
The devil and his prime ex-angel system

Caleb_Ross_9640 · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Soul’s are nutritious

"Is he okay".


The humans who had watched Sam 'die' were saying

Then a roar of absolute rage came from Sam. one so audible that it even shook the very earth itself

"Roar!!!!!!" Onyx was shocked as was genie because Sam had slit his throat so how could he have just roared to the point of even causing the earth to quake in fear like that. "I hate you all, die!" Sam said with a whole hell of a-lot of hate inside of his heart as he grabbed genie

-"Hells blazing hand!"

And the moment after he finished saying that she started to melt away like an overused candle and all that was left was a ball that was nothing but the ugliest shade of pink ever and for one reason or another Sam started to eat what it appears as though only he could see

'Slurp' the moment after he sucked the ugly ball up he received a system message


Congratulations on devouring your first putrid soul

New stat unlocked: desirability

New status unlocked: soul hunger

What stat would you like to spend this soul on


"Please, spare my life Sam!" onyx begged like a dog, and like a dog he was begging for his life while pissing on the ground

"You always were a filthy coward". Sam said as he was the embodiment the true king of demons with every right to speak every last ounce of the truth

-"Hell fire weaponry"…

As he said that a sword constructed of the flames of hell erupted from his hand

'Slice' and like that he was nothing more than a charred corpse who Sam also proceeded to wretch the piss colored soul out from his throat with his bear hands and when he had finished doing so




Another enemy human soul has been devoured

You have now angered the angels as well as the god's

New quest: kill the arch angel Michael

Quest Rewards: angels infamy & the title angel slayer


"Will this ever actually happen though."

'We shall do it Sam with the power of us both, conjoined together as one.' Lucifer had said without a hint of hesitation, irony or anything of the sort.

While all this was happening the other bastards who were watching him kill the other two were panicking and trying to kill Sam.

But what was the point in that when he could just kill them all.

"all of you just die!!!"