
The Chalice of Chance

Blood, death and another chance. Three simple words, yet you already know where I'm going with this. Join me and together we will explore this great omniverse while gaining wondrous, new abilities and taking what we wish. We will encounter setbacks, achieve stunning victories and wage great wars. We will grow strong enough to laugh in the face of chaos and spit on the shoes of gods. You know you want to, just join me. ~~~~~~ This is slow paced, so if that bothers anyone, this is your cue to leave. Warning: Graphic descriptions of gore and violence. Mature language will be used throughout. If I decide to add anything else, I'll add it to here later.

YoungMasterLemon16 · Videospiele
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11 Chs

Main Quest

"Aight here's the plan, I need you guys to go search this town for the biggest house you can find and report back to me."

~1 hour later~

"My lord, we've found a mansion on the west side of town. It has a large metal gate surrounding the property and security cameras everywhere."

"Excellent." I said whilst rubbing my palms together like a certain old man.

"Lead me there post haste!" By the gods I really was turning cringier every second I spent on this world.

As we trapsed down the empty streets illuminated by the occasional streetlamp, I pondered some things. What sent me here? Why did it send me here? And possible the biggest one, why me? I don't think I'm very special, so why was I chosen to be given this wonderful gift and given a second chance at life.

Remembering the way the bullet ripped through my flesh and bone, my organs failing and my lungs filling with blood, I shuddered. No, never again, I don't want to feel that powerless ever again. I acted pretty ballsy when I took down those wizards didn't I, that's not good. If I want to be invincible, I can't afford to be that rash or take great risks.

For all I knew, they could've been death eaters who wouldn't have hesitated to use the killing curse on me. The killing curse, I shuddered again. Although this world is a children's story, the danger it possesses is very real.

Even if they weren't death eaters, that would still mean they were ministry officials and the ministry doesn't have the greatest track record for being kind to people with non-magical parents. What about someone with no parents? Wouldn't that be even worse?

That settles it, until I have confidence in being able to shrug off a killing curse, I'm going to be extra cautious.

"My lord, we've arrived."

As the words of my loyal guard broke me out of my reverie, I studied the building before me. It was a two-story building with a very wide base surrounded by a thick steel fence topped with spikes to discourage those wanting to climb it. Overall, I'd say it was your average McMansion with an English twist.

"Huan, how confident are you that your men won't wake anyone living there?"

"Are they just average humans my lord?"

"I should think so."

"Then I am very confident, my lord."

"Perfect, I want you all to check if there's anyone home first. Report back when you fid out."

"It will be done."

The unit of skinks slipped back into the shadows and I lost track of them. While waiting, I pondered my abilities. Shouldn't my Star of Conquest perk have activated by now. Wait, the abilities were listed as sub-perks. Does that mean that they're skills and I have to activate them manually? Ughh, I'm such an idiot, how did I forget the single most powerful skill in my arsenal?

[Star of Conquest: Sub Perk- Contract]

As the perk activated, I felt a tether form connecting me to the sun of this world.

We didn't talk so much as I felt the star send me information through basic emotions and images. I saw pictures of the no-nose freak that the star associated with hate and the young boy with glasses and a scar, wait... he shouldn't be this old yet. I see, he's already seventeen, I shouldn't have taken it for granted that I'd enter this world at the exact moment the story began.

If the story has progressed to this point, then I no longer regret taking out those ministry workers. If my memory serves me correct, at this point in the story, the ministry is corrupt and is basically a breeding ground for Voldemort's death eaters. I should've checked their forearms for the tattoo, well, too little too late I suppose.


Contract successful!

World quest issued.

{New Quest}

[Burn the Witch! - World Quest}

This world is pretty neat, eh? Unfortunately this place is the home of a nose-less freak and his entourage of freaks. Nice places look a whole lot nicer when there's nice people there, however there are too many monsters running amok. Wouldn't it look soooo much better without them?

Main Mission: kill Tom Riddle.

Reward: Magus character card + 500 SP.

Optional Mission: kill Bellatrix Lestrange.

Reward: Duelist perk + 100 SP.

Optional Mission: kill Fenrir Greyback.

Reward: Beastial Transformation skill + 100 SP.

Optional Mission: kill Peter Pettigrew.

Reward: Magic Crafter perk + 100 SP.

Optional Mission: hunt down and kill the remaining Death Eaters.

Rewards: Magical Augmentation skill + 100 SP.

Note: the more optional quests you complete, the bigger your bonus reward will be.

Bonus Reward: 1 optional mission - 25 SP, 2 optional missions - 50 SP, 3 optional missions - 100 SP, 4 optional missions - mystery reward.


Dayum son, that's a really hard quest. But you know what they say, nothing easy is ever worth doing. Should I join up with the Order of the Phoenix? Nah, they were too optimistic and didn't want to kill their enemies. If I want to get my hands on these sick powers, I've gotta end these guys. Should I feel bad for killing them, even though they were mass murderers, do they really deserve to die?

Fuck it, I'll figure this out later. Shouldn't my skinks be returning soon? As if hearing my thoughts, they emerged from the shadows around me.

"My lord, we searched the entire house, no one is home."

"That makes things much simpler. Go back into the house and bring back as much cash as you can find."

Even if I ask them to bring back all of their valuables, what am I supposed to do with them? I don't know anyone here who'll give me quick cash for it and I don't have anywhere to store the items.

Am I supposed to just walk around with a big bag over my back like the Grinch? That's just like buying a fast pass to prison, I mean cops aren't the brightest bunch, but they're not stupid. And if I did fight back and escape, what then? Be on the run for the rest of my time on this world?

No thank you, I prefer freedom thank you very much.

"My lord, this is all of the money we were able to find."

Huan then proceeded to hand me around four hundred pounds in assorted bills. I was afraid of this, no one keeps a lot of money in their houses these days. I mean who would, banks are much safer than keeping it under your pillow or under your bed.

At least it should be enough to buy a ticket to London.

I tucked the money into my pockets and made my way back to the bus station where I took a seat on an outside bench and tried to get comfortable, this was going to be a long night.

I commanded my skinks to guard over me while I slept, without being seen of course. Then I slowly drifted off to the land of Hypnos while thinking of how much my life had changed. I never really had time to think about it, but I truly am grateful for my second chance...

You're welcome my creation and thank you all for giving it a read. I also hope you guys would consider adding this to your library and maybe leave a comment. It might not seem like much to you, but hearing from y'all makes me so happy and gives me that little bit fo extra motivation to pump out a chapter.

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