

In a world where monsters rule almost all the land and humans struggle to survive, a world full of mysteries. At the age of eighteen, people awaken their bloodlines, which could be of beasts, weapons, or more. The lives of the people in this nexus world hang by a thread. However, everything changes when Lu Shen from the Blue Star finds himself reborn on the Nexus Planet. Thus begins his epic journey.

SneakyCrow · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Feng Yue's Past

Lu Shen looked down at him, his expression cold,

"Oh, it's over"

Then, closing the distance between himself and Tangsu Ming, Lu Shen swiftly raised his hand, clutching Tangsu Ming by the neck, and tightened his grip with all his strength.

"You see" Lu Shen said, leaning in close,

"i will kill you slowly and painfully unless you do exactly as I say"

Tangsu Ming's eyes widened in horror as he felt his breath being cut off, struggling to gasp for air as Lu Shen tightened his grip around his neck.

"What do you want?" his voice was trembling.

"Your points" Lu Shen replied.

"All of them. Transfer them to me, and I'll spare your life"

Tangsu Ming hesitated, but Lu Shen hand tightened and he gasped in pain.

"Fine, fine! I'll do it!"

With shaking hands, he made the transfer. A moment later, Lu Shen felt his device vibrate as the points were transferred. He smirked and he was satisfied.

"Good choice"

"Lu Shen, free me!"

With a powerful throw, Lu Shen hurled Tangsu Ming like a ragdoll, sending him crashing into a nearby tree. The impact shattered his hand upon contact with the tree trunk. Tangsu Ming cried out in agony as pain surged through his body, his hand broken and various body parts fractured. Internal bleeding added to his howl in pain.

"Bastard, just you wait!"

Saying that, he vomited blood and fainted.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Tangsu Ming faint while coughing blood, Lu Shen couldn't help but laugh in his face.


After the intense battle, Lu Shen approached Feng Yue with concern on his face. He gently examined her wounds, he felt relieved to find that she hadn't sustained any serious injuries.

"Are you all right?"

"I'm fine" Feng Yue assured him.

"Thank you, Lu Shen. I don't know what I would have done without you"

"No need to thank me, Feng Yue" Lu Shen replied with a gentle smile.

As Feng Yue thought back to Lu Shen's smile when he was taking down Tangsu Ming, she couldn't help but shudder slightly.

'Lu Shen seems gentle, but he is ruthless. Whoever becomes his enemy will face dire consequences'

"Let's go, Feng Yue" Lu Shen said, snapping her out of her thoughts.


Ten minutes later, Tangsu Ming regained consciousness.

"Lu Shen, just you wait. You've messed with the Tang Clan, and I will make your life a living hell"

"This bastard even broke my arm bone."



As Tangsu Ming screamed in agony, Lu Shen and Feng Yue headed towards a nearby cave to rest and heal.

"Feng Yue, you can heal here. I'll be your guard"

"Okay" Feng Yue agreed, settling down to meditate. Despite the pain from her injuries, which made it hard for her to even lift her hand, she had managed to make it to the cave through sheer willpower. Now, she focused on healing, though she still had to struggle.

Lu Shen looked at the beautiful girl covered in blood, feeling a pain in his heart.

'What am I feeling? We don't share a deep relationship, so why do I feel sad for her?'

Seeing Feng Yue's condition as she could not heal herself, Lu Shen quickly took out healing medicine from his storage. Moving swiftly and silently, he stepped towards Feng Yue to help her recover.

"i will help you"

"Yes" Feng Yue accepted Lu Shen's help without hesitation.

Lu Shen carefully knelt beside her, opening the container of healing medicine. With delicate precision, he applied the ointment to her wounds, starting from her face and trailing down to her hand...

'Why did I accept it without hesitation?'

she thought about why she accepted without hesitation, Feng Yue glanced at Lu Shen, only to find him looking back at her with a gentle gaze, his expression of care and pain as he tended to her wounds from her cheek to her hand. She felt herself becoming dazed, unable to look away from Lu Shen.

'Is Lu Shen always this handsome?'

'Wait, what am I thinking?'

Feng Yue blushes more as she looks at Lu Shen's face, with a flush appearing on her cheeks until her face turns as red as a tomato.

Lu Shen feels restlessness in Feng Yue. He looks at her, only to find her face deep red. So, he gently places his hand on her face.

"Are you okay?" His hand still resting gently on her face, he checks to see if she has a fever.

"Nothing happened" Feng Yue blushed as Lu Shen touched her face, but she didn't push his hand away. Instead, she gazed up at him.

Their eyes met, time seemed to stand still. They were both captivated, lost in each other's gaze, their surroundings fading into the background.

The moment felt long, like time was holding its breath. They looked at each other, feeling something strong but not saying it. Lu Shen's hand stayed on Feng Yue's face softly, and they both felt a special feeling growing. Neither of them wanted to end this moment. They enjoyed the quiet closeness between them.

Slowly, they both moved closer, their faces just inches apart.

Suddenly, Lu Shen's hand slipped, and the container of healing medicine fell to the ground.


The noise made them snap out of their moment. Lu Shen hurriedly picked up the container, feeling a bit embarrassed with his cheeks turning slightly red. Feng Yue smiled gently, her face getting even redder.


"It's okay" she said with her gentle voice.

"Thank you for helping me"

Lu Shen nodded, meeting her eyes again, this time with a shy smile.

"You're welcome. Let's make sure you're fully healed" He carefully secured the container and continued applying the medicine to Feng Yue's tender hands.

After a few moments.....

Lu Shen asked,

"Are there any other wounded parts?"

Feng Yue hesitated, but feeling that he was trustworthy enough to help her in her dire situation, she decided to place her trust in him.

"Yes, there is one more place"

"Close your eyes for a moment" she said softly.

Lu Shen was confused but he obeyed her, closing his eyes.

Feng Yue took out a long dress to cover her body, leaving only her back exposed.

"You can open your eyes now"

Lu Shen opened his eyes and saw Feng Yue's back, his expression shifted from focus to one of deep concern and anger on himself. Her back was marked with bruises and cuts, evidence of how much pain she had endured. His brow furrowed in worry, and his eyes softened with sadness.

'Her beautiful body had to endure so much pain, and what caused her to endure this much?' Lu Shen felt very sad, realizing how someone so young had to endure such pain.

"You've been through so much" he said softly.

"I should have come faster to help you."

Feng Yue turned her head slightly, shaking it.

"You came when you did, and that's what matters. Thank you for being here now" she said gratefully. She understood that Lu Shen couldn't have known she was being attacked by others. It was fortunate that he didn't ignore her, and that's what mattered to her.

Lu Shen's heart ached at her words, but he nodded, determined to help her heal and relieve her from pain. He carefully continued applying the healing ointment to her wounds, his touch gentle and deliberate. Each stroke of his hand was filled with care and regret for not being able to protect her sooner.

"I promise I won't let anything like this happen to you again" he whisper with determination. 

"I'll always be here to protect you."

Lu Shen didn't know why he made this promise, but seeing her in this condition pained his heart deeply, and he couldn't bear to witness it again.

Feng Yue closed her eyes, feeling comforted by his words and touch. Despite the pain, she felt safe and trusted Lu Shen, knowing he would do everything to keep her from harm. A small smile escaped her lips as she slowly drifted to sleep in front of Lu Shen.


Her entire life, only her mother and grandfather cared for her. But upon learning that she was born without knowing her father, her clanmates started to bully her. To make matters worse, her mother suddenly fell ill and remained in a coma until this day.

As the clan leader, her grandfather faced immense pressure to handle clan matters, leaving little time to care for her. Then one day, he was gravely injured by his past enemy, forcing him to undergo advanced medical treatment to extend his life, even that he also fell into a deep sleep, leaving her alone, at just six years old,

After those tragic incidents, the Feng clan elected a new clan leader, who happened to be her grandfather's younger brother. However, upon assuming control over the Feng clan, he became someone who cared little for his responsibilities, instead indulging in wine and the company of women all day long.

As a result, other clan elders began to exploit the Feng clan, solely focusing on actions that benefited themselves while the power of the Feng clan weakened day by day. As her clan elders and other clan members consolidated power, they viewed Feng Yue, as the granddaughter of the previous clan leader, as a potential threat who might one day rebel against them. As a result, they took away Feng Yue's servants and resources for cultivation. Even her peers within the clan, of the same age as her, began to bully her relentlessly.

Can you imagine how it feels for a six year old girl to have to wash her own clothes, make her own food, and live in a broken house that could collapse at any moment, living in constant fear? but Feng Yue have to live like this....

She didn't even understand why those incidents were happening at the time. It was only as she grew older that she began to understand everything. So she closed off her heart and became a cold, reserved lady, enduring humiliation day after day for ten long years.

Feng Yue thought that living like this, she wouldn't have to suffer any more. But she was dead wrong. The greedy clan elders, in an attempt to improve relations with another clan, decided to marry off someone from the clan, and that someone was none other than Feng Yue.

This incident began to happened because although Feng Yue had no cultivation resources, she did have spiritual fruits and grains to eat, which resulted in her having a beautiful figure. Moreover, her mother, being one of the top beauties, only added to her allure. The person who wanted to marry happened to see her when he visited the Feng clan, and at first sight, he fell in love with Feng Yue.

That man proposed to marry Feng Yue to unite their clans and offered many benefits to the clan elders. Those greedy individuals accepted it without even informing Feng Yue or seeking her opinion.

That day, Feng Yue felt like her soul was torn apart, crushed into power, and merged once again, only to be shattered again. If the man she was going to marry had been a good person, she might have accepted it as fate. However, this man was known for being very promiscuous, going to brothels almost every day. He already had more than ten wives, and he was known for using them until he was satisfied, then discarding them to marry another girl.

All of this she learned from servants talking among themselves, and some of her clanmates informed her with a smile on their face, to enjoy tormenting Feng Yue, they tormented her for weeks. It's not like she didn't resist clan elders , but they were high level warriors. One of them even slapped her in the face, making her crash into the wall and endure so much pain.

They claimed that she was the property of the Feng clan, so she had to contribute to the clan. They insisted that it was their final decision, stating that when she graduated from university, she would marry him.


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