
The Demon Lord Descends on America

I awaken from darkness, bathed in blood and fire, reborn anew. The demon lord Mephisto arrives on Earth, initiating the second cycle of evolution. Modern civilization teeters on the brink of collapse under the onslaught of advanced beings. Even the torrent of steel and war machines cannot hold back the tide, as the world gradually descends into unknown chaos...

DaoistoQq9Ni · Urban
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128 Chs

Chapter 36: The Admirer

Actresses like Gal Gadot pay extreme attention to their diet and daily exercises, managing everything from caloric intake to food types, and from long-distance running, yoga, to professional strength training. A quick glance at any of their schedules reveals a stringent and precise regimen, essential for maintaining their slender and impressive figures over the long term.

So, it would be a grave mistake to think they rely solely on their looks. The crazy determination they possess to maintain their physique is not something everyone can achieve, not to mention those actresses who show early signs of osteoporosis due to excessive dieting and exercising.

It truly validates the saying—no one succeeds easily unless they are harsh on themselves.

Moreover, to play the role of Wonder Woman, a superhero from DC Comics, Gal underwent an additional set of rigorous training, including kung fu, boxing, fencing, and judo. Her physical fitness is exceptionally remarkable among women, described as explosively good. Whether it's flexibility, endurance, or strength, she's excellent in all aspects, and importantly, she doesn't let excessive training distort her figure.

However, even with all these capabilities, Wonder Woman found herself completely overwhelmed in bed by Bruce, surrendering to his formidable stamina. Her defenses crumbled, and she fainted multiple times, experiencing the pinnacle of life's pleasures.

But Bruce had to admit, her tall and sexy figure, especially her long legs, were so captivating that he found himself getting a bit too invested.

So while Bruce enjoyed a leisurely afternoon tea at the Four Seasons Hotel on Beverly Hills, our Wonder Woman was still bedridden in her room.

Compared to Bruce's lavish and carefree lifestyle, Kit Leslie and Isaiah Christophe were living much busier and fulfilling days. After sharing the news of their impending salary surge with their respective families, Kit and Isaiah dived into work, perfecting every detail of their negotiations. Of course, they also made sure to report back to their boss, Bruce, in a timely manner.

"Please have a seat, Ms. Jacobs." Bruce smiled as he hung up the phone with Isaiah, gesturing for the woman standing across from him to sit. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Tea would be fine." Nancy Jacobs settled into her seat, her expression unchanged.

This was a woman with slightly harsh facial features. Despite being close to forty, her youthful figure and well-maintained skin were still enchanting, showcasing her remarkable self-control.

Although puzzled why the newly rich Bruce Lee would seek her out, Nancy arrived promptly for their meeting. Being a competent agent, she clearly understood the importance of connections—even if there was no prior association with the other party.

"Please forgive me, but I've done some research on you in advance." Bruce signaled for a cup of tea to be brought to Nancy, then relaxed back into his chair, crossing his legs and resting his arms on the armrests. "I must say, Ms. Jacobs, you are an outstanding agent."

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Lee." Nancy Jacobs remained calm, waiting for him to continue.

"No, this is not mere flattery, Ms. Jacobs. I truly admire your abilities; you deserve much more." Bruce shook his head slightly with a smile, indicating his sincerity.

"So, what do you mean?" Nancy Jacobs was somewhat surprised. Her mind was racing, but she still couldn't grasp his intentions. She was certain they had never crossed paths before.

"What is your opinion on Rachel Cyrus?" Bruce finally revealed his purpose. "It seems she hasn't told you, but Rachel and I are good friends, very good friends." He noticed the confusion in Nancy's expression and emphasized the words "very good friends."

"I was not aware. Rachel is a passionate and sunny girl, and I see great potential in her acting abilities." Nancy Jacobs finally understood why he had approached her. In less than half a second, she adjusted her emotions and skillfully complimented Rachel without a second thought.

She actually had such a relationship under her command, which she really hadn't expected. Perhaps this could be put to good use. A good agent must be adept at utilizing all available resources.

"There's no doubt about that. But I've always believed that people who are too positive have a hard time surviving, whether in Hollywood or elsewhere. I offered her some help that I could afford, but she turned it down." Bruce shook his head with a slight smile; not everyone had the ability to refuse him.

He preferred to take matters into his own hands rather than wait for this innocent girl to be battered and bruised in Hollywood before coming to her aid.

"That's indeed Rachel's style, I can imagine that," Nancy Jacobs had an impression of this extremely beautiful rookie actress under her command and would give her appropriate attention, but that was all.

She really didn't expect this little actress, who seemed insignificant, to have such a personality. She wasn't sure whether to call her naive or childish.

"Sometimes, young people tend to get lost and carried away, and they can't see their own path clearly. That's when they need help from their elders." Bruce didn't think she would refuse him. Young girls like Rachel, who were eager for independence and had simple minds, were after all a minority. To become a powerful agent, Nancy Jacobs must be pragmatic and put interests first.

"I can offer you more help than you can imagine, whether it's money or something else. So, Ms. Jacobs, you can start helping Rachel make a more reasonable and comprehensive plan. And when you need my cooperation—just let me know, and I'll take care of the rest."

"And in return, what do you need me to do for you? Or rather, what price does Rachel have to pay?" Nancy remained calm and rational. For her, there was no love or hate without reason in this world, and she was already accustomed to exchanges of interests or resources.

"No, no, you misunderstood me, Ms. Jacobs. I don't need any return from Rachel or you. Just consider it a secret contribution from an admirer. In fact, if you do this for me, I can also offer you some help when you need it personally." Bruce sat up straight, resting his elbows on the table, his hands crossed and supporting his chin, his eyes fixed on her deep blue eyes.

"You can rest assured, this is exactly what I'm good at." Nancy Jacobs was finally moved. Although she still had her doubts, Bruce's words had reassured her enough to dispel her concerns. With a super-rich backer fully supporting her, things would be much easier.

Deep down, she even felt a bit envious of Rachel Cyrus, this naive girl who was so lucky.

"Since Rachel doesn't want me to get involved, let's keep these things from her for now, shall we, Ms. Jacobs? If there's anything, you can call me directly." Bruce smiled gently, waved his hand, and Gus, who was standing not far away, immediately stepped forward, pulled out a business card from a delicate holder, and handed it to the female agent.

"I agree, happy to work together." Nancy quickly glanced at the business card, put it in her bag, stood up, and shook hands with Bruce.

"By the way, please call me Nancy, Mr. Lee." After leaving her seat, Nancy Jacobs suddenly turned around and said to Bruce, with a flirtatious smile in her eyes.

This is a smart woman. Watching Nancy Jacobs' graceful back as she left, Bruce thought to himself.

Gal Gadow was also a smart woman who knew her boundaries. By the time Bruce returned to his room, the beauty had quietly left, leaving a lingering fragrance.

She left only a note on the bedside table: "Call me."

Followed by a string of numbers. She must have left in disguise, as her sensitive identity made it inconvenient to appear in public.

But Bruce guessed that her departure wouldn't have been too easy, and he smiled wickedly.