
Past & Date

Reaching Dracy's address, she hesitantly pressed the doorbell. Still wishing that her best friend was alright. The bad feeling within her already told her that something was not alright.

As soon as she pressed that white switch the chime of the bell was echoed all around the house reaching her ear as well. Soon after she was greeted by the person in charge of the house , Dracy's mom.

She greeted her in with a smile on her face. Asking whether she wanted something, and still stubbornly keeping herself in the doorway so that not even a rat can sneak inside.

That was truly unusual as compared to how she was almost never a home and fully never smiled.

Dracy's father left them at the young age. While mother still being there yet the presence was negligible. The reason Dracy tried hard to maintain herself, so that she can get some attention and at the very least get some love.

Eva asked whether she can meet Dracy to which she got the reply of her being at her grandma's house which was yet another strange thing but what could she be doing if the person standing in the way was the mother of Dracy.

Looking away and sighing , she decided to leave. Trying a phone call for the last time and the ringtone of the phone could be heard from the house.

When her eyes fell on the face of the lady, the uncomfort could be sensed by seeing the beads of sweat in her forehead.

She asked if she could get a glass of water and the lady hesitantly agreed. Finally letting her inside the house and asking her to make herself comfortable in the living area.

The house itself hasn't changed much, same old books, same television. And the same channel playing in that old box. But the difference could be sensed from the person striving on that house.

There was a sense of presence of a strong aura, a strange vibe. Soon after some time the sound of door locking was heard. Her palms began to sweat out of nervousness and she felt that she was trapped.

Maybe she was living the last moments of her life right now but what she should do? She needed to survive. Survive for her parents.



Even after trying hard to recall what happened that day, Eva was not able to get anything at all.

Even the name of the girl was getting vague in her memories. Unable to recall things even after a lots of efforts she was looking life as if traveling in a circle. She ended where she started. She wanted to give up on trying then again what caused her to be in the state she was in.

Those unrelatable dreams, those piercing red eyes and over all the reason of seeing every male being as a black ball of gas.

She remembered how she was unable to tell the teacher which boys were fighting due to which a girl was hospitalized. The girl cursed so much after knowing she said she didn't see.

How could she have told them About the culprits when she herself was unable to recognize? She wasn't even able to see them. Remembering was far to be thought.

She brushed off her thoughts of the past and gathered all her thoughts together.

Today was the day she was going to meet that man set up by her parents.

It was said that Love is blind. You don't love the appearance, you love the person. To her this was the literal proof.

Wearing the maple colour suit, she braided her hair into a bun. Pairing them with black heels she was ready to leave for the date.

She took her car and drove off for the destination, Cafe Ray.

The Cafe was what people call Romance site in general. The soothing romantic instrumental playing in the background. Round tables with two seats and at an adequate distance from each other. There was also a small bookshelf filled with romantic books so that the shy singles can immerse themselves in the fictional romance un- bothered by the couple around them.

The menu was usual as that of any other Cafe but what set that apart was the initial letter Love.

She called the guy she was supposed to be on a date with, he informed of being in the corner with a pink shirt on.

Soon after scanning the corners she found him. The appearance seemed cheerful. He was wearing a casual pink shirt paired with black jeans. And black sport shoes.

She thought she was appearing way too formal in front of him. But suppressing the feeling she made her way towards him.

The person was gentleman enough to pull her chair offering her a seat and she nodded with smile in return.

Knowing that she wasn't going to see any trace of his appearance even if she tried hard, she gave up on that instead observed his voice and manners.

As soon as he sat on the table he put his phone on silent mode and placed it in his pocket which was quite impressive.

Liking his coffee sweet was another plus point as she herself had sweet tooth.

They had a lot in common like reading fictional romance and watching anime. They shared the same distaste for football which was rare to find among man.

She liked him as a decent man and also as they shared the common interests.

She was genuinely smiling at his comments and laughing at his jokes. He offered her to take her to the beach to see the sunset to which she agreed.

Informing her parents that she was going there, and giving the driver the instruction to go home, she made herself comfortably in his car.

The drive was slow and refreshing as nearly no one was around during that time.

It was evening when they reached their destination.

He offered to click some photos of her to which she agreed. He was also a great photographer.

She was getting drawn towards him and how much she wished to be able to see his face.

She thought if he was as handsome as his personality and if he will be able to accept the fact that she was disabled.

She never in her life wanted to share this but his personality wanted her to give him a chance.

"Ethan. " She called.

"Yes, Eva?"

"Will you believe if I say that I'm not able to see your face?"

"Then will you tell me if you liked me or not?"

" I like you."

"Even if I'm ugly?"

"Yes." She replied without any but of hesitation.

And that made him growl. She witnessed something that was never thought of. But again it wasn't impossible.

He turned into dust and scattered in the atmosphere.

"How dare you like another man even a little bit?" Was all that she could hear before passing out in the strong arms.