
The Demiurge Larva: Kung Fu Panda / Reincarnated in Another World and

The protagonist finds himself in the world of Tai Lung before the events of the original story. Due to his arrival causing some changes, the storyline deviates from the original track. What will the hero do now, having lost his knowledge of the canon? Improvise, adapt, survive... and gather a harem. Naturally, the world has undergone significant changes, with expanded dimensions, various worlds, and increased power levels. However, key characters remain, such as the Furious Five, Kai, Shen, and others. The focus will primarily be on everyday life, but there will also be action, fights, and martial arts. Additionally, erotic elements will be present. Consider yourself warned. For those who didn't understand, I have taken the "Kung Fu Panda" universe and combined it with elements from other fascinating realms. The result is this story. In a way, it's similar to the original, but also different. It can be considered fanfiction, in a sense. Instead of pure furries, beings with animal bodies and human traits, I decided to create beast people. After all, a girl with ears and a tail is more appealing than a cat with arms and legs. If you came here to read about furries, I'm sorry to disappoint you - furries will be present, but not right away... This is a translation of the original, not my fanfiction. The original is in Russian and I will leave a link to it below: https://tl.rulate.ru/book/68903

Daoistm99JRV · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 4

So why did I do the bad things for myself? I was just amused by one thing... So, the funny thing is that there are also ordinary animals. Some are bred for human consumption. And no, it's not cannibalism.


Let's say there is a kingdom of birds, there is a clan of a rooster or a hen, but they are not stupid birds, but also people, just with the characteristics of birds. And then there's the regular chicken, which is bred for grub and grilled chicken, which even these half-birds eat and don't see anything wrong with it.

That's what made me laugh.

Like, a rooster eats nuggets... It's weird, funny, and thought-provoking, but it's pretty simple.


After all, there is as much kinship in them as between a man and a fish. It seems to be a common relative, but a very, very, very distant relative. Although, if you look at it this way, we are all relatives on earth, just very far away... It's just that some have stalled at their stage of development, while others have begun to evolve.


As I said, there is a little less morality here than in my world. And I also remember that in the last world there was one country where people emitted gases in public places and it was considered normal. I remember another tribe that ate their dead relatives, so they were cannibals.

In short, M is the mentality.


And, everything seems to be clear, but... How did the beastmen come here?


I mean, why did humans develop these features of animals? Or, on the contrary, is it the animals that have human traits? But how?! Here's what I'm interested in...


Sort of... Some chimpanzee fucked a cat, he liked it, and then it went off and all the chimpanzees picked it up and switched from their females to other animals? That's how the first Beast Apes were born, which evolved into Beastmen...


No, it's probably either some god who did something here, or this mystical Ki is to blame for everything... The mutations are there...


I shook my head and pushed the unnecessary thoughts out of my mind. Anyway, I won't find an answer to this question in the coming years, so let's continue to digest the information that Shirou feeds us.


Some kingdoms, mostly too weak to defend themselves from predators like us (and we are predators, we will not devour them, but we will take away the territory), have formed alliances with other weaklings like them, and have united, creating a single capital and choosing the most important one who will watch over all the creatures, some of their representatives living together and exchanging culture in the same territory.


Here, for example, is a very famous place, a city (mini-kingdom) called "Gong-Men", where there are several weak kingdoms in the alliance.


These are mainly herbivores, such as sheep, goats, sheep, rabbits, ducks, deer, rhinoceroses, clumsy pandas and peacock birds, but weak predators are also found, wolves there, in general, that hodgepodge of all animals. And the most ironic thing is that in their union, the main ones are peacocks! Peacocks!!! What a strange world it is...


Plus, my sister mentioned the "jade valley" from the cartoon that I know, it is known thanks to an old but strong old man who has been living on this land for more than one century.

His ancestral beast is a tortoise, he has received longevity, but in return he has a slow metabolism and a pacifist worldview... I doubt it, though, but oh well.

And yes, that old grandfather is Oogway, presumably about two thousand years old... Pretty impressive, isn't it?


All the kingdoms that are part of this alliance have allocated resources and part of their territory to the construction of a large capital of a small but powerful kingdom.


This was done, as you can see, in order to protect themselves from the predators, and as you can see, their plan worked very successfully.


Because Gong Mei is the unofficial capital of China, a neutral but strong territory where other kingdoms can negotiate peacefully, relatively.


Have you thought about them talking out there and discussing trading?


Haha, no, instead of carnage and wars, they organize battle tournaments, choose the strongest fighters and send them into battle!


Winners receive an award, benefits, and perks.

The losers give away villages, cities, resources, tidbits of territory, retail outlets, and so on.


Most choose this option instead of a stupid, irrational and pointless war where both sides lose resources and people.


In general, the longer I listen to Shirou's retelling of the history of the world, the more I realize that they should not be underestimated. They are stronger, faster, more resilient, and some are smarter than we are...


We talked a little about the world, realized that it is a lot big and there are a lot of animals and people in it, and also that it is dangerous and scary. Now let's talk about our kingdom, or rather, about our clan.


As I said at the beginning, my sister blurted out that the head of our clan was dead, I don't know the details, but thanks to him, now the three northern tribes, and this is the tribe, not the clans, wanted to bite off some territory from us, so like rats, they formed an alliance among themselves.


What is the difference between a clan and a tribe?


In a clan, there is a hierarchy. In our country, for example, it's a bit tough. There is an inner courtyard where purebloods live, that is, those with pure bloodlines, and an outer courtyard where people with slightly diluted blood reside.


And what shocked me was quite a bit, because we're part human, so we can mix blood among different members of the species. Naturally, this threatens with strange mutations, but ki repairs and rules everything, as a result, we expand the gene pool of the planet, creating more and more creatures...


It's not as popular as it seems at first glance, because who in their right mind would want to take the risk of creating a Frankenstein? A chimera? It is better to create a healthy family of your kind. So, let's learn ki and go seduce the rabbit girls!


The tribe is mainly inhabited by relatives and close people. In other words, a group of people who do not divide themselves into "I am above you" and "I am below you," that is, without any rigid hierarchy like we have.

It can be said that it is the same as if our outer court separated from the clan and established its tribe in the mountains. It's silly, but you're independent of anyone.


I'm the son of the heir to the head, so my status is higher than that of any of the outer court, but here's the problem, it's lower than my sister's, because my father conceived her with a woman from the inner court. Even though I'm a man and he should be taller! But... Damn hierarchy...


My mother is from the outer yard, my father is from the inner yard, now I understand why my sister behaves so disobediently with my mother, and she does not make any visible effort to whip her, they spoiled the girl.


Thank the loli's legs that Shirou did not fully plunge into this politics and did not lose her childish naivety...


I don't think if she had been a little older, she wouldn't have agreed to that promise. Why, Shirou wouldn't accept me as a brother at all, because I have dirty blood, you see... It's a good thing Shirou hasn't been imprisoned in this narrow confines of blood purity yet, and now that I'm here, I won't let them spoil my sister!

And also Dad got a few points of sympathy from me, very little, but still...


And the best part is that I'm my mother's first child, what does that mean? So I have a second mother... Shirou's mother. And it saddens me that she doesn't visit me at all. I wouldn't mind squeezing her tits...

Don't look at me like that! I have to take advantage of my position before I grow up!


In general, in the clan, I occupy a position somewhere on the level of "like a prince, but no", and my mother is "like a queen, but without power"


While I was thinking about all this stupid and boring clan politics, my head ached with idiocy.

It's so complicated...


And I haven't mentioned the system of assessing personal strength yet. What the hell is this?


Since they do not fight with firearms, but with fists, and those who have stronger ones usually win, but since not all creatures are endowed by nature with a strong body, some people have chosen not the path of strength, but the path of technique and the refinement of combat techniques.

For example, a mouse is weaker than an elephant, but knowing its weak points, even an elephant can be defeated by a mouse...


Of course, a mouse won't achieve anything with a bare technique, because no matter how perfect the technique is, you can't do anything to an elephant with a frail body, but this is where my favorite CI comes in! And then even an elephant will get 3.14 zdyul from a mouse.


It was the weak who first learned to control their ki. It awakens in everyone around the age of 12-16 and initiates their genealogies, but it is one thing to awaken, and another to learn how to control this unbridled and powerful energy. I don't think predators were on the verge of extinction and trained to death to survive like herbivores.


These weak beings trained their bodies, developed their martial arts, and honed their techniques. Of course, it was all to no avail, but at one point their efforts bore fruit and they discussed their life energy, in other words, Ki...


Naturally, the predators began to get punched in the face and, soon, they also began to learn martial arts.


Then they all began to gather together on a huge scale, carnivores and herbivores there. Predators and herbivores then began to gather in clans, tigers there, snakes there, rabbits away from them, etc. And, finally, began to form kingdoms...


As far as I understood, they had always had ki, both carnivores and herbivores, after she woke up at the age of 12 or 16, their bloodlines were immediately activated, but they couldn't control her.


And only after an unknown amount of time, someone, being on the verge of life and death, learned to control it...


No one knows the exact date when they learned to control ki, presumably it happened tens of thousands of years ago...


And during this time, the beastmen have created a system by which they judge the strength of ki masters.


There is the first stage, which is also divided into three sublevels: beginner, intermediate and higher.

Then comes the second stage, which is also divided into three sub-levels, then the third, and so on until the ninth stage. The ninth is the last stage... It's probably just that the history doesn't mention the presence of stage 10.


And my sister listed them all, from the first to the last, she especially wanted to become a "kumenren", if anything, the last stage.


To be honest, all these names don't give me anything at all, but I still tried to remember them.


They are: "Saisho, Banme, Daisen, Leishi, Kouranbe, Doukon, Duhamen, Ryūsenshi, and Kumunren."


For me, it's just an empty set of sounds, I didn't even catch the meaning in them.


From the interesting information, my dad is now on "kouranbe", that is, on the 5th stage and the highest layer.

The head of the clan, according to Shirou, was in the sixth stage of the 'doukong' of the initial sub-level.


It is said that his ki was so powerful that he could envelop his body with it and temporarily became a superman. Of course, he could not fly or shoot rays from his eyes, but he was able to destroy rocks with a blow of his fist.

Rumor has it that he destroyed a small mountain with a punch...

My sister told me this in a "secret" secret.

Ehh... Now sit and think, is it the child's mind that filters and embellishes everything, or are there really such monsters in this world?

What is this "Kumenren" capable of then...


And, since my grandfather, being in the sixth stage, being almost a superman, somehow managed to kill?! How?! It's definitely a conspiracy! I'm telling you for sure! It's a revolution! Revolution!!!

Ahem, I'm sorry, I'm just a little shocked by the information I've received and I'm still digesting it.


But what scares me even more is that this martial artist who had definitely lived for more than a hundred years, maybe a few centuries, was only at the sixth stage?! Then how long will it take me?!


In the future, it will be necessary to see exactly what kind of power they possess... Suddenly, the mountain was the size of a hill... A small mound... Ehh, who am I kidding, my sister won't lie to me, a baby, and they won't teach her half-heartedly either. She just repeated the material she had read in front of me, they would not feed the daughter of the head with false information.


And if we also take into account that she is like the daughter of the next chapter, then she will be taught very diligently!

She is only six years old, but the weight on her shoulders is greater than that of a student during the first session...


I am sure that each successive stage is much stronger than the previous one. It's like in RPG games, the higher your character level, the stronger you are. As you level up to the next level, you unlock more opportunities and gain more power...


As long as I'm here... I was amazed by the information received and digested, my sister finally finished repeating the story and began to play calligraphy. She took a brush and a white scroll and began to scribble. Ahem, hieroglyphs, it was crooked, but she tried.

She broke her wrist a couple of times, but she had a whole carload of them. Further proof that the people here are much stronger than the people of my world. And these "fairy tales" about the destruction of the mountain with a blow of the fist cease to seem like fairy tales...


Puffing over her calligraphy, Shirou could no longer talk to me so violently, she already had to concentrate very strongly, so I was finally able to enjoy the peace and quiet... Not for long.


I guess my mom wouldn't have trusted Shirou to look after me under normal circumstances, but she had urgent things to do, so she left me and Shirou for the day with grief!

And I, as a growing organism, needed a lot of food, and I needed to be fed five or six times a day!


Mom also confided it to Shirou, which upset me, because she was in such a hurry to get somewhere.

No, my sister didn't breastfeed me, because she didn't breastfeed me (you just don't tell your sister that, she'll kill me, she's small, but she's still a girl and has been taught some etiquette), so she feeds me from a suction cup filled with milk.

Whose, I don't know, but I hope that a stunning beauty and a juicy milf...


"Huh?!" Brother! It's time! It's time to eat again! Are you hungry? Shirou looked at the large mechanical clock and remembered that it was time for me to eat. Quickly putting down her brush, my sister got up from the table and walked over to me.


"Personally, I'm hungry!" Not so much, of course, but still my tummy hurts a little and wants to eat. Do you have a tummy ache? My sister gently touched my tummy, and he began to grumble treacherously... And you, Brutus?


"I wish I knew what you're thinking." She said thoughtfully, looking into my eyes and trying to figure out what I was thinking. And I think about how I was able to listen to her all day.

I think it's because she was repeating stuff most of the time and not talking about like she is now, but still... I'm amazed at my will, today I pumped it up a lot.


"I wonder what's for dinner." Oh, it's so late—" She saw the day turn into evening outside the window.

We were so engrossed in history that we didn't even notice how it started to get dark, although it seemed like we had lunch recently.


"Brother, time passes with you!" Although when I read this boring story, time stretches to infinity! Whooooo My sister showed me with her hands how time stretches without me.

And yet, no matter how much she eats my brain with her endless conversations, she is eerily cute, which makes up for these shortcomings a little...


And, still talking about everything, my sister went to the cupboard, where my mother left her jars of milk to save me up, and then go get her food.


"Brother, are you sure that's enough for you?" Well, it's just milk! How can you get full just by drinking a can of milk? I won't get enough if I drink a whole barrel of milk! Is it because you're small? Or maybe you're starving and your mom doesn't know about it... Decided! I'll feed you meat! But you don't have teeth... I came up with it! I'll chew it myself and give it to you to eat! But the spoon is too big and can hurt your little mouth. That's right! I'll just pass you the food right out of my mouth! I'm so smart, huh? Brother, why are you looking at me so strangely? Ouch! Why are you crying?! Still gently lifting my head and laying it on the pillow, my sister began to feed me milk from a jar.

Naturally, even during feeding, she did not calm down and began to chat "with me"... It's a good thing that I'm small and can't answer her, because then she would definitely not lag behind me at all.


Holy feet of the loli, save me...

Although I liked the idea of meat... A little, just a little, just a little, although I wasn't interested in it at all. Yes...

Ahem, it's a shame my stomach can't handle such heavy food. Although the idea is very interesting, yes...


Come to think of it, I don't have to swallow meat, do I?

Heh, heh, heh...


But, my dreams were not destined to come true today, because I reached the limit of my endurance and finally fell asleep.

I literally lasted the whole day purely on willpower. I wanted to sleep, but I held on. My eyes were closing, but I was forcibly opening them. I almost fell asleep, but I came to my senses in time.


But today I learned so much interesting information, more than in the last month that I spent with my mother.

I think the day was fruitful.

And, thank you, I have to say to my sweet, but overly cheerful sister.


Hmm... Since my sister is not from my mother, but from someone else, is it okay for us to practice incest?


I think if you connect ki here, then there should be no problems...



Before I finally fell asleep, I drank the last remnants of my milk and fell asleep very soundly.


To be continued...

If you liked it, let me know it in the form of power stones. This will be the motivation to continue!

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