
the dragon knight

FG_Frost · Fantasy
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11 Chs

whispers of dusk

Elric walked down the dusty road, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The confrontation with Bran and the others weighed heavily on him, but he realized he couldn't let guilt hold him back any longer. He needed to let it go, to finally find peace and move forward with his life. As he took a deep breath and released his guilt, a sense of clarity washed over him. He felt lighter, more determined than ever to make amends and prove his worth.

He decided to head to the Restful Knight's Inn, hoping to find a quest or a job to keep him occupied and help him earn some coin. The inn was busier than it had been the previous evening, filled with the hum of conversation and the clinking of tankards. Elric walked up to the counter where the innkeeper was serving drinks to a group of rowdy travelers.

The innkeeper, a burly man with a thick beard and a twinkle in his eye, noticed Elric and approached him. "What'll it be, lad?" he asked, wiping his hands on a rag.

"Just water, please," Elric replied, placing a coin on the counter.

The innkeeper raised an eyebrow but nodded, heading to the back to fetch a cup of water. Elric leaned against the counter, his mind still processing the events of the day. An older gentleman took a seat next to him, and an awkward silence settled between them. Elric could hear the innkeeper filling the cup with water, the sound clear in the quiet.

The innkeeper returned and placed the cup of water in front of Elric before turning to the older man. "What'll it be for you?"

The man, his face lined with age and his hair mostly gray, replied, "Give me a bottle of Drakkar Fire, the strongest liquor you've got."

Elric recognized the name; Drakkar Fire was infamous throughout the kingdom of Elaria for its potency. Only the bravest or most foolhardy dared to drink it. The innkeeper raised an eyebrow but complied, retrieving a dusty bottle from a high shelf and setting it before the older man. He took a few coins from the man and went back to serving other patrons.

The older man took several huge gulps from the bottle, then slammed it on the counter with a loud burp. "Why are you just drinking water, boy?" he asked, his voice gruff.

Elric turned to face him, taking in the man's features. Scars crisscrossed his face, and his eyes were pure white, indicating blindness. Despite his age and blindness, he carried an air of strength and authority.

"I don't drink," Elric replied simply.

The older man laughed, a deep, hearty sound. "You're funny, kid." He took another swig from the bottle and slammed it down again. "You looking for a job by any chance?"

Elric's interest was piqued. "Are you offering one?"

The man nodded. "Yes, with good pay. I need someone to help me get home. My blindness makes it hard to travel, and I need someone to guide me and fend off any danger we might encounter."

Elric considered the offer for a moment. It seemed straightforward enough, and he could use the money. "I'll help you," he said with a nod.

The older man smiled, taking one last huge gulp of his drink and slamming the bottle down, leaving a few more coins on the counter. Elric quickly finished his water, setting the cup down and following the man out of the inn.

"By the way, my name is Kael," the man said as they walked. "What's yours, kid?"

"I'm Elric Stormwind," Elric replied.

Kael nodded approvingly. "Nice to meet you, Elric. Here, take this." He handed Elric a map. "The red dot marks my house. Lead the way."

Elric studied the map, noting that Kael's home wasn't far from their current location. "This way," he said, guiding Kael down the road.

As they walked, Elric couldn't help but notice how Kael followed him with uncanny precision, despite his blindness. After an hour of traveling, Elric's curiosity got the better of him. "How come you can follow me so perfectly if you're blind, sir?"

Kael chuckled. "I used to be a general for the chief commander of Elaria. Trust me, even though I'm blind, I can hold my own."

Elric took note of the steel armor plate on Kael's chest and the sword hanging from a sheath on his hip. "Then why do you need me?"

Kael sighed. "I can't see the map anymore. Back when I made it, I still had my vision. I lost it in battle, and now it's just not possible for me to navigate on my own. I managed to get to that village with the help of some comrades, but they left me there and forgot about me."

Elric turned, coming to a stop. "Your comrades left you there alone?"

Kael nodded. "Yes, but I can't blame them. They were young, and I was old and blind. Why would they want to look after me?"

"Because you were their friend and comrade in battle," Elric said, his voice filled with conviction.

Kael dropped his head and shook it slowly. "Let's keep moving."

After another thirty minutes of walking, Elric spotted a bear blocking the road. But this wasn't just any bear; it was a magical bear, known as an Arkanos Bear, capable of enhancing its body to extreme limits with magic. Elric recognized it from his travels with the Dragon Slayer and Elara.

"Watch out, it's an Arkanos Bear," Kael said calmly. "Attack it quickly."

Elric drew his sword and dashed at the bear with incredible speed, decapitating it in one swift motion. The bear's head fell to the ground, and its body slumped over. Kael nodded in approval. "You're strong, kid. Very strong."

Eventually, they reached Kael's home, a beautiful two-story house surrounded by lush, flat farmland ripe with crops. Kael led Elric inside, where a woman and a young girl rushed to embrace him.

"I'm finally home," Kael said, his voice filled with emotion.

The woman, presumably his wife, looked at Elric. "Who is this young man?"

"This is Elric. He helped me get here," Kael explained.

"Thank you, Elric," the woman said warmly.

"It was no problem," Elric replied.

Kael turned to Elric. "Would you mind chopping some wood for the fire?"

Elric nodded and headed outside. He found an axe hanging next to the house, but something about it caught his eye. The head and handle were stained with a rust-colored substance that didn't look like rust. Shaking off his curiosity, Elric began chopping wood.

Once he had a good stack, he carried it inside and threw some logs into the burner. The family was in the kitchen, preparing a meal. "Sit down, kid," Kael said.

Elric sat at the table, taking in the cozy surroundings. He noticed the young girl's hand briefly turn transparent, almost falling through the floor, but it quickly returned to normal. Elric blinked, unsure if he had imagined it.

"Kid, why don't we go for a walk outside?" Kael suggested.

Elric nodded, and they walked through the expansive farmland. "This is where I married my wife," Kael said. "It was just the two of us against the world. But when we got married, she wanted to live a peaceful life here. So I bought this land for a hefty price, but it was worth it. Now I have my daughter and my beautiful wife. I wouldn't trade them for anything, not even my sight."

He paused, looking back at the house. "But then came the Council. My wife and I were strong, brave, and smart warriors, the best in the kingdom. We became generals under the chief commander. But after two years of settling down, my wife got pregnant. When her belly grew, a Council member came looking for us. I convinced him to take me and leave my wife alone. So I fought for a kingdom I no longer believed in, giving it my all."

Kael looked at the setting sun. "Sir, you said 'Council.' What is that? And why do you speak so badly of the kingdom?" Elric asked.

"Where are you from, boy?"

"Blackwood," Elric replied.

"That explains it. You're too far from the kingdom to hear the chatter. The Council consists of five members from each race allied with humans. They were created to maintain peace and prosperity, but their goals changed. Now they control the king. The citizens don't know because the Council is too powerful. Even mentioning it means death for you and anyone you talk to. That's why I hate this kingdom. It's being destroyed from the inside, and there's no way to stop it. The Council is too powerful."

Elric was stunned by this information. "Are you the only one who knows this?" he asked.

"No, but no one can do anything. The Council is too powerful. They're even trying to start wars with innocent races to distract people from their true goal."

"What is their true goal?" Elric asked.

"Complete destruction and mass murder of humans. They don't want us in this world anymore."

Elric fell to his knees, his dreams of becoming a knight shattered. "There's nothing we can do, sir."

"We can resist, but it's nearly impossible," Kael said.

"Honey, food's ready!" Kael's wife called from the porch.

"Coming," Kael called back. He turned to Elric, his expression softening. "Come inside, eat, and spend the night here. It's too late to travel now."

Elric, still reeling from the grim revelations, managed a nod. "Thank you, sir. I appreciate your hospitality."

They walked back to the house, and as they stepped inside, the comforting aroma of cooked food enveloped Elric. The kitchen was warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the heavy conversation they had just had. Elric took a seat at the large wooden table, which was already set with bowls and utensils.

Kael's wife, a kind-looking woman with gentle eyes, placed a steaming bowl of stew in front of Elric. "Eat up, young man. You must be starving after your journey."

"Thank you, ma'am," Elric said, picking up his spoon. The stew was delicious, filled with tender meat and vegetables in a savory broth. Elric ate slowly, still lost in thought about the council and their insidious control over the kingdom.

Kael's daughter, a young girl with strikingly pale eyes, watched Elric with curiosity. She seemed shy but friendly, and her presence added a sense of normalcy to the evening. Kael and his wife ate quietly, exchanging the occasional glance, while Elric continued to process the weight of the information he had learned.

Despite the warm atmosphere, Elric noticed something strange. Neither Kael's wife nor daughter touched their food. They sat quietly, making no effort to eat. Elric thought it odd but dismissed it as perhaps a family custom or simply his overactive imagination after such a stressful day.

After they finished eating, Kael turned to Elric. "You did well today, Elric. Why don't you rest now? We can start fresh tomorrow, and I'll make sure you earn some more coins for your troubles."

Elric nodded, feeling the exhaustion of the day catching up to him. "Thank you, sir. I appreciate it."

Kael's wife led Elric to a small but cozy guest room. "Sleep well, Elric. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

"Thank you, ma'am," Elric said, giving her a tired smile. As he undressed, he couldn't shake the strange feeling that had been nagging at him since they arrived. He placed his sword within arm's reach before lying down, the cool sheets a welcome comfort against his weary body.

Despite his exhaustion, sleep didn't come easily. Elric's mind raced with thoughts about the council, Kael's revelations, and the strange behavior of the family. He replayed the day's events over and over, trying to make sense of everything. The weight of his newfound knowledge pressed heavily on him, making it difficult to relax.

After what felt like hours, Elric finally drifted into a fitful sleep. His dreams were filled with shadowy figures and the haunting image of the council's emblem, a twisted symbol of power and control. He dreamt of battles and betrayal, of friends turning into enemies and the kingdom falling into chaos. The dreams were vivid and unsettling, leaving Elric tossing and turning throughout the night.