
The Day I Died For You

Did you know who I was? Did you know my name? Why did I die for you? Evan Durant, a 35 year old, 2nd rate boxer died to save someone he didn't even know. But fate is not merciless...

Nascent27 · Urban
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7 Chs

Birth & A New World

Darkness surrounded him, and a realization struck him. "I must be dead," he thought. It came as a surprise that he still retained consciousness and memories. His solitary lifestyle had left little room for contemplating what lay beyond death, as survival had consumed all his energy.

As he pondered, a sharp pull tugged at his core, or at least where he believed his navel would be. Was it his imagination, or was the darkness gradually brightening?

He chuckled inwardly. Of course, it was just him. He was alone. Death had a way of clouding one's mind and obscuring the details.

Returning to the growing light, he couldn't help but notice the undeniable brightness.

Abruptly, a powerful sensation tugged at his head—wait, did he have a head? The force pulled him forward, and his eyes fluttered open, met with a blinding brilliance. It felt as if he was being born, surrounded by a tumultuous whirlwind of sounds and movements. With his first breath, the air filled his lungs, and he attempted to speak.

Instead of words, a cry escaped his lips.

Another peculiar discovery awaited him. He realized that rather than being born through conventional means, he found himself peering out from within what appeared to be a pod of sorts.

The pod's translucent casing enveloped him, its material resembling a delicate, blue-tinted liquid. It flowed and rippled within its confines, reminiscent of a tranquil pool of water caught in a frozen moment.

Nested within the pod, he lay cradled in a cocoon-like interior. The surface beneath him provided cushioned and contoured support, perfectly tailored for his body. It felt remarkably comfortable, as though designed exclusively for him. A gentle warmth emanated from the surface, enveloping him in a soothing embrace that eased any lingering disorientation.

Amidst his awe at the advanced technology surrounding him, he failed to notice the presence of three individuals observing him. One, attired in a pristine white lab coat, appeared to be a doctor. He held a tablet, his expression a mix of curiosity and excitement.

Beside the doctor stood two individuals, whom he instinctively recognized as his parents.

His father, a tall figure with sandy-blonde hair and a slightly unkempt beard, wore a kind smile on his face. His unassuming features belied a gentle strength that shone through his eyes. With an air of quiet confidence, he exuded a reassuring presence.

Standing beside his father was his mother, radiating a different kind of beauty. Her homely charm captivated with its simplicity. Warmth and wisdom twinkled in her hazel eyes, while her gentle smile conveyed nurturing affection.

The doctor appeared to be explaining something, engrossing his father's undivided attention. However, his mother's gaze remained fixated on him.

A sudden jerk of her head in response to something the doctor said caught his attention. His father nodded, prompting the doctor to press a button on his tablet. In that moment, he felt a sharp poke in his right arm.

Curiosity mingled with a growing sense of unease. "This can't be good," he thought.