
The Day the Truth was Told

Becca-Rose had her life turned upside down on her 16th birthday when she learns the truth

Pan_Strawberry · Filme
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8 Chs

The Gift

I run upstairs to my room. I grab the gift from under my bed. Sitting on my bed I open it. Inside is a box. I open the box and reveal a necklace with a trident on it. Thats it, a necklace?

"Percy!" I call.

I hear him running up the stairs to my room. He bursts in out of breath.

"What is it Becca?" he asks.

"a necklace." I say super confused.

"Take it out of the box and touch it." Percy instructs.

I do as Percy says. Suddenly I'm holding a bow. I look at it confused and it changed into a sword. I think of a knife and suddenly thats what I am holding. Then it changes back into a necklace.