
The Demiurge Larva: Kung Fu Panda / Reincarnated in Another World and

The protagonist finds himself in the world of Tai Lung before the events of the original story. Due to his arrival causing some changes, the storyline deviates from the original track. What will the hero do now, having lost his knowledge of the canon? Improvise, adapt, survive... and gather a harem. Naturally, the world has undergone significant changes, with expanded dimensions, various worlds, and increased power levels. However, key characters remain, such as the Furious Five, Kai, Shen, and others. The focus will primarily be on everyday life, but there will also be action, fights, and martial arts. Additionally, erotic elements will be present. Consider yourself warned. For those who didn't understand, I have taken the "Kung Fu Panda" universe and combined it with elements from other fascinating realms. The result is this story. In a way, it's similar to the original, but also different. It can be considered fanfiction, in a sense. Instead of pure furries, beings with animal bodies and human traits, I decided to create beast people. After all, a girl with ears and a tail is more appealing than a cat with arms and legs. If you came here to read about furries, I'm sorry to disappoint you - furries will be present, but not right away... This is a translation of the original, not my fanfiction. The original is in Russian and I will leave a link to it below: https://tl.rulate.ru/book/68903

Daoistm99JRV · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 3

Yesterday, I was somehow able to control my spiritual power, but when I tried to do it again, today, I failed. She didn't want to circulate through my body like she did yesterday.


Still, I jumped to conclusions when I said that I had learned to control her again, but I understood the cause of the problem.


I can give you an example with metal. As long as it's hot, you can mold anything out of it, but when it cools down, you don't care what you make out of it. I felt the same way with my spiritual energy.


She stupidly refused to listen to me and follow my instructions. I've had it anyway, and it's like she's turned into steel!


Either you need strong emotions like conscience, anger, joy, peace or something else, or you need a will of steel to replace those emotions.


In general, you need the opinion of experts, such as my mother. But how do you ask them? I'm small and can't speak, although I already fully understand the speech here. The only thing left to do is to read and write.


I realized yesterday that my mother is also the owner of spiritual energy. And she knows it a few orders of magnitude better than I do, because after she gave birth, she was able to get back on her feet the next day, although I could only take away the sore throat, and she healed herself and disappeared somewhere, I suppose she talked to my sister and it was then that she made that promise with her. Shirou studies hard, and then gets me as a reward... Ahem, that is, just an opportunity to support me in your arms!


Usually, after giving birth, a woman should stay in bed for at least a week. And then mom bam, and the next day she went! As if she hadn't given birth at all yesterday... I mean, this strange energy has incredible healing properties!


And if you think about it, I didn't even notice the stretched skin on my mother's belly after childbirth... This means that it not only heals wounds, but also allows you to regain the former beauty of the body, hence it gives her the opportunity to maintain her beauty. This is a direct path to immortality! Or longevity, which is not so bad either.


And in general, I don't think that it is worth continuing to call this force "spiritual energy", because if you compare the sensations with the past and present energy, this one is felt in a completely different way.


If the previous one was soft, pliable and gentle, then it is more powerful, stronger, harder to control and hard, but it is also as effective as it is.


I guess I'll just call it "ki" in Chinese, in other words, "life energy", better than spiritual force, right?


I can suggest that while I was developing in my mother's belly, my weak spiritual energy merged with my body and evolved into life energy. But this is the theory of a miserable mortal being, I don't know what the real is, and I can only speculate based on the available data.


After yesterday's buff, when I forcibly began to control ki and let it circulate throughout my body, it has strengthened significantly.


If it took me at least a week before the boost to fully lift my head, today I hold it firmly above the pillow, also with my vocal cords.

After a good rest, I stopped feeling a sore throat and I'm sure I can say a couple of sentences! Of course, I'm not going to do that...


Of course, I would have achieved this in a week without any ki, but with her I sped up the process many times over!


That's why I want to start learning ki, but... How?! Do I need to awaken my conscience again? This is not as easy to do as it seems at first glance. This time it happened completely by accident, I don't think I can do it again...

Even in the last world, when I accidentally killed a person, my conscience didn't react at all, but then bam, it woke up right away! But at what cost... At the cost of my mother's tears.


Is ki worth my beloved mommy's tears? No! The hand will not rise to experience this feeling again.

I'd better wake up myself sometime... I'll make you do it.... I'll subdue my ki!


I'll come up with something later, but now I have another problem, or is it not a problem, but a gift from the gods?

I don't know how, but my sister once bargained with my mother for the opportunity to be in the same room with me!!

Insanity? Did Mom fall out of love and decide to get rid of me? Did my mom sell me to my sister?! No, no, no.


My mother had some urgent business, so she entrusted a relative, and not some servant, to keep an eye on me. I won't die of hunger, my mother got me milk and gave me jars of nipples so that I wouldn't die of hunger. Plus, she instructed me when and at what interval to feed me.


But not only is she sitting here to look after me, feed me, and clean up after me, but she also has a book, a notebook, and a brush! That is, she is now studying in my room, at the same time she is watching me, there are different situations, so it is logical that the mother agreed to entrust my safety to her daughter... I guess...

I think a servant would be more reliable...


I was thinking about the impermanence of existence and at the same time sorting out important information from unnecessary garbage, listening to my sister who was talking to me. Although she doesn't care if she listens to me or not, the main thing is to chat "with me".


I lay on our large and soft bed, covered, clean, clothed, and fed. And next to her, my sister sat at a small table, with a sheet on the floor, and repeated the material she had learned aloud.


She mainly studies history, calligraphy, the basics of combat, and reads minor literature such as "How Not to Kill a Newborn Baby," "A Handbook for Young Mothers," "How to Be a Good Mother, a Handbook for Dummies," and "Is Incest Family or Right?"

Since I can't read, I came up with a name for it myself... I hope the books are still about this, because I'm beginning to fear for my life...


Surprisingly, thanks to the child's thinking, where the child cannot concentrate on one thought and jumps from one topic to another every second, she became my best informant, after my mother, into a new world! Moreover, she is also a girl, and it does not matter what the topic of conversation is, the main thing is to talk, therefore, they talk about everything they can.

I got an incredible gift for myself! After all this time, I'm finally learning a little bit about the world...

I wish I hadn't, I realized after a few hours.


From her flood of endless information, where the doll games and the death of the clan leader were mixed into one mishmash, I was still able to extract the most important thing. I organized the information available to me and got a more or less normal view of the world I was born into.


So, let's go in order.


As for this world, it's definitely a few times bigger than my good old mother earth, for my sister covered a lot of territory in her conversation. I don't know how much longer, but for some reason the day here goes on like in my previous world, it feels like 24 hours, a minute is 60 seconds, and a second feels like a second. Except that I can't determine gravity, but I guess it's not that much of a difference.


And this is strange, according to the laws of physics, there must be a very strong gravity here, since this planet is larger than Earth. And the temperature doesn't fluctuate either because of its large size, like, until it makes one turn, a hundred years will pass, but here it is 25-28 degrees during the day and about 15 at night... Either this world was created by hand, i.e. some god was naughty, and I began to believe in their existence after reincarnation, or ki can not only heal, but also create an optimal biosphere for living beings... All in all, it's all ki, Tai Lung.


Not only did I notice this energy in my body, but after yesterday, where I was able to control it, I began to feel it more clearly. And I found out that it was literally everywhere, in the air, in objects, in my sister, in the ground and in the ceiling! Naturally, in different quantities, but still, it's everywhere!


Concentrating on my sister, I could not understand exactly how much ki was in her, I think my mother did not feel my yesterday's "explosion" in her stomach either, because it was very weak. Plus, it looks like a stranger's ki prevents another user from influencing them.


And how can you not believe in gods? If there is a mysterious energy, then there are those who have harnessed and subdued it...


I wouldn't be surprised, even if the whole world is actually infinitely flat, and it's supported by three elephants, and they are already on a tortoise.


As I said, this is a very large world, the inhabitants of which have not fully explored it themselves. And power reigns in him, he who is strong is right, he who is right survives, and he who is wrong is eaten by the strong. It's figurative, but we're not cannibals.


Either the sister perceives the world in this way on the basis of the available information, or she has been brainwashed to develop and learn, but in reality everything is completely different... I think it's the former, because my Shirou may have childish naivety, but she's still a beastman, albeit a small one. And any predator is a predator in Africa.


And even if things are different, the fact is still that I have entered a world where the world is ruled not by civilized people, but by beastmen! That is, half man and half beast!


They are similar to us, but still different from the inhabitants of my past world. For example, my mom is several times stronger than any man in my previous world, and the men here are even stronger. They are also more violent and less moral than humans, and they have strong competition for territory. This, again, according to my sister.


Although, if you look at it this way, we are still similar, they are just as senselessly fighting for territories and resources. They love their children and raise them, my sister and I are an example of this. And their manufactory is also developed at a fairly good level, which means that they not only think with muscles, but also know how to use brains. And their education is also at the same level, since even a six-year-old girl knows such things and now she tells me all this, along the way sharing information about how she likes to play with wooden dolls.


Ahem, so who's in charge and who's in charge?

There must be some kind of emperor here to keep order, right? And if he is gone, there is no emperor here!


According to Shirou, there are a kind of kingdoms in the same territory that fight and compete with each other, and there are a lot of them, and within these kingdoms, clans already rule.


These clans include members of their own species.

Like, the kingdom of cats, and inside it lives the clan of tigers, the clan of lions, the clan of snow leopards, to which I belong, etc.

Yes, I'm a snow leopard.


It seems that one should be amazed that they have not killed each other yet, but I am surprised at how many familiar animals there are!


And the most interesting thing is that we are not even half-beasts. Adults are about a quarter or a third of animals, i.e. they have some features of animals, and that's it, otherwise we are all the same people in appearance. And children like me and my sister are almost no different from ordinary children.


As I listened to Shirou eagerly recount the process of acquiring animal traits, I was glad that she was a good student, absorbing information quickly and digesting it, because she was of no use at all then, and I would have had to suffer listening to her incoherent chatter, and now... I'm willing to kiss her for giving me the information.

And I'm also a little glad that I soon found out that my sister will have cat ears and a tail... Quite a bit.


Newborns like me and children who are less than 12-16 like Shirou don't have any beast traits, maybe they can purr, but they have a small increase in strength, speed and stamina, and that's it, they don't look like beastmen at all. Although this small increase is relative, because Shirou is already stronger than a high school student in my world... Dangerous loli.


Why is my sister so eager to awaken her genes and grow cat ears and tails?


Because with the awakening of the beast bloodline, all your physical abilities increase several times. And this effect is irreversible. And I would like to remind you that this world is not a hothouse where everyone lives in peace and harmony, where power rules. Naturally, Shirou will seek to gain this power, just like Mom and Dad.


How do you get those powerful buffs of your ancestors and grow ears with a ponytail?


Everything is easy and simple to the point of banality...

No, don't kill someone and drink their blood, no.

All you have to do is train your body and awaken ki, and to awaken ki, you need to be a master of martial arts that awaken it during battles and life-threatening situations or during long trainings. But in order to become a master of martial arts, you need to have a strong physique or some other features of the body, high speed there, flexibility, incredible endurance or fortitude of the mountain.


As snow leopards, we focus on speed, agility, resilience and a little bit of strength. Because after initiation, that is, after the awakening of the bloodline, it is these aspects that are strengthened the most.


Something like that.


Although I somehow awakened my ki for a while due to the fact that I already had experience in energy control when I was a sperm cell, this energy is on a completely different level, so I quickly lost control of it and failed the initiation.


Plus, surely my body wouldn't be able to withstand the awakening of the bloodline only a month after birth.

I think I'm starting to understand why I can't control my ki. Not only is it not enough, but my body is not yet ready for it.


If I don't do anything, then in time, my body will be strong enough for the ki to initiate me into the floor of the beast.

Of course, I am not satisfied with this, but...

Who forbids me to start training to improve my physical parameters? No one. Therefore, it would be necessary to start them already, there is no point in wasting time on filling diapers with bad deeds and the suffering of!


And I'm going to start by trying to get my head up as high as I can at the moment! And then I'll try to keep it in this position! Next, you should roll over on your stomach, get up on all fours, sit down and, finally, get up and take your first step in this world!


I have a long and thorny road ahead of me, but, as the saying goes, the path to dohlerion begins with the first step!


My sister keeps repeating the material she has studied, and I listen to her attentively. She has already fed me several times from a jar with a pacifier, thanks to her. And, "thank you" to my mom for not feeding me from her breast!

Where did she go without really explaining anything to us?!

What could be more important than me?!

It's as if the war has begun...


Oh, then my sister came to food, I was already wondering what they eat here. Well, not their fellows, right?


And after listening to my sister, I wanted to laugh, I restrained myself, but in the end I peed... And then he did bad things, it was so funny to me.


And even when my sister changed my diapers, the baldness did not leave my face.

It's a good thing that the diapers are thick and the sheet is clean and unstained by my bad deeds.


To be continued...

If you liked it, let me know it in the form of power stones. This will be the motivation to continue!

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