

In a world where monsters rule almost all the land and humans struggle to survive, a world full of mysteries. At the age of eighteen, people awaken their bloodlines, which could be of beasts, weapons, or more. The lives of the people in this nexus world hang by a thread. However, everything changes when Lu Shen from the Blue Star finds himself reborn on the Nexus Planet. Thus begins his epic journey.

SneakyCrow · Fantasy
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36 Chs

The Cracked Sky

In Nexus planet

Northern High Academy.

Class B

In the classroom, Lu Shen was bewildered to find himself surrounded by students who appeared to be about eighteen years old, all attentively listening to the teacher's lecture.

His last memory was of working late at night and he was forced to work late night by his black hearted boss. Now, he suddenly found himself in a classroom full of students, his head spinning with confusion.

He glanced down at his hands and noticed they looked younger, no longer showing the signs of years of hard work like before. A quick look at his reflection in the window confirmed his suspicion, he was no longer the overworked adult he remembered. Instead, he appeared to be just another teenager. Panic and excitement clashed inside him.

'How did he get here? And who was he now?'

Lu Shen struggled to understand his new identity, wondering what caused this mysterious change and how he ended up in this classroom.

Lu Shen felt excited because he enjoyed reading novels, manga, and watching anime to escape the hardships of life. But now, being younger and listening to a teacher's lecture, he realized he wasn't on Earth anymore, the familiar blue planet. Still, a hint of fear crept in as he couldn't remember anything from his past life in this new body.

As Lu Shen collected his thoughts, suddenly he felt a surge of memories flooding back, revealing that he wasn't on the "blue planet" but rather on a world known as "Nexus" His name remained the same -Lu Shen- and he was still the same orphan.

Just as Lu Shen recalling his new body past, he heard the voice of his teacher explaining the history of the "Nexus" planet, an event that occurred in the year 2080 AD.

The classroom buzzed with the murmurs of restless students. Lu Shen at his desk, his gaze fixed on the holographic display at the front of him. The teacher Tang, cleared his throat, and the class fell silent.

"One hundred years ago, our world changed forever" teacher Tang began, his voice solemn.

"The sky cracked open and from that, unfamiliar beasts descended upon us"

The holographic display shifted to showing a huge crack in the sky and many odd looking beast descending in large group and from this crack poured countless beasts and nightmare creatures.

"These creatures were not mere animals, they were beings of immense power and those creatures were from the myths and legends" teacher Tang continued....


These horrifying creatures brought unparalleled destruction and terror, killing a third of the planet's population and unleashing chaos upon the once peaceful land.

That day, almost all people lost their hopes, just then people began to awaken different types of bloodlines, which played a crucial role in the fight against the demonic monsters.

Later, they came to be known as "Bloodline Warriors"

In history, 2080 AD, January 21st, was forever named as the "New Era"

As the New Era began, people found themselves with supernatural powers, unlike anything from before. They also realized that they were living much longer lives. This led to fast progress in development, surpassing anything seen before.

Because of these amazing changes, people started calling this time the "New Era". With the arrival of the New Era, a new calendar was adopted. Now, Lu Shen found himself reborn after a hundred years according to the New Era calendar. Today was New Era 100, July 7th.

"After the attack by those demonic beasts, many people perished, but it also paved the way for a new future. People began awakening various types of beast bloodlines within their bodies"

"After many years of research into the bloodlines of warriors, we have discovered that individuals can awaken various elemental affinity bloodlines, such as fire, water, earth, air, and wood, among others. These bloodlines may originate from beasts, powerful weapons..."


"After the crack in the sky, a special type of energy was detected in the air, which warriors found could strengthen their bodies or enable them to ascend to new realms of power. Later, this energy came to be known as spiritual energy"

"After the awakening of bloodlines, people gained the abilities associated with their awakened elemental affinity. Additionally, through the study of demonic beasts, it was discovered that they possess similar abilities or skills corresponding to their elemental attributes."

"Now, after a century has passed, people have developed various techniques and technology to fight against demonic beasts and to use spiritual qi to make once self stronger"

The teacher began to explain in deep, hundred year history of Nexus Planet, sharing stories of its ancient civilizations and legendary battles. Then, he shifted to discussing the present, describing today's society, technology, and culture on Nexus Planet.....

"But even so, we are still living in less than 10 percent of the "Nexus", and we are still suffering from the beast tide after some time. We should be thankful toward those warriors and soldiers who protect our friends, family from those dangerous demons and protect our land, die for our future" Teacher Tang said with respect.

"ring , ring"

"Alright, that's it for today. Get ready for tomorrow because it's your bloodline test" Teacher Tang Li announced before leaving the class.

After hearing this, the students produced different sounds.

"I don't know what my bloodline beast is going to be" a student said shaking his head.

"I don't know about that, but Tangsu Ming is sure going to awaken a rare bloodline"

"Damn it, after getting those spiritual herbs and demonic monster meat, even a pig is going to get a rare bloodline" one student said with an envy tone.

You heard it right. If you have better resources, then you can get anything. It's the same as back on the Blue Planet. If you have money, you can get love, a job, power or anything. All slaves of money, and greedy people control all resources.

In Nexus planet, after the appearance of demonic monsters, the plants and animals began to mutate. Animals turned into beasts, while some plants transformed into spiritual herbs. These herbs could strengthen the bodies of ordinary people. Lu Shen recalled this information, realizing that if you had a powerful body before awakening, you were more likely to obtain a better bloodline.

"Shut your mouth!! do you want to get in trouble? Keep your voice down" A student said cautiously as he looked at Tangsu Ming's direction.

"God, man, you almost caused trouble. Don't you know, because of his family's wealth, he can get many spiritual herbs and demonic beast meat, and his family has many connections with high level warrior families? And don't you know what he's capable of? He has almost killed a person he doesn't like" Si Su said taking big sigh.

"Yeah man, I also heard that his big brother got into a famous university, and because of that, Tangsu Ming sure will get a place in that university, so it's best if we don't cause trouble for ourselves" Ming Ming added.

Lu Shen at his desk, he felt very depressed as he thought about his condition in this new world. 

"Shit, other people get a system, from powerful backgrounds or many more when they get transported to another world, but me? I've got nothing but this poor, thin-skinned body"

As he was alone in life, he also liked to read manga, novels, and anime to pass the time, So he was excited that after his rebirth, he would be the main character. But now, he found himself not even a side character.


"If you don't have strength, then you can only be a slave to those who do" Lu Shen felt really sad and disappointed, he realized he didn't have the background to live peacefully in this world and his condition was very bad in this world.

Collecting his things from the desk, he headed towards the academy exit gate, his mind filled with worry about how he would manage to live here. As Lu Shen walked, he thought about his new life alone in this dangerous world where power decides everything. What will he do in this world?

Taking a deep breath, he sighed again and continued his journey from the developed area to the slum area, heading towards the Azure Cloud stronghold where his house was located. After the catastrophic destruction, surviving warriors had build numerous strongholds, and Azure Cloud Stronghold was one of them.


Arriving at his small, damaged house in the slum, Lu Shen grabbed some eggs and bread from his old freezer. After having a small meal, he headed to a shop a little farther away from the slum area, where he worked for some pocket money.

After ten minutes later ....

Lu Shen walked inside the shop, the owner noticed him and asked in surprise, 

"Lu Shen, you came today too?"

"Yeah, I came. Why are you asking?" Lu Shen as he felt confused.

"I thought you might be busy preparing for tomorrow"

"I don't know what my bloodline will be with this weak and unfit body"

Taking a sigh and looking at Lu Shen, shop owner continued.

"Don't worry. Stay positive. Who knows what you might get?"

"Yes, boss" Lu Shen replied in a low voice.

Actually, the shop owner wasn't optimistic about Lu Shen obtaining a high level bloodline due to his weak body. However, he understood that everything didn't solely depend on physical strength, luck and the potential within one's body played crucial roles too.

Thinking about bloodlines, the shop owner remembered something. He then went to the back of his shop and offered Lu Shen a pack containing some demon wolf meat.


Seeing the demon meat, Lu Shen recalled from his memory that it was very expensive and not easy to obtain for common people. He understood that the shop owner must have bought it at a high price. So, he hesitated, feeling unsure about accepting such a valuable gift.

"Boss, this is very expensive. How can I afford it?"

 "Take it and eat before going to bed" he forcefully handed Lu Shen the wolf meat.

"Take it or throw it away" the owner said firmly.

he felt Reluctant, but with no choice Lu Shen accepted the demon meat, as feeling pressured by the shop owner's expectant gaze.

"But why you have demon meat didn't it can only be sold by warrior"

"I got it from friends. Just take it" the shop owner said, ignoring Lu Shen's question.

Lu Shen knew he was lying because the owner ran a cake shop, making it unlikely for him to have demon meat out of nowhere. Despite this, Lu Shen stayed quiet, feeling a warmth inside his heart. He realized that not all people in this world were as caring towards the poor as the shop owner.

Thanking the shop owner, Lu Shen headed towards the working area of the shop. He knew he had to work hard to earn money.

Observing Lu Shen, the owner felt pity,

"This boy doesn't speak much but is well behaved. What a pity. If he were born in a good family, he would have a good life"

"What a pity"



Somewhere in the dark space, a mysterious object floating and emitting a strange aura. Even in the dangerous void, it remained unaffected by space storms. It seemed to be waiting for something or someone...


Then, as if sensing its long awaited target, it surged forward with incredible speed. After some time traveling through space, it arrived at a planet full of greenery, appearing blue from space.

"ha ha finally, I found you!!!" a middle aged voice echoed from the object before speeding towards its target.




After finishing his part time job at 7 pm, Lu Shen walked home alone, gazing at the sky full of stars with two moons. He couldn't help but think that it would be great to obtain a high grade bloodline tomorrow. The sight of the two moons also confirmed to him that he was indeed in another world..

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