
The Closet : We All Have Secrets We Never Tell

Every teenager faces hardships in highschool but life has planned to give bonus to Bo. Dealing from the trauma of her father's untimely death, saving her mother from depression meanwhile trying to have a normal highschool life. She discovers secrets all the while being unknown of her own. Bo's life takes a turn when she returns to her hometown Shinpi. Struggling to keep her life on track when her past keeps interfering with her present. The longer she stays, the stronger the urge grows in her heart to find about her father's death. Will she be able to find out the truth? or will she run away?

i_am_niam · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
8 Chs



"I never thought this day would come I'm so nervous Mio," I said looking at the red-headed, fidgetting with my fingers.

"You think he has changed?" said the red-headed cocking an eyebrow.

"Yes, Of course," I confidently replied.


A ringing sound pulled me out of my trance, I didn't even realize I was in one until that. I took my phone out of my bag's side pocket that's been ringing for a while. I fixed my composure before picking up the call.

"Yes, mom?"

"Honey, where are you?"

"On my way home, mom. I'm just around the corner,"

"Okay, be safe and come fast"

"Yeah, yeah mom, I am." with that I ended the call.

Although my initial plan was to avoid thinking about the past, looks like this town has its way to keep reminding me... I still remember it clearly like it happened yesterday.


"He has changed"

"Has he? Ya'know he's known as the playboy for some reason"

"Well he used to be that way but after that incident, he has completely changed "

"you're crazy"

"And you just think too much"

"I just want what's best for my bestie is that a lot to ask?"

"You're the best Mio! I think I will confess my feelings to him today"

"and I'll kill him if he doesn't treat you right." and we both laughed like idiots

"There he is, I'll see you later, bye~"


Honk! Honk!

"Hey, girl! watch where you're going, do you wanna die?!" an angry man yelled sticking his neck out of the window of his car, apparently, I had walked off to the middle of the road 'unknowingly'.

"I'm sorry," I apologized and made my way home. Standing at the doorstep I brushed off any negative thought which might have paved its way back to my mind and opened the door.

"I'm home," I said closing the door.

"Hey sweetie how was your day? What took you so long?" my mother asked cleaning the kitchen station.

"The day went fine. There was a lot of traffic today so I got stuck," I lied trying to deflect the memories that kept creeping back.



"I wanted to ask you something," I gave her a nod in response. "Would you be okay if I started seeing people, of my age?"

"As in dating?"

"Yes. I know it's sudden but-"

"It's okay Mom." It was quite unexpected. I wasn't sure how I felt about it.

"Really?" she looked at me with a guilty look on her face.

"Yes, really, mom. I'm happy that you've decided to meet other people," I gave her an assuring smile. I want her to be happy.

"So, what's for dinner? I'm starving" I said in the hopes of changing the topic. I wasn't against her dating someone, just the news was all too sudden.

"I've ordered your favourite pizza…"


"And… I'll be eating outside-"

"Eh? What about me?"

"Your Uncle planned this double date sort of thing and your aunt insisted that I come.."

"Ah, I see." It's the fist time she's going out on her own after... "Don't forget to enjoy, Ma. I'll be fine"

"You sure you'll be fine on your own?"

"Of course! Oh and don't be late," I said putting a hand on my waist.

"Did you forget I'm your mom, not the other way around?" and we both bursted out in laughter.

"Take care," I said as I watched her leave.

I lied down on my bed and all the memories came crashing back to me but this time I didn't run away from them.


"You're here," he said enveloping me in a cozy hug.

"I'm sorry for being late" I nervously apologized.

"It's okay I don't mind waiting, you're my princess after all, Let's go now" he said offering me his warm hand.

"You're spoiling me." I giggled as I felt his hand tightly clutching mine. "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere special"

"Ooh! I'm excited and... I have something to tell you" I mumbled out the last part.

"Me too," he said chuckling as my cheeks turned to a deeper shade of pink. Soon we reached the destination.

"Our school? Why are we here?"

"Because this place is special for me "

"I don't understand..."

"Just follow me," we walked to our school's pool "It's the place where I first met you and fell for you after you gave me an earful of scolding that day."


"It's true, you can't deny it. I used to be an arrogant, ignorant, egoistic brat who played with everyone's feelings but now I've come to realize how wrong I was."


"Ah, earlier you said, you had something to say. Go ahead"

"I..." I didn't know how to say it, I've never confessed to anyone. "I... I like you, Ruka" happiness? nervousness? butterflies in my stomach? I couldn't pinpoint what I was feeling but I knew one thing for sure, it felt amazing.

"What? I don't believe you!"

"I like you Ruka, I like spending time with you. I like how you take care of me. I think I might be in love with you." within a second his expressions changed, his innocent smile was replaced by a smug look.

"Did you guys take a good shot of that? Did you guys record it?" He said waving his arms to his left and suddenly a bunch of boys walked into the pool area as he walked towards them "Let me see?"

"Record? hey? What's going on? Who are these guys? What are you-"

~~video plays~~

I... I... I like you, Ruka..... What? I don't believe you!.... I like you Ruka, I like spending time with you. I like how you take care of me. I think I might be in love with you.

~~video ends~~

"I'll make sure this video reaches every one after all it's a video of my Princess confessing to me. God! This will look awesome on the school's website" he coos.

"WHY?! Why would you do such a thing?!" my vision started to get blurry with tears.

"Did you really think I was gonna fall for you? How stupid are you exactly?" nothing was making sense for me at this point "and you know what made it even more special was knowing you were falling deep for me with every passing day."

"...." nothing came out of my mouth.

"Oh I know, you must be thinking how could I possibly know. Well..." He tilted his head sideways and made a hand gesture as if he was signalling someone to come in, "I had a little spy" and a familiar figure walked in.

"M...Mio?" it felt as if my heart would come out of my mouth.

"Hiya BESTIE!" said the red-headed.

"What are you doing with him?!"

"Oh! honey... Isn't it normal when you're in a relationship." she purred as she pecked his cheek.

"No! You're lying! you must be lying! Please tell me that you're lying..."

"Ruka, honey, I think she has lost it"

"But you were my friend how could you do this to me?"

"It's called acting. He promised me that if I'd help him get his revenge on you, he'll be my lover and I hope it's worth it cause it was so annoying listening to your stupid talks" she said making a distasteful face

"So long Princess" he said and all of them walked out leaving a shattered me.


"hey doesn't that girl looks the same as the one in this video?"


"That's her, man!"

"I saw her photograph in the school newspaper, what was the article-"

"Dumb girl confession?"

"Yeah, that one!!"

"she got played, real bad"


"hey? I...I.. like you Rukaaa?? hahahhahaaha"

"omg she's so dumb"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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