
Escaping Rensdale

Kia frowned glancing at Marcus, "Only way I knew was back dat way, gimme a second..." Darting over to where Palious lay she reared back and swung her foot at his crotch. As soon as her foot was about to intimately connect with his family jewels his hand snapped over and blocked the kick, his eyes snapping open to glare at the girl, "Trained you too damn well."

Kia glared down at her former guild Master, "Well now ye ken train me on where yer bolt 'oles are, spit it out ya git, sure enough ye've secured tha room but I doubt ye'd trap yer arse in 'ere."

Palious snorted and laid back casually, folding his arms behind his head as the door began to shudder from the guards throwing their shoulders against it, "And why, pray tell, would I tell you any of that? Better you bow down and kiss my boot and maybe your fate wont be the same as the lizard."

Snarling under her breath Kia was about to lash out when some streaked by her left ear, with a thunk an iron dagger twitched wildly between Palious thighs, the blade having tore a hole dangerously close to making him sing a few octaves higher, Marigold smirked, "Ye'll talk, or before they get us I'll carve ye deep, so an exit, an' this is me only time asking."

Glancing down at the blade that nearly gave his little brother a haircut Palious smiled helplessly, "Well when a lovely lass asks so nice how can I refuse. Very well." Standing up Palious walked over the the post where he had Marigold locked up and secured one of his wrists before gesturing to a near by shelf, "Pull the jade tiger, the gold orb and the old hand drum in that order, the passage will take you out close to the north gate, in the stable of the Peeking Duck tavern. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to make it convincing that I didn't aid you, I won't see you out."

Kia began tugging at the items, feeling each held a switch that allowed the shelf case to swing outwards revealing a dark passage, glancing back to Marcus and Marigold she ran into the dark, "Okay less go I'm not keen on bein' 'ere when dat door gives."

Marigold followed suit reclaiming her dagger and Marcus moved to follow before Palious whistled, "Do me a favor would you, just to make it convincing he?"

Marcus turned looking at Palious who had gritted his teeth and presented his bloody face for another strike. Marcus shook his head and obliged all too happy to strike the bastard again in departure. As Palious slumped against the pole dangling from his chained wrist he whispered to the departing Dragon god, after Marcus stepped through he found a lever to close the shelving again and hurried after the others, his eyes glowing hotly in the dark.

Muffled crashing and cursing sounded from the other side as the trio made their escape into the twisting passage, barely wide enough for Marcus to fit through, yet actually well maintained, it seemed like Palious made frequent use of this exit. True to his words, surprisingly enough, the passages exit was indeed in the stable of the Peeking Duck and quickly moved away from it into the alleys. It seemed they had been held captive for several hours as the sun had set and the streets were bathed in various lights from the street shops and houses.

Once they were far enough Kia lead them to one of her own hide outside, "Can't 'ave boyo 'ere alarmin' tha guards, I 'ave some spare covers at 'ome, though we shouldn't stay long, Palious knows o' it an' we ken be sure tha bastide will 'unt us too now." Her house turned out to be close to the beast quarter, a small shack that looked half ready to fall over, "Welcome to me 'ome, gimme a bit I'll get yer rags and me treasures and we ken hop tha wall."

"We? I don't recall invitin' ye rat. Marcus, did ye?" Marigold frowned glancing to the limping dragon god, his wound had healed naturally as they escaped and was merely broken scales at the moment, though the pain lingered. Shaking his head he shrugged, "We can't leave her here Mari, between the nobles and thieves shes got both sides of society wanting her dead."

Smiling and nodding Kia darted to the back of the shack lifting a thick board to dig out her spare disguises and what few valuables she had tucked away, "Less go." Tosing the rags to the pair, Mari wrapped hers around her hips like a makeshift skirt to hide the silky cloth that did nothing to hide her legs, while Marcus did his best to cover himself, though in his case, the tattered garment barely covered anything, at most it covered his definitely inhuman head while his scaly body remained unclad. With her things Kia lead the other two back towards the wall, all around them the sounds of the guard being stirred into a fresh frenzy was being committed, seemed the magistrate was whipping his people into a violent mob and with a rabbit and 'lizard' amongst the group it was little wonder the area around the beast slave quarter was on the rise.

Still Kia's luck seemed to be on an up turn, encountering neither guard patrol of murderous thieves they found themselves at the foot of the wall, after a bit of searching the smaller lapine woman pointed out some out of place bricks, "There they be, boyo git yer pretty pretty climbin', then yerself, I'll follow, move her arses!"

Marigold was quick to comply and Marcus was soon to follow, though he moved at a slower pace. Marigold glanced down curiously, "Is it yer hip?"

Marcus shook his head refraining from looking up as he steadied his breathing and whispered back, "No undergarments."

Marigold gave him a queer look then blushed hotly, considering how she had gone first everytime he looked up it was a direct passage under her makeshift skirt, and while her human eyes couldn't make out details in the waning light, his eyes feasted upon her garden in full clarity. An aggravated hiss came from lower down, "Yer not wearin' pants yerself boyo, a full moon o' dragon god arse wasn't top o' me things to pay homage to, so if it's all tha same ta ye both, climb faster, those patrols are gettin' closer!"

Blushing even more fiercely at the unwanted audience, Marigold focused and pulling herself atop the wall, reaching down to help Marcus up. Kia was fast on his heels, scaling the wall at a speed that told that this was a route she'd often used. Glancing down the other side the pair looked to Kia as the lapine motioned them to follow, a little further down a tree branch reached out to the wall, a natural bridge to the freedom of the wilds beyond which proved even less trouble than the wall. Soon the trio were running east through the woods slipping into the deeper foliage.

"While I tink one way is as good as another, ye two seem like ye 'ave more purpose in mind. What's out dis way that ye'd go lookin' fer it wit out tha slightest map or gear?" Kia asked watching as Marigold consulted with Marcus and changed direction slightly for the fifth time.

Marigold glanced back with a frown but Marcus laid a steady hand on her shoulder, slipping back by Kia he whispered softly, "We're looking for a shrine, either to the Dragon god or one of the mid pantheon, it's supposedly about a days journey east of the town, we keep changing course cause we keep turning north and our destination is east by south east." Pointing through a gap in the trees he continued, "Skies lightening faster that way so we wager that's east. As for south... were hoping you might know of a shrine out this way, or at least have it be a noticable landmark like the mountain I hatched from was."

"Sorry m'lord, cannae 'elp out 'ere. Was born to tha west o' tha town an' rarely poked me nose out dis far, though before life turned ta shite in Rensdale for tha beast folk, some did speak o' a site they paid pilgrimage to out dis way, jus' never made tha trip meself."

"No worries Kia, is why we're leading, I have the map in my head and Marigold has spent most of her life out in woods like these so I trust her to steer us right, though she does have a query as to why you still follow. She's safe and we're out of the city, my task to you for the oath is complete, since you seem out of place in the woods she does wonder why you follow, take no offense after all that we've been through she's a little edgy."

Kia sighed and shuffled her feet kicking at some fallen leaves, "I cannae go back to Rensdale, an' to be honest don't even tink of goin' back, so I figger unless ye chased me off I might follow ye an' yer pretty pretty for a time.. if that's a'right?" She glanced shyly at Marcus then to Marigold, softly praying in her heart that the shrine maiden wouldnt chase her off.

Marcus looked to Marigold as well and gave a helpless shrug to which Marigold snorted and motioned back through the forest, "Alright! Alright! Ye can come with ya little rat, but like I said, ye get yer eyes on Marcus an' I'll send ye back to tha town in many small boxes. Now pull yer arse along, dawn's about to break an' we need a few more miles before we rest."

Setting off again Kia followed suit with her head down, she hadn't meant to lie but nor did she feel like tempting fate with the maiden. While a thirst for adventure was part of her reason to tag along, the majority was Marcus, maybe by staying close she could work her way into his eyes just a bit. Seeing his drive to rescue Marigold she had a fragile hope in her heart that just maybe he'd do the same for her in future...

Dawn, as expected broke and gauging from where the town walls stood they again adjust their search, more to find a place to bed down for a few hours. Marigold was again quick to find a spot, though not a wayfarer camp this time. The spot they found looked well used in the past, a cold and overgrown fire pit rested off to the side, still it enjoyed a cover from the surrounding trees. Laying on the thick grass, Marigold cuddled against Marcus glancing over to Kia who was poking the shrubs for whatever she looked for, silently catching his gaze she mouthed softly, 'Why?'

Marcus glanced over and shrugged softly, he couldn't put it to words. That usual feeling in his gut, the one that usually implied the Dragon god wanted him to do something, seemed to favor bringing the lapine along... or maybe it enjoyed watching Mari ready to chew through her dagger, the second option struck a cord within him, the spirit dragon lord struck him as very much a bored ass but sometimes it did guide right.

Marigold sighed and snuggled against Marcus using his chest as a pillow, staying quiet for several breaths before leaning up to whisper, "Did he enjoy the view?" Before burying her head against his chest.

Marcus blinked, a burning sensation on his scaled cheeks as he thought for a moment then realized what she meant. Stroking her back he swallowed and whispered, "Always."

Off to the side Kia rustled a bush harder than she intended, glancing back with a sigh of frustration, whispering under her breath that only she could hear, "Aw 'ell git a room ye two."