
The Dark Novels

In a world where the chosen one has defeated the demon lord and brought peace to the realm, now 500 years have passed since the demon's defeat. Aetheria, the world, appears peaceful, but is it truly so?

Q_Tip · Fantasie
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267 Chs

Chapter 14

Navigating through the dense forest was becoming increasingly exasperating. Amara's patience wore thin as she grumbled to herself, "Ugh, where did they go?" The persistent chirping of birds grated on her nerves, and the labyrinthine nature of the woods left her feeling perpetually disoriented. If only she could reduce the entire forest to ashes, she thought, then perhaps her pursuit would become less troublesome.

Amara's frustration grew as she ruminated on her fruitless attempts to locate Larkin and his companions. Her lack of familiarity with forests, combined with her general aversion to them, had resulted in a constant state of confusion. "If I'd known they were leaving, this would have been easier," she grumbled once more, her irritation clear.

The events of the previous day and night had been a series of unfortunate setbacks. Xain's unexpected disappearance into the sewers had thrown her off course, and just as she was about to resume her pursuit, her superiors had summoned her for a change in orders. She had even been sidetracked by a cat along the way before refocusing on tracking Larkin once more.

Amara's frustration mounted as she stumbled upon what appeared to be the same tree once more. Her exasperation was almost comical as she shouted at the tree as if it were a person. "Is that the same damn tree again!?" she bellowed, her patience wearing thin. "I've seen that one like four times now! How many times have I gone around in circles?"

The relentless forest had become a labyrinth in her eyes, and she felt like she was losing her grasp on reality. While the thought of setting the forest ablaze crossed her mind, the potential consequences held her back – Ironhelm's retaliation would be swift and fierce. She had emerged victorious in her previous encounter with the automaton guard, but facing a larger force was a different story altogether.

"Screw it," Amara muttered under her breath, her patience frayed. She summoned a flickering flame into her hand, the fiery glow contrasting with the surrounding green. Her intention was clear – she was ready to unleash the blaze and burn the tree to the ground. Yet, her focus was abruptly interrupted as the faint rustling of leaves took on a different quality. It was no longer the casual stir of woodland creatures; this was the calculated movement of a group of people.

Amara recognized that the approaching footsteps were too numerous for Larkin and his companions. *Could it be The Guard?* The thought crossed her mind. It seemed logical—they would have deduced that with Larkin and the she elf gone, she would attempt to follow them. *I should take them out stealthily,* she resolved. Moving towards the sound, she snapped her fingers which resulted in her footsteps no longer making noise.

Closing the distance while staying concealed, Amara observed a group of nine individuals, all human. None of them seemed to be associated with The Guard. *Who are they?* she pondered, scrutinizing their appearances. Her attention fixated on one figure, and recognition dawned upon her. *A Noble from Veridiania?* The realization struck her as puzzling—why would a Veridianian noble be present here?

"Sir, we have come in close proximity to Ironhelm. What action should we now take?" A woman's voice broke the forest's silence, carrying a disciplined and formal cadence. The Noble, a man with auburn hair, responded with an air of authority, "We will await further orders for now. Set up camp here." His words mirrored the regimented manner in which he spoke, a clear indicator of Veridianian military bearing. *Definitely from Veridiania,* Amara surmised, noting their distinctive speech patterns. As she observed their interactions, a thought began to form in her mind—one that was distinct from her superiors' plan. The temptation to eliminate these Veridianian soldiers pulled at her, spurred on by the realization that their demise could inadvertently advance her superiors' plans.

While the soldiers diligently established their camp, Amara's mind churned with strategies. *Now, how should I eliminate them?* The group comprised eight soldiers and a nobleman. Her confidence in dealing with the soldiers radiated unwavering assurance; it was the Noble that gave her pause. *His attire doesn't hint at him wearing a G.E.A.R., but he's still a Noble, and that brings its own challenges.* The forest's embrace had grown tiresome for Amara long ago, and the notion that Ironhelm might misconstrue this encounter as a Veridianian assault added an element of convenience—she could unleash her full force without restraint.

Amara summoned a ball of fire in her palm, a blaze more potent and intense than any she had conjured thus far. The fiery orb glowed with an almost blinding brilliance. The intense blaze of Amara's conjured fire illuminated the morning forest with a glaring brilliance, cutting through the clear daylight and casting sharp shadows amidst the trees. The Noble, detected the vibrant blaze and swiftly turned his head toward its source, fixing his gaze upon Amara.

"Everyone, brace yourselves!" The Noble's command cut through the air, and in an instant, the soldiers snapped into action. Each soldier hunkered down, adopting defensive postures as they prepared for the impending assault. The Noble himself wasn't about to be caught off guard; he seized a backpack larger than his own frame, crouched low, and fortified his position.

Amara's grin widened, a mix of excitement and anticipation painting her features as she released the roaring torrent of fire. The blazing inferno hurtled toward the Noble with a fierce velocity, a powerful explosion of flames aimed to consume its target.

Upon impact, the fiery sphere collided with the Noble's backpack, triggering a detonation of immense proportions. The explosion was blinding in its intensity, searing the vision of anyone unfortunate enough to witness it directly and reducing everything within its radius to molten destruction. The blast wave surged outward, consuming the forest around the epicenter in an all-devouring conflagration. Amara, shielded by her own conjured flames, looked on with a twisted sense of satisfaction.

The shockwave from the explosion rippled through the earth, causing a minor earthquake that sent tremors coursing through the landscape. The force of the blast was so profound that a quarter of the forest lay decimated in its wake, reduced to charred ruins. The flames, unquenchable in their ferocity, continued to spread voraciously, engulfing all they touched.

Amara casually brushed her hands together, a smirk dancing on her lips. "Well, well, it seems Nobles aren't as tough as they're cracked up to be," she remarked, a hint of amusement in her tone. As the chaos of the explosion subsided, a voice sliced through the air, capturing her attention. "Yet another assassin sent to claim my life."

Amara's expression soured as she locked eyes with the resolute Noble. In his grip was a massive shield, its weight and thickness dwarfing his own form. His resolve burned bright in his gaze. "You'll pay dearly for your actions," he growled, producing a rifle-like weapon from within the shield and training it on her.