
the dragon knight

FG_Frost · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Shadows of the past

Elric woke up with the early morning sunlight filtering through the small window of his room at The Restful Knight. He lay there for a moment, holding the necklace Elera had given him the night before, and thought about the events of the previous day. His heart felt heavy with a mix of emotions: gratitude for Elera and the Dragon Slayer, and a lingering guilt that had never fully left him.

He got up and dressed quickly, eager to see what the day would bring. As he made his way downstairs, the inn was a bustling hive of activity compared to the previous night. The bar keeper was busy behind the counter, serving breakfast and drinks to the lively crowd.

Elric spotted the Dragon Slayer and Elera sitting at a table near the window. The Dragon Slayer was eating heartily, while Elera sipped on a cup of tea. Elric joined them, smiling as he approached.

"About time you woke up," Elera teased, a playful glint in her eye. "I deserve my beauty sleep after all the training I did," Elric retorted with a grin.

The Dragon Slayer nodded, taking another bite of his breakfast. "I bought you breakfast, Elric. Sit down and eat."

They exchanged words about the day's plans. The Dragon Slayer and Elera had their day fully planned out with various tasks and errands. When they asked Elric what he planned to do, he just shrugged. "I haven't decided yet. I'll figure it out."

After finishing their meal and saying their goodbyes, Elric found himself alone. The bustling streets of Breldoria were filled with merchants, shoppers, and townsfolk going about their business. Elric wandered aimlessly for a while, taking in the sights and sounds of the busy village.

Eventually, he decided to step outside the village to practice his skills. As he walked towards the gate leading out of Breldoria, he couldn't shake the eerie feeling of being watched. He glanced around, scanning the surroundings, but saw nothing unusual. However, as he reached the gate, his eyes locked onto a cloaked figure lurking in the woods.

Elric's instincts kicked in, and he took off after the figure. The cloaked person turned and fled deeper into the forest. Elric pursued with swift and precise movements, his training allowing him to navigate the dense underbrush and obstacles effortlessly. He was gaining on the figure, determined to uncover their identity.

The chase led him to an open field, where a group of six people awaited. Elric approached cautiously, his heart pounding. "What do you want from me?" he called out as he drew closer.

The previously hooded figures removed their cloaks, revealing familiar faces. Recognition and shock coursed through Elric. These were his childhood friends, and leading them was Bran. He turned to the person he had been chasing, and his heart sank. It was Dorian, a half-elf who had been a close friend.

"Guys, I can't believe you're alive," Elric said, his voice trembling with a mix of relief and apprehension.

Bran interrupted, his tone bitter and accusing. "Yeah, I can't either, considering you're the one that caused everything."

Elric stood there, stunned, looking at his former friends in horror. "I didn't cause a dragon to attack the village," he protested weakly.

"Yeah, you're right," Bran shot back, "but you caused the person coming to save us to stop, delaying him from fighting the dragon and saving more people. Our parents and homes are gone because of you, Elric!"

Guilt washed over Elric, his heart aching with the weight of their words. "No, no, I didn't mean to..."

"We followed you, Elric," Dorian said, his voice cool and stern. "With my magic, we wanted to watch what you were going to do. Nobody realized there was a dragon on its way."

Bran's anger flared. "What else is a Dragon Slayer for? It's in the name: Dragon Slayer. So what do you have to say for yourself, Elric? Any last words before I end you for destroying everything?"

Elric stood there, looking at the ground, not moving an inch. He couldn't find the words to defend himself. He felt paralyzed by guilt and regret.

"Fine then," Bran spat, drawing his sword and charging at Elric, prepared to cut him down. But just before the blade could strike, there was a loud clang. Elric looked up to see Dorian parrying Bran's attack.

"Why would you do that, Dorian?" Bran demanded, his voice filled with confusion and anger.

"It's not Elric's fault," Dorian said firmly. "He didn't attack the village and destroy our homes. The dragon did! Blaming Elric is just a way to let out your anger on someone who doesn't deserve it. Sure, Elric made a mistake by being arrogant and stupid, but it's not his fault that everything's gone."

"We lost everything!" Bran yelled, his voice breaking. "If he hadn't delayed the Dragon Slayer, we would still be at home with our families!"

Dorian's expression softened, though his resolve remained. "You don't think Elric lost his home and family too? You don't think he understands the guilt of maybe being the cause of all this? He knows, Bran. He knows."

Silence fell over the group as they absorbed Dorian's words. Elric's heart ached with the truth of them. He had never stopped blaming himself.

Dorian continued, his voice calmer now. "Elric is our friend. His purpose was not to destroy the village. We all lost everything, but taking it out on him won't bring our families back. Let this go, Bran."

Bran's eyes filled with tears. "But my family... they're gone."

"Yes, mine too," Dorian said softly. "But this isn't the way. Let it go."

Slowly, Bran and the other five turned away, tears streaming down their faces. Bran looked back one last time. "This doesn't mean I've forgiven you, Elric, but I won't kill you today."

As they disappeared into the forest, Dorian stayed behind. Elric, tears streaming down his face, whispered, "Why?"

Dorian smiled sadly. "Because you would have done the same if the roles were reversed. And I owe you, Elric. You're my friend, and you always will be. I only followed them because I wanted to see you and how you were holding up."

Dorian led Elric to a spot that overlooked the forest, and they sat down together. "Do you remember when we became friends?" Dorian asked.

Elric nodded. "I do."

A seven-year-old Elric joined his group of friends at the village well, as usual. They talked and played, and Bran mentioned a half-elf who had moved into the village. Later, while they were sword fighting with sticks, the half-elf approached them.

"Hey, guys, can I play with you?" the half-elf asked timidly.

Bran walked up to him and hit him on the head with his stick. "No, you're a half-elf. You don't deserve to play with us."

The other five friends joined in, calling the half-elf names and hitting him. Elric, seeing this, got between them. "What are you guys doing?"

"He's a filthy half-elf. Dad said their kind shouldn't exist," Bran said, pointing his stick at the half-elf, who was now crying on the ground.

"He's the same as us," Elric argued. "He can play if he wants."

Bran sneered. "We're not playing with him."

Furious, Elric hit Bran on the head as hard as he could. Bran fell, holding his head, and the other five attacked Elric. Despite being significantly better than the other kids, Elric was eventually overwhelmed and beaten to the ground.

The half-elf stood frozen in shock at Elric's bravery. This village wasn't the first that had shunned him, but it was the first time anyone had defended him. After beating Elric, the group turned their attention back to the half-elf.

"You better stop," Elric said, slowly getting up, despite his injuries. The group looked at Elric, and in that moment, the half-elf snapped out of his shock and ran away. Realizing this, Bran and the others chased him but eventually lost him. Elric fell to the ground, unconscious from his injuries.

Dorian chuckled. "You know, I was the one who told your parents, right?"

Elric looked at Dorian in surprise. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, I couldn't just leave you there like that," Dorian replied with a smile.

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of their shared history settling between them.

"Elric, you're the toughest person I've ever met," Dorian said quietly. "Don't let what they said get to you. It's not your fault."

"Thank you, Dorian," Elric said, his voice filled with gratitude.

"Always," Dorian replied. "Now, I'll let you get back to your... girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" Elric repeated, his face turning red.

Dorian laughed. "Don't think I didn't notice."

They both chuckled, and then Elric asked, "Won't you join me?"

Dorian shook his head. "I would like to, but I have something to do. Once I finish, I'll join you on your journey."

They shook hands, a silent promise passing between them. "We'll meet again, Elric," Dorian said. "Sceadugán."

With that, Dorian disappeared into the shadows. Elric turned and slowly walked back to Breldoria, deep in thought about everything that had just happened. His heart felt lighter, the burden of guilt lessened by the understanding and forgiveness of a old freind. He knew that the journey ahead would be challenging, but he also knew he wouldn't be facing it alone.