
The Entity of Fear

Entity000 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The Church of Revelation 2

He saw it clearly, ' she flinched.'

" So can you tell me more about your god, Priestess?"

She smiled, like accepting the challenge. And speak in a alluring voice.

" Can a human like you, handle it?" She look at his reaction and thought ' He didn't even react?' Her pride was broken and she became irritated.

' How can a priestess act like this?' as he thought to himself and replied to her. " I can handle it." He said so with a devilish smile.

The people around them, don't know what to say or even react. They stared at the two, and the people inside can't believe it.

Then she's the first to back off, as a priestess, she cannot let her people see this scene any longer.

" What's your name human?" She ask.

" Oh is the priestess interested in me? Well little angel, aren't you suppose to introduce yourself before asking someone's name?" He didn't back off, and continued to tease her.

She didn't let herself get affected by him.

" Well my name is Carla, Carla Taylor." As she introduced herself, she pointed at Raven as she speak slowly. " Your turn, H-U-M-A-N."

" You don't need to be so harsh Priestess." as he thought to himself ' This calling me Human thing is getting out of hand, aren't they humans before this?' and then replied as he slightly bowed his head, with his right arm at his chest, like a prince. " My name is Raven Syraight." He did it so elegantly, after practicing this conduct in the mirror, he finally got to used it.

She nodded her head, as she went straight to the point.

" Our God came to our evacuation area, no one can understand a word he was saying, all except for me. I became his medium, telling the people that we the Transformed Humans, are chosen by him."

He listened to her preaching about their so called god.

' Is he one of the gods that descended on earth like the Apocalypse Dragon?' He thought of this as she continued.

" He told us that this world doesn't need Humans like you, Our God told us that humans should be eradicated in this world. For this is gonna be a New World for us the Chosen People."

' So that was the deal, but why can't that god speak in human language like the Apocalypse Dragon? Is there a Hierarchy even amongst the Gods? Or is this just a scheme?'

" Now do you understand human? We are chosen to lead the new world, we are the Church of Revelation." She looked at me with a pair of triumphant eyes.

" Do you kill other ' Chosen Person '?" he ask her this.

" If they are sinners, Yes."

" So you killed other ' Chosen Person ' labeled as a sinner?"

" Yes." She answered unhesitatingly.

" Do you have a commandment, like the Ten Commandments of the Christian Bible?"

" Sadly Our God hasn't given us insight of the New Commandments for the New World."

" Then how would you know if a ' Chosen Person ' is a sinner. " She flinched again and then I saw it, her maid servant, a Fox Kin, also flinched. ' So that's their game.'

Raven smiled as he walked towards her, and whispered to her. " I won't tell them, I don't want to know your reason as to why. Just don't ever bother us again." He thought that would make her and her fanatics leave, but.

" How dare you?!" She suddenly shouted, as she smiled devilishly, only for him to see. " You dare spout nonsense at a priestess of the Church of Revelation?!" she continue her words. " Humans are full of Lust!!" She's riling up the fanatics. " Kill this man!!" As she shouted those words, she whispered to him. " Even if you tell them, they wouldn't believe you, and also the dead cannot speak."

' A true devilish little angel.'

My companions got a gist of the situation and was about to rush out the house. I raised my hand and told them to stop.

" Do you even know what my power is?!" I shouted at them, the fanatics stopped their movement and listened to him out of fear, even the priestess.

" I can kill all of you without even raising a finger."

' It was a lie. I know that even if my companions worked together, they cannot defeat this many people.' as he walked towards them, others can be seen stepping back. The part where fear can't be traced in his face added the effectiveness of the bluff.

' Even if they transformed to another species, people can't take away their fear, specially the fear of the unknown.' While the people is feeling fear, he felt this warmth feeling inside him. Something is definitely wringing inside of him.

' Is this mana?' as Black slime pouring out of him. ' What the f*ck is this?' The Fanatics including the priestess is getting more terrified of the scene unfolding before them. As he looked at their faces, he smiled and said

" So priestess, do you still wanna fight?"

As he walk forward, the fanatics are stepping backwards.

" Priestess are you afraid? I'm not a monster." He felt it, the mana is overflowing, the black slime is getting out of control and started to flow non stop is body. " Where is your God now Priestess?"

The Fanatics stared at their only hope, bright light appeared at the Head of the priestess. And an armoured Angel with Four Wings and a sword emerged before them.

" It's our God, he came to save us!"

" Kill the Demon!!"

' Aren't I supposed to be a Human, why did they call me a Demon.'

" How dare you hurt my Followers!" The Four winged Angel use Carla's voice to say those words as he pulled his sword and pointed at Raven. " You will have the same fate as the Black Dragon that destroyed these peoples homes, and killed their Families."

Raven was shocked, ' Is he that voice in the heavens? But why is the voice different? Can't he just talked instead of using a Medium? Aren't all of this just a scam?'

His companions inside broke his order and rushed out while avoiding the flowing slimes. When Raven saw them, he shouted to the Angel.

" Are you the one who defeated and killed the Black Dragon?"

" Yes I did."

' He's lying, that damn lizard wouldn't die by the likes of him.'

" What if I told you that it was alive?"

The Fanatics and Carla stopped their movements, even the Angel spirit atop Carla. As fear can be seen in everyone's faces, including my companions, they too witness the breath of the dragon that day.

' It's this feeling again, something is really inside him, wringing inside him.' he continued to speak.

" Do you still fear the Black Dragon?" Everyone became silent, no they were screaming and running away.

' Huh? Am I flying? Why are they getting smaller? Am I getting bigger?' He looked at his hands, but they aren't the hands a human should have. He knows whose hands this belonged to, Black scales and pitch black claws.

' Did I turn as the Apocalypse Dragon?'

| You've finally awaken your power |

Everything came to a halt as he heard the mysterious voice, time stopped, the running fanatics, my scared companions and the kneeling Carla, stopped at their place.