
Chapter 1

I laid in my bed listening to my family. I could hear that there was only Alfred in the house. I smiled as I crawled out of my bed and opened my window and flew out of it. I listened carefully and I know that if I am caught I am going to be dragged back to the manor. I land in the grass. "Hey, big girl." I said as I patted the large scaly neck. I ran my hand along her side. "Let's take a look at this shall we?" I asked as I came to her bandage.

'If we must.' she sighed into my mind. I smiled.

"Well, my lady it's not like you are making a good recovery." I said as I touch her closing wound.

'Has it closed?'. She asked me.

"Yea it, not even an inch deep."

'Oh thank the stars ' she groans as I can hear bones creaking before hands touch my face. "My Lady have I told you I loved you lately?" I smiled at my dragon.

"Not since you have been stuck as your dragon form." I tell her.

"Well, I love you." She says before she kisses me. Kissing her back I melt into her hold.

"Can we go to your place?" I ask her.

"Of course." she said. "Zake take us home."

"Yes princess." Zake's voice rang out. I can feel the shadows move us and then deposit us in a well-lit room.

"Thank you Zake you may return to whatever you were doing before or just go to bed." My Lovely Lady said.

"Yes, Princess."

"Now then." She purrs in my ear as she picks me up making me squeak. "thank you for looking after me again." She said as I was laid on the bed.

"I love you." I said pulling her down for a kiss.

"And I you." She purrs as my communication devise beeps. Making us both groan.

"Hello." She answers it. "Yes, yes, very well night wing." She says as she hangs it up. "Let's get you suited up." She said rolling off me.

"Care give me a rundown?" I asked her as I followed behind her.

"Apparently the Joker and Lex have teamed up and put bombs in several cities." She said.

"Oh, so it's let's blow up the world night!" I said as she got me into my suit I shifted my shoulders, the wings moving with every movement.

"Alright, your set and ready to go." She said as the echolocation and mental link with the eyes let me see the world around me. I touched her face.

"I love you.

"I love you too now go." She said. I hear the doors opening and I take off.

"Alright, where am I headed?" I asked the com device.

"Purple drake good to hear from you."

"I'm sorry Nightwing but my Lady was hit by a harpoon I had to tend to her."

" your Lady must be something else." Beast boy said.

"She was in her draconic form when it happened." I said as I landed.

"Well, that would make more sense." Misses Marshon said.

"You mean the form we still haven't seen."

"Indeed." I said calmly.

"Alright left get a move on Purple you and Beast will be going to the town hall and check there." Nightwing said and we nod and Beast boy and I take to the sky.

It was a silent flight to the town hall.

"My Lady be extremely careful I'm picking up levels of kryptonite." Kayla tells me over out private com.

"Got it, My Lady." I said softly as Beast boy landed next to me and we made our way inside.

"Did I meant that I love the fact that we laced your suit with lead?" She's asked me.

"Many a time my Lady." I said as I start looking around."Night wing." I said as I pulled a tile off the ground.

"You found it?" He asked me.

"Yea I got a 5-minute timer and it's beeping rather loudly." I tell him.

"Damn I won't make it in time." He said.

"It's not like your the only one who knows how to deactivate a bomb." I tell him as I slowly but surely deactivate the bomb. "Well." I sighed as I pull the device from its place. "That's one down." I said. We took off to get the others. We were successful in deactivating the bombs.

"Thank gods we were able to safely deactivate them." Nightwing said. "They're filled with a powered kryptonite." He looked at my twin and neal before looking at superboy and supergirl.

"Well left get rid of these and get out of here." My twin said.

"You got a date or something?" Speedy asked.

"We got family plans tomorrow." She groans. "Meaning I have to deal with my blind sister. she groans and I stiffen.

"What the hell SB." Red Robin snaps. "That's your twin why are you so hateful."

"Oh come on you guys are so oblivious she is an attention seeker. Since she can't." I turn and start swallowing away at this point. "be happy with not being a hero so she steals all of Dad and Papa's time when not in costume." She rants

"Maybe that's because Dad and Pa want to make it she gets there time to. Because we can be hero's she can't." My younger brother neal growled.

"I am heading home, my lady is waiting for me." I tell Aqualad.

"Right see you tomorrow." He said.

"Tomorrow maybe, maybe not." I tell him as I take off as I fly back to my ladies

"That cow!" She snarls as I land.

"She something else huh." I agreed as well and stripped she off my suit.

"Miss I'll need to shadow you home if you want to be back before your family." Zake speaks up.

"Okay thank you Zake." I said as he wraps me in the shadows and I am standing in my room and I crawl into bed. I sit up about four minutes later when my door opens.

"What are you still doing up?" Pa asked me

"Hey, Pa." I said. "I just wanted to make sure everyone made it home." I said softly.

"Everyone made it home safely." Pa said. "Get some sleep."

"Night Pa night Dad." I hear him chuckle.

"Good night sweety we will see you for breakfast." Dad said as my door shut.

I fell back heavily on my bed. 'Kayla' I asked in my mind.

'Yes, love?' She asked

'We have a performance in three days.'

'That we do, what about it?'

'I was thinking of inviting them to it. And asking if my girlfriend can come to dinner tomorrow night.'

'Oh I finally get to meet them?' she asked.

'I hope so.' I smiled at the though.

'Sleep my Lady I will see you tomorrow.' I feel a warm mental embrace and I snuggle into it as I fall asleep.

"Miss." I jerk awake as I blink as a knock comes from my door.

"Yes, Alfred?" I asked.

"I was making my rounds making sure everyone was up."

"I'm up thank you Alfred."

"We will see you downstairs. I left an outfit on your door."

I roll my eyes. "Thank you Alfred." I said getting out of bed and changing.

"I swear I hate this." I hear my sister say as I stop outside the dining hall. I roll my eyes and I walk in.

"Morning!" I said as I smiled as I walked to my seat.

"Morning." Dad and Pa said.

"Morning Little Star." Jason said. I smiled gladly to hear that he made it today.

"Morning Sis." Everyone else said.

"How was everyone's week?" I asked as I sat down and reached forward and picked up my glass of milk.

"It was well." Dad said.

"Work was work." Pa said.

"So so." Dick sighed.

"You know how my week was." Daimon said with a sigh.

"Things with Zake have been great." Jason said rubbing my head.

"How was your week?" Neal asked.

"Oh like the blind one has anything interesting to tell us." Martha snorts.

"Martha!" Dad snapped.

I laugh at her. I laugh so hard. "What did the blind one do while you were all being heroic. Let's see. She aced her finals. She got offered and agreed to be in the Gotham academy singers deviation." I listed off. "She has been practicing for the show she is putting on with her quartet at Lucan teen's club. Oh, and she finally decided to tell her family about the fact she is a lesbian and has a girlfriend." I pushed my chair out. "I'll be out in the garden if anyone actually wants to talk to me."

I was gone before they could utter a word. I was in my corner of the guardian as I took a deep breath and started singing.

"You are not your makeup, you are not their word.

You are strong as superwoman and your hearts as strong as steel.

Girl stands up and hold your head high. For the dragon within will burn bright." I stopped when I heard footsteps. "Jason, Cass, Daimon?" I asked

"You have a girlfriend?" Daimon asked as he grabbed my hands. "Who is it? Do I know them? When are we meeting them?"