
The Conquerors bloodline

Be warned, this story heavily revolves around sexual content. You have been warned. While there is plot, it is not the focus. *** Parc Evans was taken from his home world and thrust into another. Tasked with the chance of becoming a king of conquerors he travels through dimensions. Taking on and conquering all who stand before him. *** I make no claim to owning any characters or settings except those of my own making. *** Discord: https://discord.gg/t2usr5e4qh Patron: https://www.patreo*n.com/Lasarus Remove the * from the Patron link.

Lasarus · Anime und Comics
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307 Chs

Dinner time in Vale

Parc was the first to extradite himself from the flying death-trap of an airship. It having landed in one of the empty dock spaces after having been raised on the comms informing him about the lot he'd booked.

Parc of course hadn't been the one to fly the ship, that had been relegated to his temporary driver, Russet. A short, fat man with a greasy handlebar moustache who was more than willing to sell off his old Airship for a fraction of its original price as it had become heavily oxidized and rusted over the last forty years of neglect with only a few things such as the engines and Gravity dust wells and systems being kept in usable shape.

As it turned out, the old ship had spent its early years flying through the battlefields of the great war. Something that became ever more apparent with the numerous bullet holes scarring the outside. With many more failing battlefield patches having covered up those wounds.

It was a right and royal mess, but it was Parc's mess and a mess he would be working on for the weeks to come as he fixed everything up and turned it into a warship.

Saying his goodbyes to Russet, he waved the chunky man off. Leaving with but a manual to describe the various controls of the ship. Uncaring for Parc's safety or experience as he was much too pleased to have the quarter of a million Lien in his pocket.

"Still can't believe you bought an airship. These things aren't even supposed to be available to the public," Summer said as she looked up to the rust bucket before turning to look around the port with a trembling breath.

She hadn't been to this part of Vale but she could tell this was her home. The familiar scent lingered around, the seeming eternal chill of flowing wind stroking her body. It was still unreal to her; everything had happened so fast.

"I had the money," Parc chuckled, casting a look to Lili and Ferry, both side by side looking around with curiosity in their eyes as they exited the port and into the city proper. When their swivels would bring their eyes to Parc a flush would take to their cheeks and they would linger for but a moment before gulping and turning away to continue inspecting their surroundings.

Picking his scroll from his pocket Parc flicked through a few apps and landed on the one designed for the smaller shuttle ships between Vale and the Island of Patch. Checking the time, he compared it to the one he saw for the earliest departing ship, finding there was only five minutes until it left with the next one going about fifteen minutes later.

"What do you want to do? Head on over to the station, or explore for a bit and get some dinner before heading over to Patch?" he questioned, still flipping through apps until he got to the News app, checking to see if there was anything about a robbery of a dust store called from Dust to Dawn being caused by someone called Roman Torchwick. A lowlife thief and 'gentle man' who was about as gentle as the explosive bullets he stored in his cane shaped sniper rifle. He hadn't seen anything, not yet, so that meant that Ruby hadn't been given the offer to go to Beacon just yet but who knew how soon that could be. Especially considering the airships to the Academy were leaving in the morning.

'I should find that store and follow Torchwick and Cinder when they escape,' as capable as the young reaper was, she was incapable of dealing with Cinder, the pseudo-maiden. Having gained that moniker after she stole a portion of another maiden's power leaving said maiden comatose and on the brink of death were it not for the capsule Ozpin shoved her in.

And while yes, he could very well help Ruby with the robbery, he had no want of getting in her way of joining Beacon early. That would ruin the timeline completely, plus, he just couldn't let team RWBY not come into existence.

Casting a look to the lowering sun he thought, 'got another hour or two at least.' A thought came to him and he searched for the Dust to Dawn store to check it opening and closing hours. Recalling how Torchwick when he went to rob it said something about how annoying it was to find dust stores open at that hour of the night. So chances were the shop itself was close to closing when the robbery occurred.

Lo and behold, he found the shop had a closing time this evening at nine, long after most people were at home prepping for bed and the perfect time for criminals to go about unimpeded in the robbery. 'Three hours, three hours and I've got to be there,' he nodded, noticing a small inbuilt map into the site of the store.

Returning his gaze to Summer, he heard a faint chorus of grumbles and gurgled coming from the four girls around him. Each falling to cup their bellies with three faintly blushing from the sheer magnitude of their noises while Kurome mumbled and reached out for Parc's hand and took his attention.

"Master, can we go and eat? I don't have anymore snacks," a small whimpering noise escaping her as she patted her empty satchel.

"Yes, yes, we will," he gently patted her head, fluffing up her hair getting soft, pleased moan like whines from his pupper. "I'm guessing you two are coming as well?" Lili he had no doubts would be following him to whatever restaurant he went to.

"I…" Summer trailed off, conflicted. She wanted to rush to the station and get home, but she was also hungry. "I… yeah, sure. A hungry Summer is a hangry Summer," she chuckled, her belly almost rippling from the gurgles within.

"Then dinner it is. So… where do we go then?"


The restaurant they had ended up in was this chique little place not too far away from the station. Nestled right between a cute café and a boutique named Adel's Boutique. A name of which he was more than familiar with.

Summer had ordered a plate of spaghetti carbonara, getting the same for Ferry who quite literally had no idea what anything on the menu was. Lili ordered lobster, drool trickling from her lip as she cracked open the shell and dunked the meat in molten herb butter.

Then came Kurome, who expectedly let Parc select her meal for her. It was steak, which he got as well. Fries also came on the side, one of which went to Ferry who was staring at them, or well, Parc eating them with a fervour and ended up licking away his taste off the salted chip.

Surprisingly, licking a French fry could magically become sexual when the one eating it was a teenage girl staring lustfully at him.

Throughout the meal Summer had been letting out sensual noises, her eyes rolling in near orgasmic bliss like she had been doing back in Vacuo. The noises unlike back then drawing the unnerved eyes of couples eating their own meals and caused parents to go about covering the ears of their children. Many a husband that night was likely to be sleeping on the couch Parc figured.

Even though Parc wasn't eating particularly quickly, he was the first to finish with only a few fries left for him to snack on while the girls ate. As he waited, he glanced out the window he the five of them had been set next to and into the streets of Vale. Observing the nightlife passing by.

Strange to think that all these people were wandering around not knowing about the devil on their doorstep, that being Salem and her lackeys which just months from now would besiege the city, destroying Beacon and killing Ozpin in the process. Not that killing Ozpin would kill him.

As he watched the people passing by, Parc kept glancing to his scroll watching as it ticked from seven onto eight. Dessert came and moans were exuded by Summer who lapped up the pannacotta like she was a fish in water.

"Hmm?" exclaiming in silent, Parc's attention was redrawn outside to a passing couple. One was a man with pale blonde hair swept back and gelled dressed in a simple polo shirt and neat straight bottoms. He was brawny and wide, clearly a fighter or was one in the past.

Hung on his arm was a woman just a head shorter than him with curly, pastel purple hair and the widest grin on her face. She herself was dressed in a form fitting dark burgundy dress lined with a few regal looking lavender sequins which were designed into the shape of the flowers themselves.

His eyes widened as he watched the man pass by, recollection immediately springing to him. "no fucking way," he mumbled.

"What was that?" Summer suddenly asked.

"Nothing, just talking to myself," he waved her away and returned to watching the form of Taiyang Xiao-long and the woman disappear down the street. 'Summer's not going to have a good night.' Especially when he noticed the diamond ring on the woman's ring finger glimmering in the light of the streetlamps.

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