
The Dark Novels

In a world where the chosen one has defeated the demon lord and brought peace to the realm, now 500 years have passed since the demon's defeat. Aetheria, the world, appears peaceful, but is it truly so?

Q_Tip · Fantasie
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267 Chs

Chapter 6

**In an unknown location somewhere in Aetheria**

The three entities experienced a whirlwind of emotions—one was taken aback, another intrigued, and the third's emotion remained elusive. "This level of magic... how is it possible!?" The being with the old male voice exclaimed in shock as Amara recounted what she had witnessed—the astral chains used by Cain, the violent tearing open of space, time, and reality with a simple snap of a finger.

"And not only that, this Cain used it against that Xain boy, right? Who nearly killed you before dying and coming back to life in front of you?" The being with an adolescent voice asked, expressing intrigue. Amara had shared details about Xain, including the Hatred and Extreme Hatred she observed in his eyes.

"Amara, you can step down from this mission if you wish," the being with the feminine voice said, her emotions unreadable. Amara looked at her mistress with wide eyes, filled with shock, disbelief, and disappointment—not directed at her mistress but at herself. The internal turmoil began to manifest as Amara questioned her own strength and worth. *Am I that weak? Am I useless? Why would she want me to step down? Am I going to be replaced? Should I even li-* As her thoughts spiraled into darker territories.

Amara was pulled from her thoughts by the statement, "How about I send someone? Two heads work better as one, right?" The being with the adolescent voice suggested, turning to the being with the old male voice and seeking confirmation. "Did I say that right?" The being with the old male voice waved his hand dismissively, saying, "It's 'two heads are better than one,' but close enough."

"Then, unless Amara says otherwise, is it agreed that we should send her support?" The being with the feminine voice sought consensus from the other two beings. One grunted in agreement, and the other simply smiled. The being with the feminine voice redirected her attention to Amara, asking, "So, do you want to step down, Amara? Remember, your safety and life are far above the mission."

Amara, displaying unwavering determination and without a second of hesitation, shook her head. "I don't need to step down, Mistress. I'm committed to completing this mission. Please don't concern yourself with my safety," she asserted, bowing her head. The being with the feminine voice sighed, "Alright then. We will send another agent to your current location, and for today, you should rest, Amara."

Both Amara and the being with the old male voice looked at her in shock. "What are you saying!? We need to get Larkin asap!" the being with the old male voice exclaimed. Simultaneously, Amara protested, "I do not need to rest, Mistress. I can still—" The being with the feminine voice stopped her mid-sentence, saying, "That was an order, Amara." Her tone was deadly serious, and Amara halted, looking at her feet before nodding. "Yes, Mistress."

The being with the feminine voice then turned to the being with the old male voice, stating firmly, "If you're so eager to capture Larkin, go yourself. I won't risk Amara's life." The being with the old male voice glared at her for a few seconds, teeth gritted, before turning away with an annoyed grunt.

The being with the adolescent voice rose from their throne, declaring, "I'll go prepare one of my agents while you two develop spinal issues from sitting around all day." They departed with a mischievous smile, accompanied by their guard. "Annoying little shit," grumbled the being with the old male voice as he watched them leave. "You have severe anger issues," remarked the being with the feminine voice. "And you're going to have severe death issues if you don't shut the fuck up!" retorted the old male voice with a yell.

"Case in point," the being with the feminine voice calmly responded as the old male voice continued to unleash a torrent of obscenities. Eventually, she motioned for Amara to leave, and with a bow, Amara vanished from the room. The only occupants left were the two beings and their guards. The being with the old male voice persisted in his yelling, while the being with the feminine voice leaned against her throne, finding the spectacle rather entertaining.


The being with the adolescent voice distanced themselves from the room, leaving behind the echoes of the old male voice's furious tirade. Their guard, catching up, questioned, "Are you upset, my liege?" The being halted in front of a grand window, illuminated by the moonlight, and turned to their guard with a smile. "Of course I am. How could I not be?" they replied.

"As I expected. So, what shall you be doing now, my liege?" the guard inquired. The being closed their eyes, pondering, before opening them with a flourish of their fingers. "We should send Kirk to help out Amara!" the being declared. The guard probed further, "And after that, my liege?" The being answered with a sinister smile, "After Kirk and Amara have captured Larkin, Kirk will kill Amara. It's perfect. They won't suspect anything, especially after what Amara told us."

The guard nodded understandingly. "Of course. Even without Kirk, her chances of survival are quite slim if Larkin has people like that protecting him." The being agreed, saying, "Right? It's just perfect, isn't it? Though I suppose Amara will prove quite the challenge, considering her abilities."

"Do not worry, my liege. I will provide Kirk with the necessary items to kill her. But I have to ask, my liege, what would happen if the others were to find out that you're the reason Eirisse existed?" the guard inquired. The being with the adolescent voice flashed a sinister smile, revealing their sharp fangs illuminated by the moonlight. "We'll have to kill both of them."

There! I won't constantly have to say, The being with the adolescent voice over and over again anymore. Now I have to say, The vampire with the adolescent voice! Or I could just say, The vampire, I suppose.

Anyway, Au revoir!

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