

Aisha's pov:

"Hahahahahaha." I laughed so hard while walking through the forest with Mike, cause he was telling me how he and his friend Josh were trying to get honey from what they thought was a beehive when they were kids, but it was actually a hornet's nest and the hornet's were not happy.

"I never came out of the house for weeks not only because I was scared of them but also my face was ugly." Mike said while laughing, I realized I like the way he laughs.

"At least now you know the difference between a hornet's nest and a beehive." I laughed then checked the map, "the map says the next piece should be....over there." I pointed to an empty circular piece of land, which was weird cause the rest of the land surrounding it was covered with grass. In between the empty piece of land were two pieces of the key.

"Sweet!, let's get them." He said as he was about to go after them but I stopped him.

"Wait don't you think it's too easy?, Cause so far all of the places were the previous pieces were have been dangerous." I said.

"You're right, we need to test the waters."

Then he got a stick, made sure not to step on the empty piece of land and threw the stick on it. Then in less than a millisecond the ground swallowed up the stick and the pieces but later spit out the two pieces of the key.

"Huh, you'd think by now I wouldn't be surprised." I said.

"Same here, so what's the plan?"

"At this point I don't know, cause this is a really wide piece of land and we can't jump over it without falling in." I said feeling hopeless about the situation.

Then Mike looked ahead for a while then looked behind and went towards one of the trees to test how strong it was.

"How good is your throwing arm?" He asked.

"Very good, why?"

"What if we find a thick branch, sharpen it, tie a long vine to it, throw it with enough force for it to penetrate into that other tree and then we can swing across."

" That is a really good idea and it might work but I'm afraid of heights."

"Don't worry you'll go first and I'll make sure you won't fall, all you have to do is don't look down."

I nod but deep down I'm still scared. But I trust that he won't let me fall, if he does I'll haunt him in his sleep.

"The only thing I haven't figured out how we're going to get the pieces." He said.

I then looked at them for a while then an idea popped up.

"We can make lookalikes for the pieces, then we can use the lookalikes to replace them but both actions would have to be done at the same time."

"Great idea, so you make the lookalikes and I'll find the branch and the vine."

"Why are you doing all the work?" I asked

"I'm not when I find the branch, you are going to sharpen it." He said while running through the forest to find a thick branch and vine.

Well played I thought, then I began looking for stuff I could use to make the lookalikes and sharpen the Branch.