
The Emperor Book

They said conviction is key to success. I Venr Girold Voln shall fly. Earth has been at war with the Soulers for a century now. And each day they comes closer to driving humanity to extinction. I thought I was numb, I thought I was a cynic. But saved by a military ship I am shown the reason to fight and why I matter. join me on my journey. UPDATE THREE TIMES A WEAK. PLUS SPREE CHAPTERS. PLEASE LIKE, VOTE, AND FOLLOW ME.

Ensii99 · sci-fi
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17 Chs

The saga begins

Author's note; Hey guys don't worry about the chapters. Chapter length gets longer as you read. And please stay with me on this, I promise to update timely.

Prologue; The saga begins

There was a terrifying sound in the air as the Knight crafts fired at the aliens. The blue skinned enemies held their ground stubbornly. They were in the perimeter of the hospital and any shot from the suit of armors risks the biological weapon being released and killing everyone in the small planet at the east of the relays.

The Soulers were tall lanky things with light blue luminiscent skin like bulbs, and red orbs of eyes. They wore nothing, yet no sign of genitals could be seen. One shrieked a command in alien, which Venr did not speak, before they fired back at the humans in the sky, pulling back as they did inside the hospital, with the hostages in tow which Venr was among.

A few manned crafts tried to follow but the alien rifles fended them off. The aliens strewn the hostages about the lobby with fluid professionalism then relaxed as the Knights withdrew, opting to surround the building. Suddenly a Knight crashed into the hospital, concrete roof caving in from the force. It was a large one. Red with silver highlights, as big as a two storey building.

The Knight stood still for a moment, taking in the room. Venr noted it was impossible to decern its pilot's gender in the craft, then the knight fired back as the Soulers shot at them.

It was chaos.

Hostages were fleeing; aliens and Knights were exchanging fire as more knights stormed in; the first Knight was grappling with two Soulers in surprise as they suddenly lurged at them.

Venr realized he was injured as he tried to rise from the ground and flee. He looked down to see a laser rifle hole in his side. He grunted in a daze then soldiered on. But the young man suddenly toppled and fell not two steps after. His vision going dark.


Venr woke up in the hospital he realize. Only, the white walls seemed cleaner and the computer beeped more evenly paced than he remembered. He made to sit up when a voice stopped him. "I wouldn't do that mister Voln."

Venr turned to see one of those high tech robots you see on TV. A complete steel human body with small tires under its soles to move, bald metal head, and eyes glowing blue from the AI operating it.

"Where am I?" Venr asked in shock.

"Destroyer Wing f318" The AI said.

"A war ship?"

"Affirmative human. You sustained an injury in the latest raid. Tes brought you here for medical attention."


"The ranked sergeant." The AI turned around in a swift circle. "That reminds me, she said to inform her if you are up. Stay put in bed. The pills might have healed you but you still lost considerable strength." With that the robot went out of the room.

Venr only had to wait for less than ten minutes to hear heavy footsteps approaching. He turned to the door still lying on the bed to see a hardened woman in her mid thirties enter followed closely by the robot. She was bronze skinned, purple haired in a pony tail, and blue of eyes. Those eyes weighed him steadily and he managed to hold her gaze before she looked on at other things.

She was wearing a gray tank top, black cargo pants and black boots, most likely metal studded. A pistol rested on her hip casually.

"Hello Mr Voln," She said, "I am ranked sergeant Tesa Emily Glorymount, commander of earth__human vessel__ Destroyer Wing f318. You can call me sergeant Tes, how are you feeling?"

Venr blinked. "Surprised."

"To be expected." Sergeant Tes nodded. "Weak too I suspect. You took quiet the blow. A Source rifle that close..... It blew off all your left lung. I'd never seen anyone survive it."

"It's because of the ship's medic right?"

"No boy, you shouldn't have survived long enough to enter this vessel. I think you have the Talent."

"Talent? The ability to be a Knight? But I took the test back at school, I failed."

"How old were you then?"

"Eleven," Venr sighed depressingly.

The sergeant smiled faintly. "That's eight years now," she said. "My talent only showed when I was twenty two. Anyhow we'll find out once we take the test. You should concentrate on getting back your lost energy. Mikel bring him the food." she gestured and the robot moved forward.

"Right away ma'am," It said.

The food Mikel, the robot, kept on Venr's bed was strange, an orange colored meat, green buttery... butter? And white bread.

"It's space food," Sergeant Tes said at his reluctance.

"I know," Venr replied. Only he had never eating that. Well, here goes.

The saga begins....

Hey guys, vote and follow Ensii99 if you are on wattpad. Support me here too. Thank you for reading and for everything. Love you all.

Hey guys, this is a new saga called The Emperor Book. I promise to update regularly, so please stay with me. And if you like this story know that I am also on wattpad with other stories. Thank you.

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