
Exploring the Ruins

While looting the Lair they find a vial with black blood and Vincent could feel power coming from it as he says, "What could be inside it?"

"We won't know until you break it," says Serana as Vincent then breaks the vial and an undead in battle armor holding a sword and shield appears.

The undead then attacks them when Serana used ice spikes against it to slow it down finding out that it didn't work. Vincent used his Fire Breathe to make the undead catch fire.

That worked as the undead began to stumble backward when Anra uses Restoration Magic to create a shield that would protect everyone. The undead tried to pull someone to his side only to find out that the shield was preventing him from doing so.

Vincent with his spear rushes at the undead and kills it with Serana's help before saying, "Now I like Draugrs more. They are far easier to kill."

"Wow, you defeated a Revenant," says Solona excited seeing how easy they handled it as she continues, "Normally you would need at least ten to twenty trained Templars to fight one and even then it is granted that they will really win."

"Well, that's because they never fought a Draugr Deathlord before. They can be quite tricky because they can use the Thu'um like me," says Vincent as he found something on the Revenant and began to loot him taking the shield, sword, and armor as well as storing the corpse to send it back for research.

They continue walking through the ruins when Solona asks, "What was the Magic you used against the Revenant?"

"That was the Thu'um. Also known as the Old Tongue. You could call it Dragon Language if you want to since normally only Dragons are capable to use it since birth," says Vincent as they advance through the ruins he explained that Dragons aren't mindless beast as they think when he says, "It reminds me a bit of your rescue from the crypt you were imprisoned by your mother."

"Imprisoned?" asks Theron as Vincent suddenly finds a Dragon that looked like one from his World but didn't have the intelligence that a Dragon should have.

"A long story. How about you tell me what that Lizard is?" asks Vincent confusing Solona and Theron.

"That is a Dragon. Didn't you talk that you meet Dragons before," says Theron as Vincent facepalms and walked over to the said Dragon while trying to talk to it only to get attacked.

He jumped over the breath of the Dragon and pierced its head as nothing happened around the Dragon making Vincent suspicious. He puts the Dragon also in his bag when Serana says, "Strange."

"What do you mean?" asks Solona as Serana shakes her head.

"It's nothing just that normally something would have happened," says Serana as they stored the treasures away.

They continue going down as they find the ghost of a child it was scared and talked in a language that even Theron couldn't understand.

This brought Vincent some bad memories to Morthal as his aura calmed the ghost down in front of them.

The boy didn't run away but guided them even if they couldn't understand each other Vincent knew at least the meaning of one word and that was Mami that the boy was repeating in his panic.

They fought against spiders as they continued forward on their way when they arrived at a room and the boy was suddenly scared as Vincent put himself in front of the boy when the undead began to rise around them.

Anra used Restoration Magic again creating a shield while also being surrounded by Light. The Undead hit against the barrier and Vincent and the others killed them easily off as the boy felt secure around them.

Vincent gestures to the boy to wait for a second as they went into the two side room of the room they were in before continuing on their way through the main corridor.

They find an old Mer armor that could pass as Bosmer armor and take them as well as some Runes that were laying around.

Then they continue and arrive at a crossroad and the boy wanted to go left. Vincent followed the boy as they arrived at a door and the boy showed them how to do the puzzle to open the door.

"This could be a trap," says Serana seriously.

"I know but if it helps the boy to find finally rest I will enter it and defeat what awaits us. Most likely it will be more Skeletons," says Vincent as he performed the ritual and the doors opened.

They enter as nothing happens while the boy was walking in front leading them up as another ghost was in the room a woman.

She picked the boy up and give a slight bow as both slowly vanish while a mechanism sounded and the coffin in front of them opened.

Inside the coffin was an armor that was shining as if it was new. Vincent takes a look at it and says, "If Hroar would still be alive he would have liked this armor."

"He would," says Anra as Hroar used to wear heavy armor.

"Who is Hroar?" asks Solona now curious.

"He was Vincent's son. He died at least 130 years ago," says Serana as she was sad remember seeing her son die once again in front of her eyes.

"Sorry that I asked," says Solona as she gave her condolence.

"That happened years ago. People die after all. Almost all my children are under the ground now," says Vincent as he wasn't sad but relieved that they have found peace while he still needed to roam the world of the mortals.

After storing the armor away they prayed for a bit so both mother and child could rest in peace before continuing going the other way.

They find an almost destroyed library and an altar. Vincent finds broken vials stored away as he finds one still intact he touched it and hears a voice talking to him in a language he didn't really understand.

He is shown someone's past as he finds a new way to harness magic from the vial. He was in trance while Serana and the others were defending him from the undead that were trying to storm the room.

After learning how to create a blade with Magicka without having to summon it out of Oblivion. Vincent was out of the trance as he sees the others waiting for him surrounded by skeletons.

"It seems it hold me longer than expected. I should set him free for comparting his secrets with me," says Vincent as he walked to the Altar and freed the Mer hearing a thank you after doing so.

"What did it show you?" asks Anra curious.

"It showed me how Arcane Warriors are made. I learned the basic from Julianos but thank to the Mer trapped inside the vial I found a better way," says Vincent as he walked past them with a smile.

"We continue?" asks Serana as Vincent nods.

"Yes, from the memories I know that there are only two more rooms to explore one is full of traps that we can evade since I know their location and the other was quite interesting," says Vincent.

"I hope so because I'm exhausted from all this fighting," says Solona as the three veterans laugh at her.

"We will need to train your stamina if you want to enter the Empire, girl. Mages aren't that weak. I meet a mage once that rushed at me wielding a battleax," says Vincent with a smile.

"That's because you are all monsters," says Solona defending herself and her colleagues.

"That hurt," says Serana sarcastic with a smile as they continued while saying, "We should make it fast or Behemoth might try to brute force his way in."

"There you are right. He hates it not to be by my side," says Vincent as they began to walk at a faster pace.

They encounter another vial in a storeroom and they fought another Revenant before continuing into the room full of traps that Vincent deactivated by throwing his spear against the wall across the room hitting a mechanism.

Sounds could be heard as he put one foot forward and nothing happens, "We are safe it seems. Let's continue then."

They walked through the room and Vincent picked up his spear when Solona asks, "Does everyone in Tamriel have armor like yours?"

"You could say yes. My design of armor comes from the Dragoons we have in the Legion. You would call them Dragon Knights," says Vincent as Solona and Theron were curious now.

"Dragon Knights. Do they ride Dragons?" asks Theron wanting to know.

"Not every Dragoon rides a Dragon. The Dragon needs to accept you as your equal and they have to learn how to talk in the Thu'um to communicate with their Dragon. There are only four Dragoons that ride a Dragon. Most still ride Chocobos as I do," says Vincent as they continued when Vincent felt corruption coming from downstairs.

"Something wrong?" asks Anra seeing Vincent stop.

"Yes, something that shouldn't be here is here. It might be because I'm more sensitive to corruption than you two that I feel it already," says Vincent as they continued cautiously arriving at the last room of the ruin finding a corrupted being flying in the middle of the room.

"That's an Arcane Horror. Why is it here?" says Solona recognizing it immediately as the others prepared to fight it.

"We just have to kill it before it finds out we are here," says Vincent as he gave a little pray to Stendarr as his body was surrounded by light before storming into the battle while Serana kept her distance from him with Anra supporting from the distance keeping both Novices safe.

Vincent jumps at the Arcane Horror not giving it time to react as it began to get burnt by the light Vincent was radiating. The fight was over fast as Vincent couldn't store it's corpse away since it was ashes.

They looted what was valuable and left the rest while Vincent stored the Globus away that was in the room. Then they began their march back towards the entrance of the ruin.

Once there they see that the sun was down and Vincent says, "We should camp here tonight. It's better than sleeping outside since we have a roof over our heads."

"Yes, please finally some rest," says Solona exhausted from today as Vincent started a fire with magic before petting Behemoth and making sure that the other two Chocobos were alright.

He gave them vegetables to eat before preparing some meat for the group with Anra before going to sleep.

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts