
The Descent of the Evil God

A certain loser on Earth, doing good deeds, stumbled upon a book called 'Master of Slumber's Teachings'. After studying it, he encountered a divine and beautiful woman, who exchanged 'Master of Slumber's Teachings' for a drop of blood, thus becoming the lowest-tier vampire. Just as he was about to flaunt his skills to establish a harem of three thousand, he was interrupted by...

gilbert_gilbert · Fantasie
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100 Chs

Chapter 30: The Secret of the Divine Descendant

In the words of Duchess Avril and with Li Xie's fully awakened consciousness, Li Xie finally understood!

During his unconsciousness, some miracles happened, which led Duchess Avril to mistake him for a divine descendent!

Why do miracles happen whenever I faint? Last time I was mistaken for a legend, and now I'm being mistaken for a divine descendent!

What on earth is going on?

Li Xie didn't have time to dwell on this question because he was feeling extremely embarrassed!

Our Duchess Avril was standing naked in front of Li Xie, and she didn't seem to mind at all!

And Li Xie, he was definitely not the kind of man Duchess Avril thought he was—a man who devotes himself entirely to the gods, with only the purest of hearts!

With a naked beauty standing before him, Li Xie couldn't help but feel a surge of blood rushing through his veins. Luckily, he had already shed some blood earlier, so it wasn't as intense. But fearing another nosebleed and fainting episode, Li Xie had to let his blood flow where it needed to!

Thus, we can conclude that Li Xie is definitely not a man who can't rise to the occasion in front of a beauty; his little brother can attest to that!

"Dreama..." Li Xie even changed how he addressed her, instantly becoming more intimate. "Although my body is reacting, it's just my mortal form. Trust me, my heart is pure. It's just that even the purest of hearts can't ignore the gifts bestowed upon us by our parents. Please don't look down on it. Its upright stature is only doing what it should, especially in front of a charming woman like yourself, it needs to bear the weight!"

Li Xie decided to start spinning some tales, partly to ease his embarrassment and partly to prevent Duchess Avril from mistaking him for a shameless person!

"Duchess, you don't need to explain. Dreama understands. I used to think that our bodies and minds belonged to the Goddess of Life, but after hearing your words, Dreama finally understands. Our bodies are gifts from our parents, and we must repay their kindness. We often ignore our bodily needs, thinking that total devotion is the only form of dedication, but today I realize that we must honor our bodies first before we can return to the embrace of the Goddess of Life. And perhaps it's precisely because you understand this that you've become a divine descendent! It's no wonder that the pious sacrifices who lead pure lives can't become divine descendents!"

Wow! Girl, you're really good at making stuff up, even better than me! No wonder you're a professional priestess!

But hey, I like it!


Li Xie couldn't help but smirk inwardly; he was enjoying this way too much! Quickly adopting a solemn demeanor, he said, "My dear Avril, by understanding this, it shows that you already have the qualifications to become the second divine descendent! However, this is a secret of the divine descendent, and you absolutely cannot reveal it. In the future, you must continue to live a life of purity and virtue, unless, of course, you are with me, then you can follow your body's desires and do what truly needs to be done."

"Why?" Duchess Avril was puzzled. If following one's body could lead to becoming a divine descendent, why adhere to the previous rules? After all, those rules were the main reason why divine descendents were so rare on the continent!

Li Xie looked up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, with a tone of resignation. "You can understand this because of my guidance, but do you know why no one knows this secret of the divine descendent and instead goes against it?"

Seeing Duchess Avril shaking her head, Li Xie continued, "Because the Goddess of Life forbids it!"

"What?" Duchess Avril was shocked, immediately paying close attention, eager to know the reason!

Li Xie had anticipated Duchess Avril's reaction. When it came to matters related to the Goddess of Life, these believers would surely pay full attention and believe without doubt!

"The Goddess of Life once said that secrets known to everyone are no longer secrets. If everyone understands the need to honor their bodies as a way of repaying their parents' kindness, then it wouldn't be sincere. Therefore, the Goddess of Life decreed that the secret of the divine descendent must remain undisclosed. It is meant for others to comprehend on their own! Only those who truly understand can truly speak and act sincerely! So, you cannot reveal this secret, nor can you act on it to let others know. You can only do so in front of me. This is the will of the Goddess of Life and our secret between us! This is also why I have always concealed my identity!"

Li Xie wasn't sure if the Goddess of Life had actually said this, but who knows? As long as he used the Goddess of Life as his reference, Duchess Avril would surely believe it wholeheartedly. Afterward, if she wanted to "follow her body's desires," wouldn't she have to come to Li Xie? Even her bodily needs could only be fulfilled by him!

Sure enough, Duchess Avril didn't doubt what this "divine descendent" before her said, nor did she question whether the Goddess of Life had actually decreed it. She solemnly nodded. "No wonder Your Highness behaved like a wandering disciple before! It all makes sense now! With the Goddess of Life above us, your servant, Dreama Avril, will definitely keep this secret!"

Hehe! Little girl, you can't escape from my grasp now!

In order to pursue Duchess Avril, Li Xie's potential as a charlatan was further stimulated. When he realized that he was born to be a charlatan, he had already become a full-fledged one. Of course, this is a story for another time.

"One more thing," Li Xie continued. "Today's miracle must also be kept secret. You must not let others know it was because of me. To the outside world, attribute it to your devoutness attracting the divine light of the Goddess of Life. However you choose to explain it, just don't involve me. You know, as a divine descendent, I've already grown indifferent to fame and fortune. I don't want to attract too much attention."

In other words, Li Xie was well aware that he was definitely not a divine descendent. If this matter were to spread, countless people would come to him to level up their demonic pets or heal various serious illnesses. He knew nothing about it, and he couldn't keep postponing it forever. In the end, not only would it cause a lot of trouble, but it would also eventually be exposed. Once exposed, Duchess Avril would surely kick him out without hesitation!

Anyway, before familiarity breeds affection, he had to pretend to be a divine descendent, but only Duchess Avril would know!

Duchess Avril didn't dwell on Li Xie's thoughts. She simply nodded in response to his instructions, treating Li Xie's words as if they were a decree!

"Well, then let's go down," Li Xie said, holding Duchess Avril's delicate hand as they descended the Eternal Tower.

The beauty beside him was still naked, while Li Xie's "sacred priest robe" was no different from being naked after getting wet with water!

In this sacred Eternal Tower, a naked man and woman holding hands walking leisurely downward would only be described with one word in secular terms: decadent! Of course, in a sacred place, we must use a sacred perspective. Perhaps, this was another beautiful legend of Adam and Eve!

As for Li Xie, he didn't care about the judgment of others! He only knew that Master Meng once said: "When the day comes that you take off your clothes and there's a woman next to you, naked as well, and yet there are still a bunch of women eagerly anticipating you, then as a man, no one dares to say you're not successful, even if you're a rag-picker!"

At this moment, what Li Xie wanted to say the most was, "Master Meng, I've succeeded!" Because beneath the Eternal Tower, there were indeed a bunch of women eagerly awaiting Li Xie!

Duchess Avril's promotion ceremony, with her three consecutive levels of advancement, was the talk of the town among the students.

Next, Duchess Avril would surely be busy for a while due to her three-level advancement. Li Xie understood this and made an appointment with her to discuss some classic teachings of the Goddess of Life when she wasn't busy anymore. Then he bid farewell to Duchess Avril.

Under the gaze of the pure and unworldly students, Li Xie changed into his own clothes, boarded his carriage, waved goodbye, leaving behind a bunch of excited virgins.

All the way, Li Xie's mouth was crooked, twisted with laughter!

He couldn't believe that a promotion ceremony could lead to such camaraderie with Duchess Avril, the beauty he had fallen in love with at first sight!

Back at the Baron's Mansion, the poor guards and servants were still adhering to Li Xie's orders—to coax the little blue cat down!

Unfortunately, after a whole afternoon of fussing around, the little cat was still on top of the almond eucalyptus tree, showing no intention of coming down.

Li Xie didn't express much about this, just gave the order that if the cat wasn't coaxed down, no one was allowed to rest! He didn't want his ninth-grade magical beast to just run away like that!

Then, Li Xie went to bed.

This time, he's had too many nosebleeds, leaving him feeling dizzy and groggy. He decided to rest for a while and let the guards donate some blood to make up for it!

He slept until noon the next day, only to be awakened by a commotion.

"Who's making all that racket?" Li Xie grumbled. Disturbing someone's sleep was unethical, didn't their mothers teach them?

Lily quickly entered Li Xie's bedroom, bringing along a basin for washing up. Another maid, a shy but diligent girl named Sasha, followed, carrying a bowl of sticky substance that looked like bird's nest soup.

"Master, you're awake. Lily will wash your face for you," Lily said, even though their slave contracts had been terminated, Lily and the others still considered themselves servants and addressed Li Xie as "Master."

Li Xie enjoyed Lily's service. After two months in this world, he had gradually gotten used to being waited on like this. "What's going on outside? It sounds so lively!"

"Master, the guards are having a drinking contest with Meow Meow!"

"Meow Meow? Who's that?" Li Xie remembered that there was no such character in his estate.

"It's the unlucky... Master's lucky magical beast. It likes to meow, so we call it Meow Meow."

"Damn, I haven't even given it a name, and you've already named it! Let it be Meow Meow then. So, how did you manage to lure it down? And drinking contest? Tell me all about it." Li Xie took the bird's nest soup from Sasha and started eating, listening intently.

Lily began to tell Li Xie the bitter history of coaxing the little cat down from the almond eucalyptus tree.

Apparently, about a hundred people from the mansion stayed up all night, placing various items under the tree, but still couldn't win the little cat's heart. In the middle of the night, the guards started drinking, and unexpectedly, the little cat jumped down from the tree, its lively eyes seeming to ask the guards for a drink!

The guards, feeling playful, gave the little cat some alcohol. Since Li Xie was asleep at the time, no one came to report the disturbance, and the guards ended up drinking with the cat all night!

The little cat surprisingly had a high alcohol tolerance. Even though there were a hundred guards plus Kano, all of them were military men with alcohol tolerance several times higher than ordinary people. Yet, they were all knocked out by the little cat!

"Master, they drank up all the guards' alcohol last night! This morning, the guards woke up, feeling disgruntled, and started drinking with Meow Meow again! Lily estimates that they're probably losing again!"

"Heh... my little kitty likes to drink too!" Li Xie laughed surprisingly, but then suddenly realized something and asked urgently, "They drank up the guards' alcohol, where did they get the alcohol for this morning?"

"From the wine cellar!"

"Damn it! Those are the fine wines I've collected! Quickly, stop them!"

"Master, I'm afraid the wine cellar's already empty. Lily just heard that Lord Aston ordered the guards to buy more alcohol."

"Damn it! Kano!!!"