
The Cost

It is said that desperate situations leads us to do unspeakable deals, but is it really worth it?

His_Maze · Fantasie
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2 Chs


She was running with all her might that day.

As if  her life depended on it.

If she sped a little more she will catch him. A little more and all her wishes will get fulfilled.

She gave all her might, ignored her harsh and breaking breath and sped off.

The man was a little away when he stopped walking. He had a perfect figure. As  if just came out of the magazine she was reading today.

'Will  .. Wil...will...you help me?' She pleaded between taking her breath.

'Depends on what you offer my dear.' His voice was intoxicating. Totally pushing her into the abyss. Was anyone's voice meant to be that magnetic?

She wanted to see the owner of the voice. Face to face. To see how much charismatic the owner actually was. But unable to ask.

He knew what she wanted. But he wasn't a giver. He was a businessman. Mortal or not. He believed in business.

There's only give and take. And what more is profit.

' I asked you what you're willing to pay? '

'Myself' she said without hesitation.

'Are you sure?' He asked with a sinister smile creeping it's place on his face.

'Y...yes...' she hesitated but what was there to be afraid of.

'Then what's your wish?' He asked as if he didn't know that she wants money and fame like every other woman in the world.

Like that woman who made him into what he is now.

'I want to make my parents proud in every aspect. Be it academics or sports. I don't want to be a burden. I want to support them.' She said with determination.

It was something new to hear from someone who traded their soul with him. Unaware of the fact that she'll be the one giving him rid of this immortal life.

'But remember your promise. You'll be mine once your wish is fulfilled. You'll have to leave with me.'

'Ok...but can I get some time?' She asked

'Till you're 27. Enjoy your life to the peak Eva. ' He said still not showing his face.

'Ok...I can die after 27. No big deal.' She replied.

He suddenly turned around. He was dark. Very dark. No face no sculpture was within the range her eyes can detect. Just a smoke ball with those sharp red eyes.

He felt something. As if he was gaining form. He knew at an instant she was the one.

Those brown orbs were meant to admire only him. Only him.

So being a businessman he traded with profit.

He took something else from her without her knowing.

'It'll be worse than death. My dear wife.'

She jerked off from her sleep as she saw that face again.

The freaking dream she started to have since she was 18. Earlier she thought that it was all a dream but the moment the face of every guy was wiped from her eyes, she believed it.

She was no longer able to see that face of any male being.

Everything was wiped out. It was same that as of the person appearing in her dreams.

Same black ball of smoke.

Eva told her this to her parents but they didn't believe and soon Eva learned to pretend.

She was the person she expected she wanted to become.


Good grades.

Stable job.

Providing the best lifestyle.

And she even agreed for the  marriage her parents arranged.

She was going on a blind date with that guy.

It was actually going to be a blind date because she can't see his face.

It was the payment she was paying that wasn't even involved in the clause.

Little did she remember that her day of becoming 27 was approaching.



How much of a good deed the person did after making the shower. It has all the solutions in it. Be it washing off the tiredness or be it hiding tears and covering the sobs.

I am getting through all. Not able to confront in front of my parents that their daughter is getting a panic attack suddenly in the middle of the night just because she is afraid of not ranking first this term.

I know many say that grades are not all but that does not matter then why again the society provides scholarships to those who have good grades but not to those who have the will to learn.

It's not that my family's condition is bad or that they can't support me to pay my fees but it's that that I don't want to be a burden.

I'm turning 18 tomorrow. They say always lord grant you the wish you make on your birthday. Will he relive all my worries?

I want to be a daughter on whom her parents can depend on their old age.

Turning off the shower and changing into something warm I plopped my head into the bed glaring the ceiling as if someone will come over there to help me.

It's not that I want a miracle to happen but I also want a miracle to happen. I'm truly in dilemma.

Learning to live a life that bears every expectations is hella hard. But I can't end this life, that's what is more hard.

I don't want to vanish as I will never. I'll only cause hurt to the ones who love me. And maybe to those who I love.

Loving someone is really hard. You tend to make them smile even while you're hurting from inside.

Sometimes you want to let go but that string is somehow more strong than that of your will. Mine is same with my parents.  I don't want to see them cry, tensed at all. I want to fulfill all their wishes as they are the one who provided me shelter when I shivering all drenched on the highway on my 9th birthday.

I can't remember my real parents but I don't even want to.

They provided me enough and loved me more than enough that I don't feel like I'm not their part.

Soon the alarm rang. Overthinkers don't get sleep. Facts.

I changed into not-what-a-nerd-wears but what-makes-me-comfortable and did my hair. Honestly I don't care what people think of my outfit and I never will.

Getting comments is what highschool is all about because you know people are unemployed lacking anything to do so they'll bicker.

Bullying luckily don't exist because our Principal is the best.

Ms. Martha is a charming,  beautiful and wise  lady. She joined my school about 3 years ago and she sure does help me a lot.

As soon as I entered the classroom I saw Mary and some chick flicks were murmuring about something at the corner of the classroom.

I don't care. My eyes scanned the whole classroom to look for Dracy. But she was nowhere near the sight. Giving up I took my seat and took out my earphones so that the buzzing can be avoided.

I received a message from Dracy that she ain't coming as she was having a mild headache. She is getting them frequently . It's the 4th time since  the month started znd it's 13. I wonder what's going on.

So without a second thought, I dashed out of the classroom to ask for leave.

I need to get a check on her health. I hope she is not getting obsessed with diet again.