
A little help from the Family

Vincent was training Ser Jorey in the Art of Magic at the moment when they hear noises coming from further inside of the second corridor.

"Vincent, can you hear me?" hears Vincent in his right ear.

"I can hear you clearly, Commander," says Vincent as he looked at Ser Jorey who was in his Black Mage-set.

"We are almost there and the enemy is on our tail," says Titania as she fires her gun at the enemy.

"The door is already open and the way is cleared. I and Ser Jorey took care of the Collectors on our end," says Vincent as he summoned his spear while Ser Jorey changed into his Paladin-set.

Ser Jorey climbed Vincent's armor up as he was standing on Vincent's shoulder. Vincent walked towards the open door as he looked into the distance finding the group approaching them rapidly when Vincent changes his armor into completely black clothes similar to the one Ser Jorey was using a moment ago.

To be precise is the Sorcerer's-set and the staff he is holding at the moment is the Stardust Rod Nexus which was a bright aura around the focus stone while the staff gave off a violet aura.

Vincent began to chant a spell as he looked at the group before releasing the spell while saying, "Flare!"

A giant ball of energy formed behind the group before it exploded killing the Collectors chasing them. Vincent was then covered in a blue aura before he began to cast Blizzaga on the enemy to hold them back.

The group passed through the door and Vincent followed them. Tali got onto the console and closed the door immediately as the group looked at Vincent surprised since he was in robes and not in armor.

"Never seen a man in robes?" asks Vincent the group joking about it.

"We should rest for a while to recuperate our strength before advancing further," says Vincent suggesting a small break while giving Tali her mirror back.

Tali looked at her little mirror before asking, "And it is free of that man spying on me in the future?"

"I can't guarantee that. But I hope you take my advice to heart and don't do something stupid like striking a deal with him," says Vincent as he sits down and rests his head against his staff.

He was feeling uneasy the higher they got as if a great danger loomed at the end of the path. He looked at his companions as they were checking how many thermo-clips remained in their possession.

Titania was trying to motivate everyone by giving a speech that even she couldn't believe herself going by her expression.

The situation wasn't good at all going by the expression everyone was having when Liara sits down beside him.

"It seems we all entered our grave this time," says Liara quietly seeing the situation they were in.

"At least Provus and Ishly aren't around to follow us," says Liara happy about that as the situation was hopeless.

"Hopeless situations are my forte," says Vincent with confidence in his voice.

"Even this one?" asks Ikora who joined them.

"Even this one," says Vincent as he stands back up and his clothes changed into his Dragoon-set again with his staff becoming a spear.

"We can't just give up just because we are surrounded by the enemy. We all knew the risk when we joined the crew and we are about to finish the said mission," says Vincent as he kneels down.

"I need some help from you, my friends and family," says Vincent hoping they will hear his call but nothing happened.

"It seems, we are on our own right now," says Vincent seriously as he sighs standing up again.

He looked at the ceiling when Titania says, "I know that you all are tired but this is our last stance. We only need to push one more time and we can call ourselves victorious even in death."

"I know that you didn't believe one word I said before but let me say this. If we die today then it will be a glorious death against an enemy no one else wanted to face," says Titania not trying to lie to her crew now since those could be her last words to them.

"We fought bravely and reached almost the end but only four of you will be joining me in the last banquet with the Collectors while the rest will be covering our backs. Thane, Grunt, Jack, and Ikora. You will be joining me," says Titania seriously as they could see her determination and confidence again.

It lifted the mood of everyone as Titania turns to Vincent and says, "Vincent, you will be leading this group. Try to get everyone out alive."

"I will try my best," says Vincent as he takes Ikora in his arms for one last time since they didn't know about the future.

Titania seemed to do the same with Kaidan and Tristan before she and her group left to destroy the Collector Base.

Vincent looked around the room trying to organize the people behind cover while spacing them out since they would make their last stand there.

They could hear that the enemy was trying to break open the door and Vincent felt quite exhausted as he was sitting and eating some rations when he asks, "How much Medi-gel do we still have?"

"We have a little bit left since I had to share our rations with Titania. We can at least treat for people with the remaining Medi-gel," says Liara seriously as Vincent was thinking.

"You will only use it on people that need immediate medical attention," says Vincent seriously as he looked at the group.

"If we get overrun I will open a portal towards the Normandy. I want everyone that can still run grab the person beside them and run through it. This is a losing battle but we only have to fight it until Titania gives us the signal to retreat," says Vincent seriously as he didn't want to lose anyone of them.

They hear everything become quiet behind the door and Vincent says, "Everyone in position, we have a job to do."

They waited for the enemy when the door opens and a group of Collectors stormed the room. The group began to open fire upon the Collectors as they were fired at.

The Collectors were falling as they didn't have cover, but for every Collector they killed, four more took their place. Their Cover was slowly getting reduced from the Collectors' attack as they soon got their first injured person which was Kasumi.

She was slightly strife by a bullet on her left arm. Vincent was throwing his spears at the enemy before he grabs Ser Jorey.

"Show me what you have learned," says Vincent to the hamster before throwing him towards Kasumi.

Ser Jorey changed from Paladin into White Mage as he looked like a little white flag as he flew towards Kasumi.

Ser Jorey landed on Kasumi's lap and began to use Cure on her which healed the flesh wound before across the room another one of their comrades got injured badly this time.

It was Zaeed who was getting help from Samara who was pressing her hand against the hole in his chest while Liara ran over towards their position while the others were covering her advance.

Once beside Samara and Zaeed, she put some Medi-gel on Zaeed's wound trying to treat the old mercenary as Samara began to shoot at the enemy again.

They were getting overwhelmed and Vlad came out of Vincent's shadow to help them but it was like they were a rock trying to hold a river back when more of their comrades get injured.

"We need to get them all out," says Vincent to Tristan who was beside him.

Tristan communicates with Joker before he says, "The Normandy is still where we left it."

"Good, tell Joker to stay put and send Dr. Chakwas with help to the Cargo Bay," says Vincent as he rushed over towards Zaeed's side and opened a portal towards the Normandy.

He throws the stubborn Merc inside the portal before closing it when he returns to his position and tells everyone to retreat slowly to his position to evacuate them.

At that moment something strange happened as black daggers shoot out of the shadows of the Collectors surprising the group as a woman manifested out of the shadows.

She was followed by a pillar of light that came through the ceiling burning its way through making another woman who seemed to wear an armor made out of light holding a sword that seemed to radiate light from it. She had an expression that showed displeasure towards the Collectors

"Meridia and Nocturnal," says Vincent seeing them when suddenly he hears a familiar chuckle from beside him.

He turns around and sees Sheogorath standing there holding the Wabbajack in his hands while saying, "I will return this after we are done or maybe I will keep it and give it to someone more capable of wielding it."

"It is nice to see you, Sheogorath," says Vincent as Sheogorath was surprised that Vincent said that.

"And I thought I was the Mad God," says Sheogorath as he turns to the other two and waves at them while they ignored the Mad God.

Soon Moonlight came through the hole created by the pillar of light as Azura appears alone when she sees Vincent and the others. She was wearing an Azure Armor resembling Meridia's Armor of Light.

"It takes time to find this place. You should have called earlier," says Azura as a woman holding the Ebony Blade appears followed by a woman that was holding two daggers and the Ebony Mail.

Soon after them came a woman that just used her teeth to rip apart her enemies eating the chunks she took out of them when a man with the head of a deer and its antlers appeared holding a bow and arrow as he aims at his enemy before releasing the arrow which seemed to split into many more arrows the longer it traveled.

A portal opened and a red-skinned demon with six arms holding a different weapon in each hand attacked the Collectors before an Orc holding a hammer that was glowing green followed him.

Soon after Vaermina and Peryite joined the fight as Peryite only waves his arms making the Collectors decompose slowly under his new experiment while Vaermina put them to sleep before tormenting their dreams with nightmares.

Soon after a giant dog followed by a man wearing a peculiar mask with giant horns appeared with another man with black skin who was holding a mug full of beer in one hand and a flowering staff in the other.

They were helping when suddenly a Dragon came through a portal dragging a floating mask with him as the group was surprised that they received reinforcement before another group appeared.

"It has been long, brother," says the man covering his face under a hood as Vincent looks at him.

"It has been long, Arkay," says Vincent as Arkay looks at the battlefield.

"We came a bit late it seems," says Arkay seeing the Daedric Princes already fighting against the Collectors.

"I wouldn't say no to some more helping hands," says Vincent as eight more people arrived around the battlefield helping them fight back the Collectors while Vincent was evacuating the group.

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts