
The Edge of the World


MrHOH · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Introduction

The Island of Lagosa, 3216th Year of the Manidis Celestial Calendar;

The Flavor of the world of Manidis, Lagosa,

Fireworks are being lit, Bonfires being started, dancing and various exciting activities are being executed that can only mean one thing. The Matalu Festival is in full force as Lagosans are celebrating the entrance into the new year, an ancient celebration that dates back to roughly 1005 years ago they celebrate the creation of their island by the Deity of Life "Zamathu" and the growth of culture on the Island with it being such an important moment in Lagosan history everyone is in a joyous mood.

Sat at a bonfire at the bank of the Island two best of friends are busy celebrating said festival, Indulging in laughter,dancing away the night, regaling their tales of adventure on Lagosa and indulging in GOOD FRUIT...


"Cut it Out Ari, Y'know i hate the narrator shtick and I'm making sense"

Name: Mekai Landry

Age: 17

Height: 5'10

Nationality: Talagosan

Skin Color: Lightskin

Attitude: Ambitious, Goal Driven, Adventurous

" Mekai dude, Its Matalu can we not talk about it anymore c'mon lets just have some fun"

Ari Dandrane

Age: 17

Height: 5'3

Nationality: Talagosan

Skin Color: Black

Attitude: Mischievous, Unambitious, Lazy, Rude

"Ari, i know but don't you ever get tired of being in the same scenery for the rest of your life? I wanna explore the world man i can't keep wasting away here I'm not getting younger for Zamathu's sake"

"Mekai, You're Seventeen"

"Exactly Ari , Nothing happens here i feel old"

"That's not true Lagosa is plenty exciting, Don't you remember the caper of Mama Sinoa's missing lettuce just last week? I know you had a blast acting like detectives and when we found out it was her neighbor Paton Ry all along, That was such amazing an amazing plot twist"

"-that was kinda fun I guess-," (-'- means that the person speaking is talking under their breath).

"See you agree so lets stop all this Lagosa is boring and i need a change of scenery talk, C'mon lets go tip some Cattlebees that's exciting right?"

"That's exactly what I'm talking about, If your idea of an exciting activity is tipping Cattlebees and finding vegetables for Senior Citizens then they're plenty of places more exciting than Lagosa"

Both Friends had been involved in an argument all night. Mekai had insisted that Lagosa had got to boring for his liking while Ari try's to convince him that plenty fun is still to be had on the Island. At this point Tensions had gotten high, Ari running out of Valid points to sway Mekai would still try to convince him

"Mekai, C'mon what are you saying? What more out there can be better than this here island. We got Fruit, We got wildlife, We got wonderful people, uh... The atmosphere is amazing, Did i mention the Fruit THE FRUIT IS SO GOOD!"

"Yes, you did mention the fruit but can't you think of more exhilarating things to do and see? If you look closely at it Lagosa is pretty average and I know you love this place but like for once try to think outside Lagosa."

Mekai while being incredibly ambitious and hard to please with his standards of exciting was still correct, Lagosa has been a place devoid of conflict for Several Decades as the Continent of Zatan has designated it as a Resort and Tourist Attraction meant to relax and cool off, This has lead to good things as the crime rate and conflict to be low on the Island

"Humph, What's appealing and exciting to you then Mr. Exhilarating?"

"Ari, I wanna travel the world, I wanna face danger in the face head on, I wanna be a Thrill-seeker Ari, I wanna be an Adventurer just like Maximus Stone"

Mekai's eyes wondering off to the Lagosan Sea as they sparkled in tandem with the Night sky lighting up the Ocean. Ari was perplexed though what is an Adventurer and what is a Maximus Stone

"Maximus Stone? Who the blum is that?"

"You don't know Maximus Stone? The pride of Axial City,The Jewel of the Zatan, The Greatest of Adventurers!"

Ari looked at Mekai with a face that couldn't care less but her interest had been peaked so she was still gonna entertain his fanboy behavior.

"Hmm, I think I've heard about him... Oh yeah, I saw him on the news my Dad was watching he had a lot of guards surrounding him and honestly he looked pitiful, like he was dead inside."

Mekai's mood immediately dropped, It was not at Ari's statement of Maximus being pitiful, but the reason as to why Maximus had been in relegated to such a state,

"Well yeah, that happened to him after he went to the Null Plains"

"Null Plains?"

"Ari, you really don't know about anything outside Lagosa don't you?"

"Nope, I love it here now what is the Null Plains?"

"No, I don't like talking about it"

She titled her head in curiosity like a catin when it's seen something shiny, Ari a very stubborn girl one could describe her as a Little Gremlin had been intrigued by Mekai's fear of the Null Plains. She started pushing and nagging him to tell her about it

"Come on Mekai, you're so obsessed with things outside Lagosa and wanting me to think outside this place and the one time i care about the world outside you don't wanna tell me?"

Mekai's eyes lit up, His shortsighted friend who never thought about the future outside Lagosa willingly wanted him to tell her about the world outside. He couldn't believe his eyes he was wondering, Is this real? Finally? Can I convince her to leave this place?

"FINALLY." He jumped up and screamed but immediately sat back down when he noticed Ari was looking at him

"Huh?" Ari said with a perplexed look in her face wondering why he had acted like that.

Mekai honestly couldn't help it he finally had the chance to make her interested in the world and he wasn't letting this opportunity pass.

"Uh... nothing just listen. In the world of Manidis there are 6 Continents that are present, Five that are known and One that is unknown. Zatan, Migar, Altum, Taron and Labo these are the 5 known continents, Lagosa, Axial City and Randeria just so happen to be in Zatan where we reside and the Unknown one? That's the Null plains or as i like to call it THE EDGE."

This is primarily gonna be an adventure focused on world discovery but that doesn't mean there's no combat. These early chapters are gonna be heavy on fleshing out characters and the world of Zatan.

Vocabulary Brief

Cattlebees are Cows

Catin's are cats

What the blum means What the hell

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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