
Capitulo 1

-We're terrified just thinking about it... when they hear it they'll think we're crazy... -

--Tell us, please from the beginning-

- she started with little things, like... an arm, a leg in a different position, then she had her head up instead of down... and one day she appeared in another room, apparently she was moving by herself -

--Did you ever think that someone had the keys to her apartment or that she was playing a joke on them?-

"It was just what we thought, but...we never found a sign of an intrusion."

"And that made you think the doll was possessed?"

--Yes... Camila contacted a medium and told us that a girl named Anabelle Gigans died in this apartment, she felt lonely and... she liked my doll, I imagine she just wanted to make friends-

--When we found out we felt sorry for her, we are nurses we help people, so... we gave her permission to enter the doll-

"Wait...they did what?"

-She wanted to live with us inhabiting the doll and we said yes-

--But then, everything got worse... -The girls arrived happy, but when they opened the door they saw a piece of paper in front of them, they grabbed it and it said ¨They missed me¨ they looked up to find the doll in the hallway, they went to her and saw that she had crayons in one hand-- when we got home she was sitting in the hallway, but we had left her in the guest room...-- they entered the room and saw everything destroyed and even stained, they fixed their sight until they saw again ¨They missed me¨, they heard a sound, they looked and it was a crayon that was going to them, instantly one of them grabbed the doll until throwing it in the garbage can.

At night they were asleep, but they heard someone carefully knocking on the door, they got up and one went to open the door but nothing was found, but on the floor was the same note that said "You missed me", it rang instantly another door in the hallway, they opened it, meeting the doll again.

--We are terrified, we don't know what is happening or what we are going to do... Can you help us?-

--Of course, but first understand that Anabelle does not exist and that she never existed-

--Two, ghosts do not have that power, what we have here is something very manipulative... an inhuman entity-

--It was a mistake to address this doll... in this way the inhuman spirit deceived them, they gave it permission to infest their lives-

--What is an inhuman spirit?-

--It is something that has never been on earth in human form... it is a demonic being-

"So the doll was never possessed?"

--No, no, no, it was used as a conduit, I moved it to give the impression of possession... demons don't possess things... they possess people, what tried to enter you-


--Thanks Drew- My dad said and Drew turned off the video camera, I was next to him since I always come with my parents to these presentations or help them a little with the cases, since I have almost the same as my mom but I can always see any entity or spirit, since I was a child I have seen them and they do not scare me because I know that I am stronger than them, I am their eldest daughter, my name is Isabel Warren and Judy is my younger sister- Lights... we managed to get the church to send a priest to bless the house and the inhabitants, what invaded that apartment did not do so anymore. Any questions- Everyone in the room raised their hand- Ehhh... Yes.

--Where is the doll now?-

"We have it in a safe place," answered my mom, who smiled at me when she saw me.

--And what are you? I mean, what do people call them?

"I...we've been called monologues, an appropriate term, hunters, paranormal investigators..."

--Crazy- My mom interrupted dad making everyone laugh at that.


--But, we prefer that they only call us Ed and Lorraine Warren-