
Worries Of The Heart

As the crimson sun dipped below the horizon, casting a deep red glow, Rowena stepped out of the castle.

Guided by a path made of smooth cobblestones, she approached the Pillar Sanctuary. The sanctuary was a chamber within an ancient building standing tall, far away from the bustling areas of the kingdom.

Since this place was considered sacred, nobody, including the previous kings and queens never dared to sully it or cause any kind of disturbance to it.

The sanctuary itself was built from lebaster stone, its walls etched with intricate patterns that told stories of prophecies past and foretold. Some myths suggest that these stones help absorb vibrations of the Seven Hells, thus allowing the Seer to listen to the sound each thread of fate might make.

The grand entrance of the sanctuary was framed by twin pillars with a cascading veil of ivy. As Rowena neared, the heavy wooden doors creaked open, revealing the dimly lit, incense-filled interior.