
The Lady of the Forest

Vincent still awake when the sun rises and sees Anra coming out of the tent. She walks over and leans against him and asks, "Who is the girl that is sleeping in the tent and why is Theron sleeping on the ground?"

"The girl is a mage that escaped the Circle it seems. Anora hasn't told us everything about how mages are treated it seems. Maybe out of fear that we would attack them if we knew but anyway her name is Solona Amell and Theron was spying on us last night so I scared him a bit," says Vincent with a smile.

"*sighs* You never get older, do you," says Anra as her head was against Vincent's shoulder.

"I try but you know that I love to brute force things. Now yesterday we got more intel from Hrotti saying that she might have found the Mer we are looking for," says Vincent as Anra looked serious at him.

"Is it really him. If yes we only need to send Hermaeus after him," says Anra as Vincent shakes his head.

"No first we need to find him. Hermaeus would get too much attention if he were to appear around here. After getting him I will enter Apocrypha with said Mer to find out how we can dissolve the veil. We won't be able to save the Fallen Ones of the Spirit Race but at least some we should be able to safe," says Vincent as he sees the sad face of Anra.

"It reminds me of the Falmers and the Fallen Ones on our continent. We still are trying to communicate but what the Dwemers did to the Falmers back then is unforgivable. And so is said action of that Mer dooming a whole race," says Anra as her sadness turned to fury.

But the moment Vincent's head touched her hair she calmed down again as Vincent was petting her.

Serana woke up as she found an unknown woman lying beside her as she comes out and says, "I didn't bring her into the tent last night to eat right?"

Vincent tells Serana about Solona and why Theron was with them when Serana asks, "Should we silence him forever?"

"Leave the boy be," says Vincent as he was rather calm about it.

"Anyway I should give you your meal right," says Vincent as he showed Serana his neck as she bites into it to drink blood from Vincent so she would be full of energy.

She let's go of Vincent and kisses him before saying, "Tasty as always."

"Well, Dragon Blood seems to be the best for Vampires. Lucia likes to drink it too," says Vincent as the holes around his neck closed with Anra using healing magic.

Theron woke up in surprise that he was still alive when he sees all three looking at him when Anra says, "You should have stayed with your sister. Now she must be worried sick about you."

"Or do you want to meet one of your so-called gods?" asks Vincent as the atmosphere wasn't as hard as yesterday for Theron.

"I might as well try to find out be if what you told us is the truth," says Theron after overthinking the opportunity to meet a real god of his pantheon.

"Good but first we will have to help the Werewolves in this forest. They are at least half a days march from here," says Vincent as they were ready to leave.

He carries Solona and puts her on Behemoth as he mounts him. He then looks at Theron and asks, "Where is your Halla?"

"With the clan. I didn't think I would be traveling with you today," says Theron as Vincent sighs and helps Theron up onto Behemoth.

"Look after the girl. She hadn't slept much since she escaped the circle," says Vincent as they begin to move again.

They traveled for a while eating some dried meat as they arrived at some ruins. Vincent could imagine how it must have looked back in the days how Akatosh showed it to him on the Flying Argonian.

"You can feel that Magic resided her once and still is," says Vincent as Theron was surprised to hear that.

"What do you mean?" asks Theron confused.

"Thedas was once like Tamriel. Magic was everywhere and in everyone until the Veil appeared and broke the connection between both. Slowly Magic faded and fewer Mages appeared on Thedas. You can still feel Magic it's weak but still there," says Vincent as Serana and Anra could feel it too.

Suddenly a Werewolf appeared in front of them and says, "You must be the guest we were awaiting. My name is Gatekeeper. The Lady of the Forest is waiting for you."

Theron was surprised to see a Werewolf talking normally when Vincent and the others dismounted their Chocobos. They guided the Chocobos as they followed the Werewolf into the lair.

They could feel eyes staring at them when Vincent says, "You should know that if this is a trap you will regret it."

"They are just worried that you have other intentions since you aren't a Werewolf like the woman that announced your coming. We were quite surprised that she could turn into a Werewolf easily and turn back into a human," says Gatekeeper as they entered the ruins.

Solona was still sleeping while Theron was quite nervous entering the Lair of the Werewolf.

"You should have seen her grandmother. She was quite a woman that loved a good hunt. I hope she made it to Sovngarde after breaking her curse," says Vincent as he heard stories of Sovngarde before.

"So it runs in her family?" asks Gatekeeper as the three nod their heads in agreement.

"Yes, but it's because a certain group made a deal with witches in the past cursing one man to become a werewolf. He infected his most trusted companions and build a circle that is now held like a tradition by said group infecting the inner circle. They can control their transformation and turn back into a human when they want too," says Vincent as he continues to explain that it must be the veil that is blocking them to return to their human form.

"So you think we could turn back to human without acting revenge on the one that cursed us centuries ago," says Gatekeeper as they arrived at the lair.

"That's why I'm here to find out. We will have to talk to someone and I will have to hunt a fresh sacrifice for it to work that's why I have the biggest deer I could find with me," says Vincent as he touched his bag.

They arrived at the center and they find a woman that had almost nothing covered as ranks grew up from legs and arms. Vincent didn't have anything against that he saw his fair share of naked women already while Theron was more honest in his reaction running red.

"You must be the guests Hrotti mentioned before she left. I'm the Lady of the Forest or at least that's how the werewolves named me," says the spirit as she gave a little bow to them.

"Did she tell you who I am?" asks Vincent as he sees her bow to him.

"No, but if you can help them then isn't it normal for me to show gratitude," says the spirit as Vincent walks over.

"Well, I want you all not to be scared of what will happen in the next few moments. I can't promise you that I can cure you but at least try to help you to regain your human body," says Vincent as he takes the freshly killed deer out of his bag.

He makes a circle with the blood of the deer while presenting the heart in a bowl while saying, "I'm presenting you a good hunt Hircine."

Then Hircine appeared in front of then all scaring everyone that wasn't familiar with who Hircine was as Hircine says, "It's a small prey but I will accept it."

Hircine was wearing a skull with horns on it as he looked around and suddenly smelled the werewolves and says, "It seems that the Cursed Land produced Werewolves too. But they aren't under my blessing."

"That's what I thought," says Vincent as Hircine walked towards the Lady of the Forest.

"I don't remember sending someone here to curse people to become Werewolves. Who are you?" says Hircine as suddenly a spear appeared in his hand and pointed it towards her.

"I was summoned and bounded to a wolf until I finally was able to control my mind and body," says the spirit when Hircine put his spear down.

"I like her," says Hircine as he walks over towards her and says, "How about a deal? You follow me to the Hunting Ground and they will be blessed by me. They will retake their former form but will still be able to transform when they want to."

"What will she be doing in the Hunting Ground," asks Vincent as Hircine smiled.

"She will be one of my hunting dogs like every Werewolf under my blessing," says Hircine as he then looked at the spirit and asks, "Do we have a deal?"

"Deal," says the spirit as Hircine liked her now even more.

"You have giving me a nice sacrifice and a new hunting dog. They shall receive my blessing," says Hircine as he hits his spear against the ground and the werewolves turned to men and some even into mer.

Hircine then puts his hand on the spirit and both disappear from the ruins as the people who transformed back were celebrating that the curse was lifted when Vincent stopped their parade.

"You are still cursed," says Vincent as he dropped the bomb making everyone stop celebrating.

They looked at him confused when he says, "What I want to say is 'Yes, you are back to your original form.' but 'No, you can still turn into a werewolf.' It's quite hard to control yourself on full moons as well as blood moons. Try to stay at home and not get shined by the moon when those moons are going to appear in the sky."

After explaining to them how to control their inner beast they finally leave as Vincent says, "I thought you were a Mage and not a spy."

"I'm sorry," says Solona as she was awake since they entered the Ruins when Vincent pets her head.

"Well, it can't be helped you must have thought that Hircine was a demon that's why you didn't try to make a noise," says Vincent as he then looked at all the treasures the people left behind.

"Time to loot it seems," says Serana as she knew the look on Vincent's face and they began to loot the lair of their treasure.

Hope you like it.

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