
The Devil Invade

This is a story of Darby Pentanon . ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ ----------------------------- [ Darby Pentanon is the main Character or Protagonist whatever . ] ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ ----------------------------- Who got literal God's power unknowingly and he had a lots of Adventures, Betrayers etc. And now he and Darby Sailol which is as a friends toward Darby as well as he is the villain too . ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ ----------------------------- [ So here comes the second main protagonist of thos story . ] ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ ----------------------------- After so much of struggle they chose to die so now that they died and now they are reincarnated into normal and wealthy humans and now that there businesses are pretty famous among many countries so they decided to make their businesses even more famous so they decided to work in a partnership and they both meet again and since they were enemies from their past life so it is obvious that something unusual happening would take place among them and so happens read the full novel lto get it cuz it is full of confusions and add it to your library and vote me and review me as it helps me a lot ,If you missed even a single chapter it would result in a great confusion as this story changes within seconds.... ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ ----------------------------- And the main biggest twist is in Chapter 27 so if you wanna jump it would be a waste so Enjoy and I have planned many things for this novel so stay tuned cause you don't know where is the interesting part well we'll get to that otherwise I would yell all the intrest at once never mind.... ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ -----------------------------

Sankalp_Verma · Fantasy
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28 Chs

The Fierce Battle . ( Chapter 06 )

The devil cheif had drank a spell of power and now Darby began to be nervous because this battle will decide that who will live and who will die now it was a do or die situation and if Darby died who will kill the devil king.

Daniel : " You can kill him now you are a God of Thunder and lightning "

Adeline : " Yes you can defeat him we all believe in you "

Ken : " Give him a thunder bolt and he will be dead for sure "

This made Darby believe in him and now the devil cheif shown his true powers.

Devil Cheif : " You can't defeat me you are just a atom of an dust "

Darby : " Don't be so overconfident you are the one who is going to but we can leave you if you tell where is your King "

Devil Cheif : " We all have taken oath that we will better die rather than betraying our King "

Darby : " Better then we will be able to find your King and we will finish him off as we will find him "

The fight begans and the black cloud shaded over and from them blood fell on the battle field and blood was spread like cheez is spreaded over a bread. The devil cheif was a hard rivial which made everyone a bit scared because if a cheif of just a small territory was a big challenge to all of them and how would be King he is far stronger than anyone .

Daniel : " Darby is that a sword ? "

Darby : " Hmmphhhh . It looks alike a sword or a axe or a combo "

Darby : " Wooohhh. The axe side is made up of fire and the sword side is is made up of lightning "

Daniel : " Hey look at the book "

It was written on the same page that the sword and axe are made up of different elements. The sword was named as Clural because it was a ancient weapon . And the both sides when used together woukd cause a major destruction. Darby swinged the Clural and there in air a cutting was formed like a portal.

Darby : " Hey what is this thing "

Daniel : " You created a portal through which we can go to any world we want we can even use this thing to go back to Earth "

Ken : " Hey I can create a sword like it only so that I can use this for me also "

Darby : " Yes go ahead "

Ken : " Done but it doesn't looks like yours and it is just a normal sword "

Daniel : " Oh leave it "

Everyone headed for the base of The Devil King in the middle way they found a village . There they found some humans who were in a very bad situation like there was no sign of vegetation and there was no food and the monsters were taking revenue from them.This was out of control so Darby taken the sword of Ken and fought with those monsters and killed them now the villagers were also helping the Darby and his friends and told them everything about The Devil King.

The villagers told Darby and his friends that The Devil King was not Devil King he was a humble king and he was a human cruel since two years ago once his friend told him that if he had to rule over all timelines then he has to be cruel so that all kings are scared by your name and they will not even dare ro speak against you and you need to kill everyone that interferes in your way to Glory to do so you have to go to all timelines in which your enterance is fixed and you have to kill your host and you can only kill any of your host only in your timeline otherwise you and your host will die. So on that day only oor King left and his friend took over his kingdom from that day till yesterday our King was not here and now after so many days he has came back but he is no more human and is cruel than anyone he takes taxes from us every single day and he has became even more powerful and he has Learned so many magical tricks that he can fool himself also.

Darby : " But the wizard told us that he was inside me in every timeline. So how is this possible that he was human ? "

Daniel : " Point to focus "

Adeline : " But why will the old wizard lie ? "

Ken : " Might be he is a devil soldier who is helping The Devil King to kill Darby "

Darby : " Might Be "

Everyone left the village and they have got a map of the Kingdom Now they knew every sigle thing about The Devil King and about his Kingdom now he knew that they have not to kill The Devil King they have to remove the spell which given to him by his friend but there was very much confusion that how will they remove the spell from The Devil King and how will they kill the friend of The Devil King and why was wizard lieing to them.