
The Day I Died For You

Did you know who I was? Did you know my name? Why did I die for you? Evan Durant, a 35 year old, 2nd rate boxer died to save someone he didn't even know. But fate is not merciless...

Nascent27 · Urban
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7 Chs


As the pain subsided, a peculiar sensation coursed through his veins.

"The nanobots should be kicking in any second now."

In his surprise he didn't even find it strange that he could understand the doctor's words.

The realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. The doctor's action wasn't just a simple injection; it was the introduction of nanobots into his system.

His mind raced with questions. What were these nanobots? What purpose did they serve? Were they a gift or a curse? He turned his attention back to the doctor and his parents, hoping to find answers in their expressions.

His father's brows furrowed with concern, his protective instincts kicking in. His gentle smile faded, replaced by a look of uncertainty. He exchanged a glance with his mother, silently conveying his worries.

His mother, however, maintained her unwavering gaze on him. Her eyes, filled with unconditional love, held a glimmer of hope and reassurance.

"Activation Code 497-337-2837."

Activation Code?

"NanoSynth Solutions*, 9th Generation, Nanobot."


"Starting Activation."

Suddenly, his vision sharpened, and the world around him took on a new clarity. Colors appeared more vibrant, and details became more pronounced. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a heightened perception.

He shifted his gaze downward, and to his astonishment, he witnessed a faint glow emanating from beneath his skin. It traced intricate patterns along his veins, like luminescent streams of light flowing through a complex network. The nanobots had integrated seamlessly into his bloodstream, their presence now an integral part of his being.

"Integration complete."

"Entering Hibernation."

Upon hearing those words, his vision went black.

*NanoSynth Solutions is a fictional company, of which I do not own the trademark, if one exists; I realize that this chapter is very short, this was done on purpose

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