, she was astonished. She only knew that Raven Annihilated the Church, but not in the form of a Dragon.

She just stared at him.