
The Cheat Seed

Embark on an extraordinary journey alongside Marcus G Orno in the gripping novel, "The Cheat Seed." This captivating tale unveils the remarkable transformation of a seemingly ordinary boy into an unstoppable force, defying the limitations of his past and forging an unprecedented destiny. Marcus, once the target of bullies and living a mundane existence, yearned for greatness. His dreams shattered when his best friend, Dave, awakened an incredible power while Marcus remained powerless. Despair engulfed him, pushing him to the edge of despair. But just as he prepared to end it all, a bolt of lightning intervened, whisking him away to a mysterious dungeon teeming with untold secrets. Within the depths of this extraordinary dungeon, Marcus discovers that he has been chosen for an extraordinary purpose. Facing unprecedented challenges and wielding a power born from the enigmatic Cheat Seed, Marcus embarks on a treacherous quest. Pushing beyond his former limitations, he ascends to heights of strength and ferocity previously unimaginable. "The Cheat Seed" follows Marcus's thrilling odyssey, as he rises from a meek underdog to a force to be reckoned with. With allies and adversaries alike taking notice, he becomes a monster among men, commanding the attention and respect of an entire army. But this journey is more than a mere rise to power. It is a profound exploration of friendship, secrets, and the relentless pursuit of purpose. As Marcus unravels the mysteries that lie in his path, he discovers that every twist and turn has a purpose, leading him closer to an extraordinary destiny. Join Marcus in this exhilarating narrative, where action, intrigue, and self-discovery intertwine. ...... Connect with me on Instagram: @sidddwrites Feel free to JOIN OUR DISCORD community: Your support is genuinely appreciated. If you wish to contribute financially, here's the PayPal link: Thank you.

Sinadin · Fantasie
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143 Chs

Chapter 18

Marcus was now sitting against the Dungeon wall. He had finally woken up from his power nap.

"Hey System?"


"Can I really clear this dungeon"


The System remained silent.


Marcus laughed hysterically.

Marcus stood up and dashed towards the statue once again.


Marcus pulled his hand all the way back and punched the statue with all the power he could muster. The statue cracked from the bottom to the top but left the crown unscathed. Just before Marcus could land another blow, the statue recovered.

The Cycle continued for hours or so Marcus thought. Whereas actually it's been 700 years since he started punching the statue. The Time outside moves outside normally, but inside this Dungeon it flowed differently. Even though the results in the end would be directly proportional to the time he spent on, the time outside will flow regularly, so he didn't actually have anything to worry about.

Marcus had dark circles under his eyes now as he didn't realize the time he was spending on the statue.

"I..huff...won't..huff...fall" Marcus said as he struggled to catch his breath.

But his exhaustion took over as his body limped and he went down with a crash.

"Huff...I...Want...to..go back" Marcus wheezed as he lay there on the Dungeon floor, covered with sweat and dirt. There was no respawn Circle anymore. Previously when Marcus fought with the Ogretto army, the Respawn Circle would've always helped him regain his lost energy. So he never had to sleep before. Whenever he got tired, he had the Respawn Circle to cool him off within 5 seconds.

Now as he laid there, Marcus thought about the Circle and smiled at the thought that he missed it.

"I was supposed to....die anyway" Words fell out of Marcus's mouth out of the blue.

"Yeah, I was supposed to die..Then why'd you guys bring me here??"

There was no response from the system. It remained Silent like before.

"Am I being used as a lab rat here? Is that it? It's just an experiment huh?"

"You brought me here from my death, gave me hope that I could become strong, gave me false hope that I could bring smiles to the sad faces of my parents, You...YOU LIED TO ME. SYSTEM!!!!"


No reply as always.

"Well If you won't let me pass, I'll kill myself here then." Marcus said as he teared up. A Tear slowly rolled down to the edge of his face and dropped onto the rock hard floor.

"That would be better right?" Marcus jolted up completely ignoring his exhaustion.

"I'll kill myself and you can always choose some other idiot whose gonna die"

Marcus tried to strangle himself, but it was no use. He tried banging his head on the Dungeon walls and rocks, but it was also in vain. His Almighty Regen helped him regenerate faster than the statue recovered.

"WoW...Now you won't let me Die too?" Marcus cried out.

"Fuck you System, FUCK you Emperor"

Marcus cried as he drooped down to a corner, his head low and tears flooding the floor.

After a lot of crying, The Exhaustion hit him again and he rested his head on the Dungeon wall. He was asleep.


The System suddenly boomed but Marcus didn't react. The User Mute was on. Whatever the system says will not reach to the user.



["To make him bond completely with you, he has to have the will to live and protect the ones he love"]

The system played a track which was recorded in the Flame Emperor's voice.




[I am very very sorry Marcus, This is something that I have to do..]

[Because being a Guardian is not for the light hearted]

[And I am sure you'll become one, but it's still new to you isn't it?]

[Even the otherworldly hero gave up at this point]

[And we sent him back home]

[But Marcus, time is almost up, we can't lose you Marcus...We don't have anyone else to depend upon anymore.]

[Because..Because 'They' are coming...They are coming as they said they would be!]


Author Notes :

They...U know They are coming. I'll make sure that you guys know who 'They' are in the future chapters. So All I need from you currently now is support.

Because without your support am nothing.

Let's talk about this chapter then. I made this short knowingly because no one likes too long chapters anymore, but the exact reason I Made it short was that, because I wanted to make some sad atmosphere here in this chapter and an exciting mood in the next one.

So tell me.. Is somewhat short chapters okay to you guys? Or should I continue with writing Chapter having more than 1000 words? Comment down below.
