
Calling Aid from an Old Friend

Titania was done with creating a plan with EDI and Tristan as she walks towards the group. She opens her Omni-tool and projects the next passage they will need to pass.

"There are two corridors which lead to this room," says Titania pointing to a room that connected the two corridors before leading to where the tubes take the human paste.

"There is this path barely guarded by Collectors but those little pests are in that room and they will try to turn us into that human paste to stop us," says Titania informing them.

"What about the other path?" asks Garrus as he didn't like to go that room if there was a second option.

"The second one is far longer and highly guarded by the Collectors going by EDI's scan. Also, we have another problem," says Titania as the group didn't like that at all.

"Let me guess, the door doesn't open from outside but only from the inside, am I right?" asks Vincent already knowing that it had to be the catch since it was far too simple to use the second path.

"That is right," says Titania highlighting the door.

"The group going through the first corridor will need to open the door for the others," says Titania as she shows the way when Vincent sighs.

"Right now I would like to ask GOD for a favor," says Vincent as Titania and the other humans in the group were surprised and confused.

"God? You believe that our God exists?" asks Titania confused as Vincent now looked confused before for realizing his mistake.

"I didn't mean God. I meant Gaunter O'Dimm, a powerful person I call my friend," says Vincent resolving the first confusion but the second followed right away.

"I never heard of Gaunter O'Dimm. Who is he?" asks Ikora curiously as Vincent turned serious.

"It is better for everyone here to not know it and if he asks to make a deal with you reject it. You should rather ask for a simple favor for another favor if you are intelligent enough," says Vincent warning them.

He knew O'Dimm far too well. He could appear out of nowhere just with him mentioning him when he looked at his reflection in Garrus's helmet seeing a dark shadow.

"Does anyone of you have a mirror in their possession at the moment?" asks Vincent knowing the shadow he was seeing far too well.

"A mirror?" asks everyone confused when Vincent looks at Tali knowing that she had to have one since she always looked at her own face once in the while like every other Quarian that was stuck in their suit before.

"Why are you looking at me?" asks Tali nervous since she didn't want to look like a narcissist.

"Tali, this is important," says Vincent seriously as Tali took out her pocket case which has a mirror and Vincent opens it before a bald man came out of it.

"It has been long, old friend. I heard you talking about me," says O'Dimm looking around finding himself in some sort of corrupted place which was even scarier than his own trial ground.

"How can there be an even more corrupt place than the one I have in my dimension?" asks O'Dimm as he notices the others looking at him surprised.

"You should have seen the Leviathan before I blew it up. You could call it thrice as disturbing as this place," says Vincent hinting at how corrupted the Leviathan was.

"Now then you wouldn't mention my name if you didn't have some trouble that you can't solve on your own. Do you want to make a deal?" asks O'Dimm joking about it.

"Big chance, old pal, but no. A favor for a favor. You help me get past a mortal trap using your time magic and I help you with one of your troublemakers," says Vincent as the group was looking confused.

"We can do that. You did quite a good job the last time with Olgierd and I usually don't look into the mouth of a gifted horse," says O'Dimm agreeing easily knowing that Vincent would hold his word.

"Good," says Vincent as he turns to Titania and says, "I and Gaunter will take the deathtrap corridor and you all use the other one. I will await you at the other side with the door opened."

Vincent wanted to leave when he stopped and turns to Tali before saying, "I will give you the mirror back once we are done Tali."

"You sure that you two will be enough for that room?" asks Titania worried as O'Dimm looks at her confused.

"Actual worries on her face. I expected more from a woman that returned from the Land of Death. But don't worry, I and Vincent over here have gone through worse," says O'Dimm as he puts his hand on Vincent's shoulder.

"We should get moving since I don't have all day. Geralt is helping me with one of those troublemakers at the moment while we are speaking," says O'Dimm as Vincent sighs.

"What happened for him to help you?" asks Vincent since Geralt wouldn't help him if nothing serious happened in Kaer Morhen.

"It is nothing of what you are thinking about," says O'Dimm as they began to walk towards where the entrance to the deathtrap was.

Titania led the troop towards the entrance of the second path while Vincent and O'Dimm were talking as O'Dimm says, "I had to help him escape a ship after he killed a prince that was cursed into a toad. It happened around the same time you were dealing with Olgierd."

"And you just asked him to return the favor now," says Vincent a bit surprised as O'Dimm nods.

"Yes, it is quite tiring to deal with some people that resist the contract they have accepted," says O'Dimm as Vincent sighs.

"Let me ask, some noble which couldn't accept the consequences of said contract," says Vincent guessing wildly.

"Correct, he got what he wanted but wasn't specific enough. Have you visited your old friend in the picture?" asks O'Dimm curiously as Vincent nods.

"The last time was before I went on vacation with my wives. The trip was cut short by duty in the end," says Vincent as O'Dimm smiles at him.

"I heard the vacation was interrupted before you even arrived at your destination," says O'Dimm as Vincent began to laugh out loud.

"Informed as always," says Vincent as they were standing in front of the door leading into the deathtrap.

"I can feel a lot of movement behind that door," says O'Dimm seriously.

"If I remember correctly you can stop time," says Vincent as O'Dimm smiles.

"Why haven't you just asked your father or wife to help you. You could even do it yourself. Aren't you an expert in it after Ciri taught you?" asks O'Dimm as Vincent smiles touching the door.

"I just wanted to meet an old friend even if I had to ask for a favor," says Vincent a bit melancholic as O'Dimm turned seriously.

"Now don't get melancholic with me it won't work even after going through a life and death experience," says O'Dimm seriously as he looked at Vincent before a smile appeared on his face.

"But I will make an exception for today since it isn't every day that you tell me the truth about something," says O'Dimm as Vincent looks at him while he began to gather chaos between his hands.

"Ready?" asks Vincent as O'Dimm nods before the door opens and they come face to face with the threat when O'Dimm claps his hand making everything stop in place.

"The last time I had to stop this many things was when I helped your troops win the civil war between the Vampires," says O'Dimm as it was bad business for him if the other side would have won.

"Glad to hear that," says Vincent as they began to walk quite fast through the corridor which they could see the exit just across from the platform they were standing on.

They arrived at the other side and the door was already open and they see Collectors trying to enter the room but they were frozen in time.

"Allow me," says O'Dimm as he pulled out a wooden spoon and pressed it through the heads of the Collectors while Vincent activated the door to close itself again.

O'Dimm then claps twice and time began to move again as the door closes and the Collectors fell over dead.

"Effective as always," says Vincent as O'Dimm laughs.

"I wouldn't be able to handle my contracts if I wasn't effective, wouldn't I," says O'Dimm as Vincent puts his hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you for coming to my aid," says Vincent as he looked relieved that he still could call O'Dimm his friend.

"Well, we are friends after all. But don't let it become a common occurrence or I will believe that you have become weak from just sitting around for too long," says O'Dimm as Vincent pointed the mirror at him.

"How about something cold when we meet the next time," says O'Dimm as Vincent smiles.

"I have something in mind that you would like to drink," says Vincent as O'Dimm enter the mirror and leaves to deal with his troublemaker.

Vincent then closes the mirror and walks over towards the door that should open the way for the other group.

He opens the door and everything was still too quiet as he finds Collectors behind the door instead of the group when he grabs the air and he began to radiate Sol Energy as golden hammers appear in his hands.

"I should have waited for a bit longer," says Vincent with a smile as he begins to wreak havoc by throwing the golden hammers before new ones appear in them.

See Jorey jumped out of Vincent's armor and ran around the ground before he pulled his sword out. He began to swing his sword and his body began to radiate a golden aura before he swings his blade making giant swords appear out of the air which rushed towards the ground targeting a group of Collectors who ignored him.

He killed them all before he swings his sword again at another group when three giant swords kill them. Now Ser Jorey had their attention but it was too late as he swung for the last time summoning more giant swords with one even bigger than the rest over another group that Vincent hasn't attacked yet.

Vincent looked around and sees no Collector standing any longer as he dissolves the hammers and looks at his little friend while saying, "It seems we have some time to train you a bit in the other jobs until the others arrive."

Ser Jorey looked at him as if asking for some praise for what he accomplished and Vincent only smiles at the little guy before petting the little fellow and saying, "You did well."

Hope you like it.

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