
The Dark Novels

In a world where the chosen one has defeated the demon lord and brought peace to the realm, now 500 years have passed since the demon's defeat. Aetheria, the world, appears peaceful, but is it truly so?

Q_Tip · Fantasie
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267 Chs

Chapter 116


The Wandering Calamity stood atop the dragon with a massive smile on his face, balancing effortlessly on the creature's massive scales. "Could you not have left me down on the ground before doing this!?" Elanor, clutched in his arms, exclaimed, his voice filled with frustration and fear.

"Sorry, sorry! I just got too excited seeing this thing!" Dash apologized, though his excitement remained undiminished. His eyes sparkled with joy, as if he were a child who had just discovered his favorite toy.

"Looks like you made an interesting friend, Elanor," came a voice from below. Both Dash and Elanor turned to see Grace standing with her hands on her hips, a smirk playing on her lips. There was a hint of something unsettling in her expression.

"Grace?" Elanor asked in confusion, "What are you doing here?" (What are you? Stupid?)

Dash, ever the exuberant one, introduced himself with a broad grin. "Hello! I'm Dash! Nice to meet you!"

Grace's smirk turned into a slight frown of irritation. "I—"

Before she could finish, Enryu roared in fury. The dragon coiled around and unleashed a torrent of hellfire, aiming to incinerate all three of them. Grace gave the dragon an annoyed look, snapping her fingers and blinking away, reappearing atop the dragon's head out of harms way.

Dash, on the other hand, stood his ground, his excitement undeterred. "Why aren't you moving!?" Elanor yelled in panic as the fire drew closer. He clutched Dash tightly, squeezing his eyes shut in anticipation of the scorching flames.

Only for nothing to happen. Elanor didn't feel any scorching pain; in fact, there was no change in temperature at all. "Huh?" he muttered, slowly opening his eyes. A barely visible shimmering golden aura surrounded them, deflecting the fire harmlessly around them. "This is...?" Elanor began to question.

Dash's laughter echoed through the air. "Ha, ha, ha! This is so cool! I haven't used this in so long!" he exclaimed, his excitement palpable. Enryu, now further enraged, glared down at him with intense, fiery eyes.

"You're making me sad," Grace said, her voice cold and cutting as she stomped down hard on Enryu's head. The force of her blow sent a shockwave through the dragon's skull, causing Enryu to roar in pain and fury.

Grace's eyes narrowed. "Don't forget about me right after getting a new date," she said, her tone laced with mock disappointment. She leapt off the dragon's head, landing gracefully next to Dash, who looked at her with admiration.

"Wow! You're so strong!" Dash exclaimed, stars practically sparkling in his eyes. Grace ignored him, her focus shifting to Elanor.

"His shield has been protecting you ever since you landed on this thing," she explained, pointing downward at the dragon's body. Enryu coiled towards them, maw wide open to bite down on them. Grace snapped her fingers and blinked to the tail end of the dragon, avoiding the deadly jaws with ease.

Dash smiled and jumped right over the dragon's head as it snapped shut, narrowly missing him. "If he hadn't, you would have been burnt up after getting close to it," Grace continued to explain as Enryu, without stopping, closed in on her, attempting to claw her down. She dodged gracefully, her movements fluid and precise, each step and turn perfectly timed to avoid the dragon's furious attacks.

Both Elanor and Dash watched in awe before Elanor shook himself out of it and looked down at the dragon's flaming body. *She's right, I haven't felt even a lick of heat despite this thing's fiery body.* Grace twisted in mid-air to dodge another one of the dragon's bites, landing back on its body close to Elanor and Dash. 

"Still, bringing you here was a mistake, even if you're protected," she said, keeping her eyes on Enryu. Elanor agreed with her wholeheartedly. Dash rubbed the back of his head and flashed a smile, saying, "I said sorry already though," before he stared down Enryu and added, "I just get too excited sometimes when seeing something strong."

Grace sighed, and Elanor cringed. He somewhat knew this from what Lennix had told him and by just being near Dash, but still. "Whatever, just don't let go of him and go punch that thing. I can't do much to it," Grace said, sounding tired.

"Yes ma'am!" Dash exclaimed before immediately running toward Enryu's head. The dragon let out a roar that pierced the skies before coiling towards him with its maw wide open, its obsidian teeth gleaming, and its crimson, amber, and ebony-colored scales shifting as they both closed the distance. Elanor, out of fear, closed his eyes as Dash jumped into the air. Enryu chomped down on him, only for Dash to use his legs and right arm to forcibly hold the dragon's maw open as it kept applying pressure.

"Heh, what a crazy guy," Grace said, snapping her fingers and blinking to the back of the dragon as it coiled, facing the ground and beginning to fly towards the front of the mansion at high speeds, trying to smash Dash into the ground. "This is the best!" Dash yelled, his voice full of excitement as they plummeted toward the ground at high speed.

Right before he got smashed into the ground, Dash, still keeping Enryu's maw forcibly open with his left leg and right arm, lifted his right leg and yelled, "Super powerful kick!" He stomped down on the dragon's jaw with tremendous force, unhinging it and making Enryu roar in pain. Using the momentum, Dash dashed out of the dragon's maw with incredible speed, landing in front of the estate gates in a crouched position, his eyes locked onto the dragon with a grin. Enryu coiled his body back around to face him, a menacing look on his scaled face.

"I never want you to carry me again," Elanor muttered, still clutching Dash tightly. He then stared at the dragon, only to realize *Wait, where's Grace?*

Meanwhile, Grace dusted off her clothes and looked down toward the front of the estate, seeing Dash staring down the dragon. She shifted her gaze to the front garden and saw the people shocked by the dragon's descent. She then focused on one person in particular: a boy with blue hair and eyes holding his right forearm. "Looks like another reason got added to the list of reasons I'm going to kill you all for," she muttered, before turning around and looking below, where a man with rose-red eyes stared back at her with a light smile. Behind him stood a young maid with torn clothes and a bloodied appearance, glaring at Grace with venom in her eyes.

"You're going to have more reasons to add to that list," the Demon Lord stated, raising his right hand which glowed with vibrant red demonic energy. He continued with a smirk, "And you need to hide your animosity better," as he turned to look at The Fiend, who stood by the stairs with his serrated gauntlets gleaming, exuding Killing Intent

The Demon Lord let out a light chuckle as he extended his right arm up to Grace and his left arm to The Fiend and commanded, "Entertain me."