
The Diamond In The Rough✔

||Book 1 of the Diamond Series|| The world had fallen into chaos a long time ago. Creatures came and enslaved the human race: Vampires, Lycans/Werewolves and Demons. They took and slaughtered thousands of innocent people. Men, Women and Children. After suffering for ten years, another set of beings came. They had enormous wings and a shining silver rings floating above their heads. Rings that could be used as a weapon if necessary. These creatures were called 'Angels'. They were kind and honestly the opposite of every supernatural creature that existed in that era. They built their kingdom protecting as many humans as they could but the dark creatures had other things planed. There was a war that broke out. Every man for themselves or more specifically, every creature for themselves.The war went on for almost 500 years. Then there was a woman. She wasn't an Angel or Vampire or Lycan or Demon. Turns out she was a hybrid of all four. More powerful than anything. No one knows for sure how this hybrid was made and at some point, no one cared. Her name was Elaka. She was seen as a priestess. Elaka was the savior of all humans. She created a boarder and the world was divided in two: The Land of Light; was so peaceful that it had to be shielded from the world. Elaka had put a protective hidden wall around the kingdom so no one would come in unless brought in by the citizens. There were humans that lived there and their lives were a paradise. And total peace. And there was the Dark land. Where every other creature lived. The three major kingdoms tolerated each other for as long as they could. Years passed without war. Until Elaka suddenly vanished. Without her, the world would become chaotic again. The crystal was lost in the forest. So many have searched for it but never succeeded. Even if they ever found it, the legend says it was set in stone. It was glued to a tree and only 'The Diamond in The Rough' could pull it out. That person was never found.

KING_KHAREN · Fantasie
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89 Chs


Lyra's POV:

It was a bit dark as we rode our horses.

I had no idea that the so called lost city was within a tree.

Everything felt mildly suspicious.

But if we were really here what were we meant to do now?

I never thought of it because I believed this place never existed to begin with.

The sound of the hooves of our horses was beginning to irritate me and I could tell Sam was getting uncomfortable as well.

It was becoming brighter and brighter and we got to another archway where a lot of vines acted as a curtain.

The Jackal was the first to pass through as well as her comrades leaving me and Sam in the fairly eliminated tunnel.

He went in first before I did.

I didn't know what to expect.

It still looked like we were in the forest.

Barely any difference.

"is this some kind of joke?" Sam snapped suddenly.

"I thought we would be in the city and not in the woods again. You've led us into a trap"

"even if we did there's nothing you could do about it" the Jackal smiled.

I was about to comment when an angel came from above and stood in our presence.

Are we in the kingdom of light?

That's impossible; it's on the other side.

I began to study her wings.

According to the description I've heard about, the wings of angels were white and like that of a dove.

She had the wings of an Eagle and they were beautiful.

So…what exactly was she?

"hey Jackie…" she shook and hugged the blind Jackal or…Jackie.

"hey Alya"

"so how was patrol?"

"not much to report though vampire soldiers got close to the boarder"

"strange…do you know why?"

"they were chasing these three imbeciles" she then gestured at us making Alya turn around.

She was beautiful.

The rest of her didn't look like a bird aside from the wings she had.

Though she was taller than us without a doubt.

"why did you save them?"

Then Jackie began speaking in her language again obviously so we wouldn't understand her.

"so it IS true" she smiled.

"hello…my name is Alya"

She seemed far friendlier than Jackie.

"I'm Lyra, that's Sam and the passed out girl is Eri"

"welcome to the lost city-"

"I have so many questions to ask!" Sam blurted out.

His face was incredibly pale like he had seen a ghost.

"you'll have to take them to the queen; she's not going to miss this. Well I'll see you at the palace"

And she took off to the sky.

"show off" Jackie muttered.

"so…Jackie, where to now?" Sam asked.


There was an awkward silence.

"well then…let's get to the palace" Cedar broke the silence.

We rode through the forest for a while.

This place was really different.

I had seen different kinds of animals I never knew existed.

It really was a place of wonder.

The journey went on forever.

We hadn't seen anyone since we had gotten to this other world.

The castle came into view though it was far away but we had hope of our journey coming to an end.

It wasn't long until we got to the gates…and they were huge and long.

I kept on gawking at them as they swung open.

The palace was 5 times bigger then when it was still far away and it was quite majestic.

Vines and leaves grew on some parts of the castle and made it look even more fairytale like.

The few people I've seen moving about who I'm guessing are servants had an entirely different attire from what I'm used to.

"we're here at long last" I signed thankfully.

"ahh Jackie, long time" a boy approached us.

He had curly, long flowing brown that were a little past his shoulders.

He was tall and slightly muscular with tanned skin.

And had brown eyes.

"what have you brought for us today" he rubbed his hands with excitement.

"they aren't here for you Rayhan"

"it's Prince Rayhan to you Jackie" he mumbled and she laughed.

"anyway, who are they?" he addressed us finally.

"my name is Lyra and that's Sam; your highness" I nearly forgot to add.

"I see three of you. What of the one that's passed out in your arms? I want to see the face"

The cloak I had used around Eri had covered a great deal of her face.

Reluctantly, I removed the cloak so he could get a better view.

"t-this is Eri"

The prince stood gawking at her like he had never seen a girl before in all his life.

"why is she unconscious?" he found his voice finally.

"she's been weak for a while and malnourished but she recently was involved in a struggle-"

"take her to my chambers to rest at once!" he ordered and a servant from nowhere came and took Eri from me.

I exchanged looks with Sam.

He seemed upset since our encounter with them and hasn't loosen up with them even the slightest.

"don't worry" the Jackal reassured me.

"she's in good hands. Rayhan where's the queen? We have something urgent to discuss with her"

"she and father are in the throne room. Does it have anything to do with them?" he glanced at us.

"yes it does. You two…follow me"

The Jackal took off into the castle and we had to take long strides in order to keep up with her.

We were going to meet the rulers of this lost world…