
The Entity of Fear

Entity000 · Fantasie
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17 Chs

The Entity of Fear

| You've finally awaken your power |

He suddenly heard a voice and saw as time stopped, when that happened he black out.

When he woke up, he is in a unfamiliar place completely dark, no signs of life, and he realized he was naked.

' Not only did I turn into the Black Dragon, now my Dragon here is being exposed?' he sighed and continued thinking ' Where am I?' and something replied.

| This is your mind palace |

" What the? What are you?"

| I am a guide |

" Guide? Guide for what?"

The voice didn't answer. So he changed his question.

" What happened to me?"

| You have awakened your power |

He was left confused and thought ' Isn't my power regeneration?'

| No, you have subconsciously transformed into the fear of the ogre. |

" And that is?" at the same time he thought, ' It can read my mind?'

| A being it cannot kill |

He was left astonished, " Well isn't this too OP? So does that mean I am now an immortal?"

| Yes, as long as it is being feared, you can make it into reality |

" So that also means I am a shape shifter? Because if they fear a monster I can turn into a monster."

| Yes and you are also a Summoner you can summon that specific fear into the the world. |

" Can I control it?"

| If you can |

" If I can? How can I control it"

| You must know the fear of the fear, to control it |

" So it's like subduing it with its own fear. Sounds complicated but I somehow get it."

The voice didn't reply so he ask another question.

" Aren't I too powerful?"

| Yes and No, you are the most powerful at the same time you are the weakest. |

" What does that mean?"

| You can make an individual's fear into reality, but without fear you are also powerless, fear serves as your fuel |

" Well can't I use my fears as substitute?"

| You can, but all these time, from the start to the present, have you felt fear? |

Then Raven realise that the only reason he was brave, calm and compose, because the fear that was supposed to held him back was gone.

" But you said I can, how?"

| You will have to find out for yourself, you will only fear one thing, and if you get consumed by your own fear, you will become it for the rest of your life |

" You said fear serves as my fuel, can I also store it within me and use it to create animate and inanimate object?"

| Yes |

" So as long as I have fuel, I can create anything I want, what if the things I want to create is not feared?"

| You can still create things because of the fear you have stored, and you can also use the fear from other people |

" So as long as someone is terrified, I am overpowered "

| Yes |

" Ok next question. Why am I here?"

| You are going out of control, the being you turned into, is beyond your control. |

" Then I will go berserk?"

| Yes |

" Then how about my companions?"

| They will most likely die |

" How do I stop it?"

| It is either you died, your fuel runs out, or you know the fear of the apocalypse dragon, but it is very unlikely that everything mentioned is gonna happen |

' The Guide is right, right now I am the Apocalypse Dragon, nothing could kill him on earth, and I will also die, also I don't know the fear of that damn lizard, but what if someone feared that nothing could kill it?' The sudden realization of what will happen in this world.

| If someone feared you are un-killable, you will be un-killable, you are a being that can make fears a reality |

His eyes widened and then a thought pass by him and then he started laughing.

" Hahahahaha " Raven continued to laugh at the sudden realization " The most powerful and the weakest at the same time? Turning fear into reality?"

The voice is silent while listening to his words.

" Hey doesn't that mean those who are close to me and love me are my weakness?"

It still didn't answer, it stayed silent.

" Hey answer me, if they fear that I'll die, wouldn't I really die?"

| Yes |

" So I should be a being that must be hated by all? Is that my fate?"

| No |

Raven was shock, he didn't expect that answer.

| Can you feel the fear of others? |

He nodded reflexively, but he doesn't even know if it has eyes, so he just said " Yes"

| Do you know what they feared |

" Yes."

| Why didn't you turned it to reality? |

" Oh so I can choose."

| Yes |

He was being hysterical earlier for nothing.

" Hey "

| Yes |

" What do you fear the most?"

| I don't fear anything |

It was as he expected and ask another different question.

" Are they still alive?"

| Yes |

" What if I feared a being stronger than the Apocalypse Dragon, can I turned into that, or used that to control the Dragon?"

| It is possible |

" I know what I fear the most now "


Everyone saw it, Raven turned into the Black Dragon. Everyone was running in panic, some other tried to attack it but it was useless.

" Natsu carry the kids." Rea ordered Natsu to take care of the kids.

Natsu didn't hear her as he was shocked at the things happening before him. ' Why did Raven transformed into a Dragon.' While he was thinking the Dragon suddenly roared, and hurriedly grabbed the two kids and run away. He turned back and saw Rea telling the Fanatics to run and follow Natsu.




People are dying from being step on, eaten or burnt. Carla saw this gruesome spectacle before her. She moved forward and saw a Fox-kin on the ground. Her face is still petrified by fear, her lower half was nowhere to be seen. She didn't feel sorrow while looking at her, they're just using each other and to benefit from one another.

" Priestess please help me!" a fanatic suddenly grabbed the angel's hand, begging her to save him. She activated her powers, Sealing Magic. She couldn't care less about this man's plead.

As she walk towards the Dragon, she started chanting, then everyone looked at her with expecting eyes.

" Protect the Priestess!!" They sacrifice their life to protect her. She now finished chanting and the five pillars fell from the sky surrounding the Dragon. ' I don't know if this will work, but I gotta try.' A barrier activated and the Dragon flick his tail, everyone reflexively cover their body and close their eyes, waiting for the impact. But it didn't came.

" The Priestess did it!!" The Fanatics shouted joy as they praise her.

" Our God's Protection in enveloping around us!!" They continued to shout, but it was cut short.

The Barrier broke, and the Dragon walk out of it, and headed towards the priestess.