
He Is Back?

Rebecca reached the door and paused for a mere second before pushing it open. The room beyond was dimly lit, but the muted sunlight streaming through the sheer curtains highlighted a bed in its center. On it lay Oberon Drake, his usually vibrant face pallid, lost in an eternal slumber.

Noticing Rebecca's entrance, two maids, dressed in simple dresses with aprons, who were attending to Oberon immediately straightened up, their movements hurried. 

Sensing the change in atmosphere, one of the guards inside the room made to speak, but before he could, Rebecca's voice, as cold as ice, rang out, "Leave," she commanded curtly.

The maids exchanged fleeting glances, their faces pale, before nodding and making a hasty retreat. 

The guards followed suit, each offering a deep bow to Rebecca as they filed out of the room. The heavy door clicked shut behind them, leaving Rebecca alone with her son.