This is a story of Darby Pentanon . ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ ----------------------------- [ Darby Pentanon is the main Character or Protagonist whatever . ] ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ ----------------------------- Who got literal God's power unknowingly and he had a lots of Adventures, Betrayers etc. And now he and Darby Sailol which is as a friends toward Darby as well as he is the villain too . ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ ----------------------------- [ So here comes the second main protagonist of thos story . ] ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ ----------------------------- After so much of struggle they chose to die so now that they died and now they are reincarnated into normal and wealthy humans and now that there businesses are pretty famous among many countries so they decided to make their businesses even more famous so they decided to work in a partnership and they both meet again and since they were enemies from their past life so it is obvious that something unusual happening would take place among them and so happens read the full novel lto get it cuz it is full of confusions and add it to your library and vote me and review me as it helps me a lot ,If you missed even a single chapter it would result in a great confusion as this story changes within seconds.... ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ ----------------------------- And the main biggest twist is in Chapter 27 so if you wanna jump it would be a waste so Enjoy and I have planned many things for this novel so stay tuned cause you don't know where is the interesting part well we'll get to that otherwise I would yell all the intrest at once never mind.... ----------------------------- ^ -|°|°|- ^ -----------------------------
Darby : "aaaaaahhhhh" ( while waking up)
He is a science genius with a unique story whoe's parents live faraway from Darby .
He frequently looking at the clock it was around eight 'O' clock he was already late,
However he manages to reach at school. He was in such a haist that he forgotten to take bath and brush his teeths.
He reaches at 8:30 and it is the second-period of Miss. Olivia, She is a very rude teacher and the biggest enemy of Darby.
When Darby enters the room Miss. Olivia was staring at door with a strange smile on her mouth Darby knows that what that strange smile on Miss. Olivia's face means then also he asks her
Darby :"May I come in ma'am.."
in a second
Miss. Olivia: "You are already in " Everybody in class laughs at Darby
Darby (in mind) : I wish I can kill her. Miss Olivia : " Just look at your face it is completely messed up for how many years you have not washed your face "
Everybody laughs, This hurted Darby from inside. Miss. Olivia mades him stand for a whole period the bell rings and Darby comes in the class and sits beside Daniel.
He is a orphan and Darby doesn't knows about it and he is the one true friend of Darby in which Darby belives with blind eyes and he knows every single thing about him which makes him special to Darby, although he is a smart and kind person.
Daniel : "Why she always insults you"
Darby : "I just don't know why is she so rude with me ?"
Darby : "Leave it"
Darby : "Do you have something in your lunch box"
Daniel :"Yes"
Darby : "Give it to me fast I am starving " Daniel : "Ok..okay"
Daniel : "You have a Babysitter right ? "
Darby : "Oh Yes "
Daniel : "So why don't you ask her to make breakfast for you "
Darby : " She is a monster she just want food and money "
Dainel : " These all are like that only"
. The bell rings and everybody goes to their homes and Darby also goes when he reaches home he hear some strange voice he was sure that it's coming from his house he slightly opened the door and saw that Luna is having a party at his home.
Luna is his babysitter who is very bad she doesn't cares about Darby.
He Opens the door and saw his dear dog Leo lying on the floor he ask's Darby : "Luna that what happened to Leo"
Luna : "We have gave him some wine with mentos to test that whether it blast's or not "
Darby : "WHAT You have given him wine and mentos, Are you guys crazy"
He immediately calls ambulance and tells the team everything but Luna said that Darby has given him wine and mentos he tries to prove that he is not lying but ambulance team thinks that he is lying because he was just twelve-year-old he got very angry and ran to the forest he thinks that
Darby ( In anger) :Why don't these peoples just disappear .
then suddenly everything becomes dark and he saw a strange sign and heard a strange, loud and deep voice coming from his heart
Unknown Voice : "Why don't you just kill them" Darby (in a shock) : "Who are you and Where are you ?"
Unknown Voice : " I am the sadness of your heart I am the anger of your mind I am your DARK SIDE"
Darby : "But what you are doing in my body"
Unknown Voice : "I was always in there I felt what you felt about others when they hurted or teased you they hurted me and the anger which is deep inside yourself to bring it to reality is my revenge "
Darby :" No you cannot do that"
Unknown Voice : "I can do so"
Unknown Voice : " I will never let you to do so" Darby : "How will you stop me.
Unknown voice : "You have to do what I will say"
Unknown voice : "If you don't do so I will kill your precious ones"
The darkness of the sky goes off and again the sunlight falls on him and he ran to his house and washsed his and made him believe that it was just a dream and he goes off asleep and when wake up he looks at watch it was just 7:30 then he goes to school and when he enters the class room again it was dark and he saw that sign again and it made clear that everything which happening with him was reality he goes in and sits beside Daniel.
Daniel : "What happened bro"
Darby (With a blank expression) : " Nothing"
Daniel : "But it doesn't seems to be nothing"
Darby tells him everything what happened with him last evening.
Daniel : " What, You have an monster inside your body"
Darby : "Be quite "
Daniel : " Okay but he can listen your surroundings "
Darby : "Might Be"
Daniel ( Writes on paper) : " So he will talk to you later on today I will go with you"
Darby (Answering on papaer) :" Okay"
Daniel ( Answering again on paper) : " So I talk to you later on "