
The Closet : We All Have Secrets We Never Tell

Every teenager faces hardships in highschool but life has planned to give bonus to Bo. Dealing from the trauma of her father's untimely death, saving her mother from depression meanwhile trying to have a normal highschool life. She discovers secrets all the while being unknown of her own. Bo's life takes a turn when she returns to her hometown Shinpi. Struggling to keep her life on track when her past keeps interfering with her present. The longer she stays, the stronger the urge grows in her heart to find about her father's death. Will she be able to find out the truth? or will she run away?

i_am_niam · Teen
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


The next morning I woke up early thanks to the lovely memories. Since I had a lot of time at hand, I decided to head downstairs to make breakfast. I'll surprise mom, I thought to myself but those thoughts vanished when I saw her at the kitchen station.

"Wow! Pancakes!, someone's in a good mood today? eh eh?" I said jokingly. "Oh and by the way how was the 'double' no wait 'blind date'?" I asked in anticipation, hoping to get a positive response. After all, it's been so long since Mom has gone out or done anything for herself. I've told her a thousand times that she should enjoy her life and that whatever happened in the past won't happen again but if only she'd listen, which happens like never.

"It went surprisingly well, Mr. Suzuki is surely one funny man," She said, passing me the pancakes.

Oh so it's 'Mr. Suzuki' "Really?! No way! That's great, mom" I said as I stuffed my mouth with pancakes.

"He has a son about your age and…" Judging from the huge smile that occupied her face the entire conversation, it wasn't hard to guess that she really had a good time and she enjoyed Mr. Suzuki's company.

"All set and ready to go ?" Mom asked as I stood at the door.

"Yup," I left, placing a kiss on her right cheek.


While I was walking my way to class there was this familiar feeling I felt as if someone was following me, just like the one I had yesterday, like someone was constantly watching me. I turned around but saw no one. There it was that creepy feeling crawling its way back 'Am I gonna die?... Oh heck no!' shrugging off that feeling I fastened my pace. I took a deep breath when I entered the classroom and the first thing my eyes searched for was Pepper. I felt relieved when I saw her sitting on her usual spot there, drawing doodles probably. The marks on her face weren't as noticeable as they were yesterday. I hope she'll tell me what happened yesterday, something, if not everything. I quickly walked in and sat next to her and the class began.

She gave me that carefree smile of hers "Morning Bo!!", well… she tried to at least. I could sense that she was still troubled with the events that occurred yesterday.

"Shh!! you're too loud, the teacher might hear us" I shushed her pointing my index finger towards the man who was currently facing the blackboard solving a question. There wasn't a question Mr. Yu couldn't solve, he's a genius. Although he wasn't that old, in his late 20's maybe, always kind to the students when not in the classroom but strict as hell while teaching, one thing he wouldn't tolerate was indiscipline in his class and I guess that contributed to the factor as to why a lot of girls gave him the title of the hottest teacher in SLA.

"Good morning, how are you feeling now?" I asked in a hushed tone.

Before I could get a reply I felt a chill through my spine, when I turned around I saw Mr. Yu standing right in front of me. Uh-Oh

"Ms. Bo, would you please show the class how this equation will be solved?" Three words that crossed my mind were I WAS DOOMED.

I walked up to the blackboard, and was ready to embarrass myself in front of the whole class. I picked up the chalk and then a miracle happened.

A guy walked in and asked for Mr. Yu. God was on my side for the first time in my entire life. "Excuse me, Mr. Yu?" Judging by the extreme cheerfulness of the girls and a bunch of rotten looks from the guys, I could make it out that he was a pretty big deal.

"Yes, Yin?" Mr. Yu went outside to address him. Wait.. Yin? The SLA "IDOL"... What is so amazing about him that these girls drool over him? Oh well, nevermind. I am saved!

I turned around to go back to my seat, curiosity killed the cat and I glanced towards the door. He was taller than Mr. Yu, I had to crane my neck to see his face and… Our eyes met. Was he looking at me? Did he catch me looking at him? He's gonna think I'm some creep!! I ran to my seat and buried my head in the notebook. Thankfully no one noticed.

The rest of the classes went, as usual, we would often laugh at the silly jokes that Pepper made. I was surprised at the fact that after what happened yesterday she didn't fade away even a little. That girl whom I thought was so weak and fragile is way stronger than me. I was brought back from my thoughts by the sound of the bell which meant that the class was over and so we packed our bags.

"Let's go, I'm starving." Pepper made a pouting face, rubbing her belly.

"Okay, so what do you want to eat?" I asked as we made our way to the cafeteria.

"A sandwich would be nice and-" she stopped in the middle before she continued again "- I want to try the new Pop soda... I think the vending machine is that way." she said pointing to her right. " Hey, you go ahead I'm gonna go buy us some sodas!" with that she strode off to the vending machine. I seated myself at the corner table, I had picked up mac'n'cheese and a sandwich.

It's been 15 minutes, did she get lost again? or maybe... "Oh No!" I said loud enough to turn a few heads. I mentally cursed myself and hurriedly walked out of the cafeteria to the vending machine but I could not find Pepper. I think she pointed in this direction before she left. When I got near I could hear indistinct voices, soon those indistinct voices turned into bickering. Oh well not my problem. I had to find Pepper, it's not the right time for me to get involved in someone else's business. I was beginning to head towards the cafeteria. Maybe she's returned.

"Let me guess flushing your head in the toilet wasn't enough?" someone spoke as I was about to leave. Flushing head in the toilet?! That's absurd!

"What the hell?!!" Is this a school or a mental asylum? This made my blood boil, I was fuming with anger, I couldn't just stand there and do nothing. "Hey-"

"Stop running in the hallway!", a familiar voice greeted my ears. This is not good. "Ms. Bo?" I turned around to see my biggest nightmare standing behind me.

"Mr… Mr. Yu?!" The ground started slipping under my feet.

"Don't think you escaped, just because I was interrupted. You better start working on your skills, there won't be a next time." He warned me as he tapped the pen he held on my forehead.

"Ah, I'm sorry teacher, I'll try my best." I said loud and clear enough for 'them' to listen.

"It's fine. Pay more attention during class from now onwards." He said organizing his stuff.

"Hey Ito, Let's go, I think someone's here!" Ito? She's the one who was badmouthing me earlier!

"Shit! I think it's teacher Yu" Three girls came out running from the left.

"These kids never learn. Girls! Don't you know running in the hallways is not allowed!" He practically spat those last few words at them as he went behind them.

As soon as they left I went to check on the person they were bullying. My heart sank to my gut as the scene unfolded in front of my eyes. "Pepper?!"

She gave me a surprised look but kept quiet. "Hey... here let me help you," I said, giving her a hand. "Oh my god! What is wrong with people! Pepper, let's go to the principal." she didn't say anything, rather she acted a bit hesitant.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Sorry to make you wait ^-^

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