
The Demon Lord Descends on America

I awaken from darkness, bathed in blood and fire, reborn anew. The demon lord Mephisto arrives on Earth, initiating the second cycle of evolution. Modern civilization teeters on the brink of collapse under the onslaught of advanced beings. Even the torrent of steel and war machines cannot hold back the tide, as the world gradually descends into unknown chaos...

DaoistoQq9Ni · Urban
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128 Chs

Chapter 35: The Mysterious Wonder Woman

By this time, the main hall was bursting at the seams, practically packed to the gills. However, the star-studded ensemble around Bruce certainly drew a lot of attention. With Gus and another bodyguard paving the way, they managed to smoothly make their way to a staircase. The security guard stationed there immediately pulled the rope barrier aside with respect, allowing the group to ascend to a booth in the center.

This central second-floor booth was arguably the best spot in the entire venue, offering both privacy and an expansive view. From this vantage point, one could overlook the entire nightclub, taking in the scene in its entirety.

The manager naturally took care of the other arrangements. Bruce, standing at the edge of the transparent railing, looked down at the men and women dancing wildly to the music below. Alcohol, drugs, and money were being thrown around like trash. He smiled and asked, "Looking down, what do you see, Gus?"

The loud noise and deafening music inside the nightclub didn't affect them at all; their demonic senses were far superior to those of ordinary humans. Gus, burly as a bear, looked down at the packed crowd and said in a deep voice, "Foolish and fragile humans, venting through alcohol, drugs, and sex."

"It's desire, boiling desire," Bruce shook his head, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath, taking in the familiar scent of decadence. "Such a familiar scent of depravity."

A mysterious smile flashed in his eyes. "Remember, humans are complex creatures. They'll rely on technology to compensate for their physical weaknesses. But the weaknesses of their souls can't be compensated for, and desire makes them even weaker. That's our opportunity to control everything. You need to learn to use this."

Gus fell silent for a moment before nodding solemnly. "Your will is everything, sir." He then looked to the other side, where a tall woman was holding a champagne glass, leaning lazily against the railing.

"It's alright, Gus. Sometimes, the prey willingly walks into the trap." Bruce's lips curled up slightly. He had noticed that the woman's gaze had been on him from the moment he and his group had arrived.

Gus stepped back knowingly and sat down on the edge of the sofa.

"Are you looking for me?" Bruce walked over to the woman and whispered in her ear. Although he wasn't particularly familiar with these so-called celebrities, he still recognized the woman in front of him.

Gal Gadow—Miss Israel, a woman with stunning beauty and a slender figure, who had starred in the "Fast and Furious" series. She had recently played Wonder Woman in the blockbuster "Batman v Superman," which had sent her popularity skyrocketing.

"Men seem to be quite arrogant," Gal Gadow responded, her tone neither surprised nor disturbed. She gracefully tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, revealing her long, white neck and enticing collarbone. The golden teardrop earrings made her appear even more tempting. This was a woman who knew how to use her assets to her advantage.

"The prerequisite for arrogance is making mistakes, but I never make mistakes. So you could say, it's the instinct of a strong male." Bruce replied, somewhat enigmatically. He gracefully stepped back a bit, not letting his gaze linger on Gal. "Beautiful Miss Gal Gadow."

"You know me?" Gal Gadow slightly lowered her eyelids, somewhat intimidated by Bruce's deep and seemingly magical eyes. She had not expected this man to be so direct and imposing.

Bruce's entrance had been quite a spectacle, so she had recognized this up-and-coming billionaire and young elite as soon as he had arrived.

Established stars like Gal Gadow aren't easily moved by wealth; they often value influence in Hollywood more. However, when wealth accumulates to a certain extent, things change. After striving in America for many years, she understands that this is a level that can change many things.

Moreover, the handsome man in front of her is so young. Not only is he charming, but he also has extraordinary potential. There's no harm in getting to know him, is there? The only thing she's not sure about is whether he knows she has recognized him.

"Wonder Woman, there shouldn't be many people who don't recognize you now. You can call me Bruce." Bruce could tell at a glance that Gal Gadow had recognized him. However, he didn't show it and maintained a proper pressure. If he appeared too eager, he could easily scare the prey away.

"Would you do me the honor of having a drink with me? My friend Eddie told me that the whiskey here is very good—Glenfiddich 1937."

The waiter was very perceptive and handed over the drinks just in time. Bruce was polite in his speech, but he didn't seem to seek her opinion and directly placed another glass of drink in front of her.

"Maybe it's also nice to sit for a while; my friends haven't arrived yet." Gal Gadow smiled sweetly and took it naturally. She had already confirmed her participation in the upcoming Fast and Furious series movie, "Fast and Furious 8." Today, Vin Dexter, who is both the lead actor and producer, organized a party to invite some of the main creators and actors to gather before the shooting started. She just happened to arrive a bit early.

When Vin Dexter and other stars arrived, they saw Bruce and Gal Gadow chatting and laughing together. He was slightly stunned, but Bruce had already taken the initiative to shake hands with him. "I'm Bruce, nice to meet you, Mr. Dexter."

Then Gal enthusiastically hugged Vin Dexter. "Long time no see, Mark (Vin Dexter's real name)."

"I hope you don't mind if I join you guys, Mr. Dexter. I'm a big fan of yours." Bruce said with a smile.

Vin Dexter was bold and even appeared somewhat arrogant, but he was certainly not a fool. Being able to book the best spot in a top nightclub like Liv meant he was no ordinary person, so he simply went with the flow and sat down with his group.

These people obviously didn't recognize Bruce. His photos weren't as famous as his name, Bruce Lee. Some people simply thought he was Gal's boyfriend.

"Call me Mark, Bruce." After a few rounds of drinks, the atmosphere quickly livened up. Vin Dexter laughed heartily with his characteristic rough voice, clinking glasses forcefully with Bruce before turning to Gal. "I like this guy, Gal."

"I'm considering investing in movies, Mark. Maybe we'll have a chance to work together in the future." Bruce relaxed. He wasn't just making small talk; Hollywood's thriving film industry is a great promotional tool, and it helps his plans a lot.

"Wow, really? It's too noisy here, not a good place to talk about this. Let's keep in touch." Vin Dexter laughed loudly, circling his finger around his ear to gesture the noise.

Liv Hollywood Club truly lived up to its reputation as a top nightclub. Many familiar faces appeared here, including famous tycoons and stars of all sorts, creating a lively atmosphere. When the crowd's interest eventually died down, it was already 3 AM.

"Stay in touch, Mark!" Bruce smiled and waved goodbye to Vin Dexter and the others, then turned to look at Gal Gadow. She could hold her liquor well, but she was also slightly drunk, her eyes sparkling as she looked at him. With the help of alcohol, this man had quickly integrated into Vin Dexter's group, easily blending in to the point where he could call them by their first names.

"I wonder if you like speed in real life as well." Bruce raised his eyebrows, lifting his chin slightly towards Gal. He was obviously referring to her performance in the Fast and Furious series.

"Depends on how fast we're talking about." Gal Gadow said with a slightly provocative tone, fueled by the alcohol.

Top-tier nightclubs like this one, of course, offered designated driver services, but Bruce didn't need it. If he happened to encounter a DUI checkpoint, he could instantly metabolize all the alcohol in his system, making it as if he had never touched a drop of alcohol—so clean that even the most precise instruments couldn't detect a trace.

Besides, there were rarely police checking for DUIs at night here.

"Hold tight!" Bruce said gentlemanly as he helped Gal Gadow buckle her seatbelt in the passenger seat, then gripped the steering wheel and said to her.

The Lamborghini's engine roared, tearing through the night and speeding away.