
The Descent of the Evil God

A certain loser on Earth, doing good deeds, stumbled upon a book called 'Master of Slumber's Teachings'. After studying it, he encountered a divine and beautiful woman, who exchanged 'Master of Slumber's Teachings' for a drop of blood, thus becoming the lowest-tier vampire. Just as he was about to flaunt his skills to establish a harem of three thousand, he was interrupted by...

gilbert_gilbert · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Chapter 29: The Descended God Scholar

"May the Great Master guide me! I refuse to faint!"

With a soaked beauty before him, how could a man possibly faint?

However, Li Xie, whose eyes were just caught by the body of Lady Avril, didn't even have time to close his eyes as his nose started to bleed. Two streaks of red immediately invaded his senses, flooding his mind with crimson.

Suffering from the condition of fainting from one's own blood, Li Xie couldn't control himself. His eyes rolled back, and he collapsed straight onto the water's surface with a loud thud.


His body slapped against the water, creating a loud sound.

This disturbance finally triggered Lady Avril's fully suppressed anger!

This man wasn't here to preside over any promotion ceremony, nor was he here for any baptism. Who gets baptized by being drenched with water? Just a sprinkle on the fingertips is enough!

He was here to sabotage the promotion!

And now, what was he up to?

Lady Avril couldn't resist opening her eyes, preparing to scold Li Xie and then kick this fake priest off the sacred Eternal Tower!

But what she saw was a pale-faced Baron Xie, floating motionless on the water's surface!

"Is he dead?" Lady Avril was stunned, completely confused about the situation.

"By the grace of the Life Goddess, did you manifest a miracle and take the life of this false priest?" Lady Avril seemed to interpret the current situation as a miracle!

However, what followed was the real miracle, the one Lady Avril would never forget!

Li Xie's forehead emitted a wisp of black smoke, rising until it reached three meters high, gathering into a black smoke ball about a meter in diameter!

Within that ball of smoke, two dragon-eye-sized red lights flickered, emitting a terrifying aura that immediately spread from the smoke!

It was the same aura that had previously frightened off the rat tide and left the desert villagers trembling in fear!

Lady Avril, who was at the forefront, couldn't help but tremble as her mind involuntarily bowed down, her body trembling as she prostrated herself on the water's surface, her forehead pressed against it.

Which deity had descended? The terrifying divine might!

Lady Avril's soul trembled with fear.

This was a divine might she couldn't resist. Under this divine might, she was just a lowly ant, forced to prostrate herself!

The terrifying aura spread through the air via the Eternal Tower, dispersing throughout the Imperial Capital! Although it weakened due to dispersion, its impact on the mind and the fear it induced didn't seem to diminish much!

Viscount Pan Sen's hands trembled, looking terrified as he stared at the Eternal Tower. "Miracle?"

Even Earlwin Hayes, holding his wine glass, dropped it directly, his face filled with shock. "The Life Goddess has descended?"

Emperor Mercedes VII and Prime Minister Harry Yinter exchanged glances, both seeing fear in each other's eyes. They realized that a deity had descended, and this fear came from divine might! And all of this was definitely blamed on Baron Xie! He was truly an embodiment of the divine!

The citizens of the capital, no matter what they were doing, all knelt down, prostrating themselves on the ground. They all felt the fear emanating from their souls, the divine might towering above, instinctively inducing fear and worship in these ants!

Even the guards and servants in the suburban mansion of Baron Xie were all prostrated on the ground. The only exception was the little cat perched on top of the almond tree, its azure eyes gleaming!

This aura came suddenly and disappeared in just a few seconds.

At the top of the Eternal Tower, the black smoke had retracted into Li Xie's brow!

Beside him, Lady Avril, sitting weakly in the Life Pool, still felt suffocated. Even if her clothes weren't soaked by anyone, they would undoubtedly be drenched in her cold sweat!

"What just happened? Has the main god descended? No, that's even more terrifying divine might! Could it be the God-King? How could a deity possess him?" Lady Avril's face, still full of shock, now had a hint of confusion as she looked at Li Xie. "Enduring such divine might without bursting? Is he truly an embodiment of the divine? No, someone like this couldn't withstand such divine might mentally! His heart and brain would definitely explode! And for him to die intact, there's only one possibility! He is an embodiment of the divine, and moreover, he is a God-Incarnate! Possessing the most harmonious constitution with the divine and the purest soul on the continent — a God-Incarnate! Life Goddess above! How could we let a God-Incarnate die after displaying a miracle! My lord, your most devout servant, beseeches you to grant divine light and restore life to this God-Incarnate!"

Li Xie had only fainted from his own blood and hadn't died. But in Lady Avril's mind, being possessed by such divine might would even cause a God-Incarnate to die!

At this moment, Lady Avril was kneeling, her hands clasped tightly in front of her chest, praying for the deceased Li Xie, beseeching divine light to restore his life!

At this moment, Lady Avril's grievances towards Li Xie had vanished, replaced only by profound respect!

Whoever could become a God-Incarnate must possess a more devout faith than anyone else, and a purer soul! If we speak of good people, the most kind-hearted individuals must surely be the God-Incarnates favored by the divine!

Only when true goodness reaches its peak can one qualify as a God-Incarnate!

And now, Lady Avril saw Li Xie as a God-Incarnate, a person with the purest soul!

His previous sudden confession, his lecherous smirk, were just his disguise. There must be reasons behind them! It turns out, the man before me is a God-Incarnate!

Li Xie, still unconscious, had no idea that he had become a God-Incarnate in the eyes of Lady Avril, nor did he know that he had become the person Lady Avril respected the most!

And Lady Avril, his beloved, had forgotten her own advancement at this moment, devoutly praying for divine light to restore his life!

As if sensing Lady Avril's prayers, the midday sky suddenly darkened, as if night had fallen, only without the moon, and the stars hidden!

No, there was one star that appeared particularly bright in the sudden darkness. This star suddenly emitted a milky-white radiance, shining on Lady Avril, causing her body to emit a glow, and then bursting into a blazing fire!

Under the divine light, Lady Avril slowly floated upright, unharmed amidst the blazing fire!

These flames were just cleansing the impurities remaining on Lady Avril's body!

The flames quickly dissipated, and Lady Avril fell into the water pool. Her clothes had burned away, but her body remained unscathed, not even a strand of hair was burnt!

Her naked body was now emitting a faint glow, adding a touch of holiness!

Seeing the glow on her body, Lady Avril was shocked and puzzled!

This glow was not ordinary light. In rituals, this kind of glow was called "Holy Light"!

A tenth-level sacrificer could emit this kind of glow externally to enhance their own holiness. But someone who emitted this kind of glow without needing to control it could only be a Holy Sacrificer!

The Holy Light on Lady Avril's body indicated that she was now an eleventh-level sacrificer — a Holy Sacrificer!

"Life Goddess above!"

Lady Avril was stunned!

In history, there had never been a sacrificer who advanced beyond their level, let alone the possibility of jumping from the eighth level directly to a Holy Sacrificer, a three-level increase!

"All of this..." Lady Avril looked at Li Xie, still floating on the water's surface. "It's all because of Your Highness!"

Lady Avril attributed all the credit to Li Xie! It was Li Xie who allowed her to advance three levels in one go! Yes, in her belief, perhaps only a God-Incarnate had the ability to perform such miracles!

Lady Avril walked over to Li Xie's side, sat in the water pool, and cradled Li Xie in her lap. She used the water from the Life Pool to wipe the bloodstains from Li Xie's face, murmuring, "I prayed for divine light to be bestowed, but it couldn't restore Your Highness's life. Perhaps the Life Goddess wants Your Highness to return to her embrace!"

With that, Lady Avril leaned down and pressed her tempting red lips to Li Xie's forehead, bidding him a final farewell for his "death".

This action, however, made the unconscious Li Xie feel a warm and moist sensation. His consciousness gradually returned, and as his eyes flickered open, he saw two plump masses swaying in front of him, each adorned with two pink cherries!

In a daze, Li Xie, driven by his male instincts, reached out and grabbed one of them, giving it a squeeze. It felt soft and warm to the touch!

Surprisingly, Lady Avril showed no aversion to this, not even avoiding it! Instead, she exclaimed with joy, "Your Highness, you're not dead!"

"Who the hell said I was dead? Can't you see I'm having a wet dream? Ah, it's really pathetic. The first time I touch a woman's chest, it's actually in a dream..." Li Xie's consciousness gradually awakened, and he found himself facing Lady Avril! Li Xie's gaze shifted back to his own hand, which he had unconsciously placed on Lady Avril's chest. He stared blankly and said, "I'm actually touching Lady Avril's chest! Goddess of Sleep above, if this dream is so real, please don't let me wake up!"

Lady Avril didn't mind Li Xie's hand resting on her chest. She smiled and said, "Your Highness, you don't need to use these actions to conceal anymore. Merna knows it too. You're a God-Incarnate! You have the purest soul, devoted only to the Life Goddess, without any mundane emotions."

The voice was not faint or intermittent, the scene was so clear, the feeling in his hand was so real, and even the sensation of a heartbeat!


Could it be!

This isn't a dream?

Li Xie's consciousness finally fully awakened, and suddenly realized something. He shuddered and quickly withdrew his hand, realizing that he had inadvertently touched someone's chest!

Goddess of Sleep above, now it's impossible to pursue Lady Avril anymore! Oh!

Li Xie felt so frustrated!

But then, he froze again!

Because he saw Lady Avril smiling on her face! There was even a slightly excited smile!


Can someone tell me what's going on? Does she like being touched? Should I touch her again to see? Should I? Or shouldn't I?

"Just now, I didn't mean to. If you're angry, you can chop off my hand! I won't evade it!"

Li Xie, still puzzled, decided to confess. Perhaps Lady Avril was just laughing out of anger, perhaps she was about to erupt. Before things got out of hand, he wanted to apologize, even if it meant losing a hand, it could grow back anyway!

Lady Avril smiled faintly, and the holy light made Li Xie a little dumbfounded. "Your Highness doesn't need to hide. You're a God-Incarnate, and Merna understands it too. Thank you for Your Highness's gift."

What's going on?

Li Xie's mouth twitched, suddenly feeling like he should still be in a dream! Otherwise, how could the world be so wonderful? After touching Lady Avril all over, she still greeted him with a smile! And even thanked him for the gift?


Goddess of Sleep above, let me stay in this dream forever!