
The Dark Novels

In a world where the chosen one has defeated the demon lord and brought peace to the realm, now 500 years have passed since the demon's defeat. Aetheria, the world, appears peaceful, but is it truly so?

Q_Tip · Fantasie
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267 Chs

Chapter 35

Amara's mind swirled with a whirlwind of self-doubt and unanswered questions. *Am I not up to the task? Did I take too long? Have I lost Mistress's trust? Am I failing her?* These thoughts gnawed at her, leaving her feeling almost physically sick.

Suddenly, the black knight's voice cut through the turmoil in her head. "Um, how long are you planning to keep holding my hand? And where exactly are we headed?" His question snapped Amara back to the present moment. She quickly let go of his hand, her grip releasing as if she had been awakened from a trance.

Amara surveyed her surroundings, taking in the peaceful square they now occupied. They were deep within Moonveil, surrounded by bustling streets and lively stalls. A serene fountain bubbled gently at the square's center, a stark contrast to the inner chaos she felt. She realized that, while lost in her thoughts, she had unconsciously led them deeper into the heart of the town.

Amara drew in a deep breath, her gaze turning icy as if in stark contrast to her magical affinity. She turned sharply toward the black knight, her voice cutting through the air like a winter chill. "What was all that nonsense at the gates?" she demanded, her tone frigid.

The black knight, seemingly unfazed, replied, "I'm not sure what you mean."

Amara's eye twitched with irritation. "I mean, why on earth did you keep giving them those ridiculous fake names?" Her voice dripped with frustration.

The black knight blinked behind his helmet, genuinely perplexed. "Fake names? I provided them with my names, Fang and Haze."

Amara couldn't help but facepalm at his response, muttering under her breath, "How on Aetheria were you ever selected for this mission?"

Amara had more pressing questions to ask. "So, who is your master?" She knew he didn't serve her mistress.

The black knight seemed perplexed by the inquiry. "Does that really matter?" he responded.

Amara let out a sigh. "I suppose it doesn't," she conceded. "Alright then, how long have you been tracking him?"

The black knight raised a finger to where his chin would be under his helmet. "Two months, give or take."

Amara's eyes widened at his response. "You've been after him longer than I have?" she remarked incredulously.

The black knight simply replied, "I suppose so."

Amara was momentarily speechless, but she quickly composed herself. "In that case, you might have more information than I do. Could you share some details?" she inquired.

The black knight nodded. "I know that he has some kind of connection to the town mayor."

Amara's expression grew pensive upon hearing this. "We were aware that he had connections, but not to this extent. If only I had captured him last time, if that blue-haired nuisance hadn't interfered!" she lamented.

The black knight, clearly intrigued, asked, "Blue hair? Does he employ someone?"

Amara nodded emphatically. "Yes, two individuals. One of them is an elf."

The black knight slammed a gauntleted fist into his open palm, creating a loud clang. "Ah, I see! That makes sense. He's certainly been around long enough for that."

Amara, was puzzled by his wording but chose not to press the issue, as she had another question on her mind. "How did you know who I was?" she inquired. Although she hadn't realized they were both part of the same group, he seemingly had.

The black knight chuckled beneath his helmet. "Well, listen, I'm a pretty big guy, decked out in heavy plate armor from head to toe. When you pushed me aside effortlessly, combined with the fact that I can detect magic, it wasn't hard to guess that you were just like me."

Amara nodded in understanding. "I see. You're the first one of us I've ever met. I've only ever heard about the others."

The black knight appeared thoroughly puzzled by Amara's words. "Really? Am I seriously the first one of us you've met?" he inquired, his tone reflecting his bewilderment.

Amara affirmed, "Yes, I've never encountered any of the others before. Have you met the others besides me?" 

The black knight replied, "Weird choice of words, but yes, obviously I have."

Amara arched an eyebrow, her voice tinged with exasperation. "You're aware that we're not supposed to mix with one another, right?"

The black knight, still somewhat perplexed, scratched his helmet. "We aren't?" he asked, genuinely taken aback.

Amara sighed, deciding to move on. "I think I have an idea about who your master might be now. Anyway, tell me about your abilities. What can you do?"

The black knight nonchalantly shrugged and said, "I primarily use shadow magic and have a minor grasp of illusionary magic. That's pretty much it."

Amara surveyed the bustling crowd around them, noting that none of the pedestrians paid the duo any attention, despite the imposing pitch-black armor worn by the black knight. "I assume you're employing some form of illusionary magic right now, given that no one seems to be questioning your choice of attire?" she astutely observed.

The black knight confirmed her assumption with a nod and added, "Only mid-level magic users can see through the illusion, but I can tell you're far more advanced than that."

Amara couldn't help but smirk at the compliment to her magical prowess, momentarily boosting her ego. However, she quickly returned her focus to their mission, inquiring, "So, did you have a plan to capture the target?"

The black knight nodded in response. "I did, but I no longer feel the need or desire to employ that plan," he explained.

Amara arched an eyebrow, seeking clarification. "What do you mean?" she pressed.

"Well," the black knight replied confidently, "now that there are two of us, I believe we can handle our target. Even with his two minions, I'm certain we can overpower him."

Amara found herself growing increasingly fond of the black knight's straightforward approach. She had little patience for covert operations and appreciated his willingness to confront their target head-on.

She decided to share some crucial information with him. "I like your approach," she began, "but I should warn you that our target isn't the most significant threat. It's not the elf either. There's the boy with blue hair, the one I mentioned earlier – he's the real concern."

Curiosity piqued, the black knight raised a finger where his chin would be under his helmet. "Can you explain why?" he inquired.

Amara nodded and elaborated, "You mentioned that he has connections to the mayor, right?" The black knight affirmed this. "Well, as we make our way there," Amara continued, "I'll explain exactly why he's the one we need to be cautious of."

As both of them began walking toward the mayor's office.