


Michael's face instantly turned pale as he saw those black abyss-like eyes sweep lightly over him. For a second, it was as if he was thrust back into that night. He recalled it quite vividly, no matter how much he wanted to forget that night.

That image that he had seen through the peephole. One! Two! Fifteen times, he watched that silver blade stab through the body, red blood splashing on the childish face that watched with a chilling curiosity. The sound of the knife slicing human skin echoed in his ears and Michael could not control himself taking several steps back.

He wanted to run but he held himself back, he reached out to take out a potion bottle and downed it, letting the calm settle in his nerves.

"Xavier, you know Michael. Michael, Xavier." Zane introduced as he eyed the bottle in Michael's hand curiously. That scent was that purple chamomile.