

A/N: I write for fun. Not professionally, so even if the story is shit, I'll still write until I can't no more. Or I get depressed, both are equally likely.

That said, please keep your criticism polite, constructive and gentle. Or just read for fun!

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Thank you for those who already support me, and thank you for my silent readers too.

Read on!


"No." Scathach says firmly, as soon as she'd heard Gaea's request, and puts the glass on the table.

Gaea pouts, and whines, "Why not?"

Rubbing her forehead at the blatant childishness of the oldest Goddess on this planet, Scathach drinks some more ale, and says, "You haven't given me any details, beyond me supposedly training a brat, whom I don't even know. Then, it'll have to happen on your private little home for who knows how long, after I am forced to give vows not to disclose anything I learn while on the island, even to my fellow Celtics. Is that all, or should I continue?"

Gaea rolls her eyes, and says, "Come on, Scathach. I'll even forgive your debts to me."

This has a visible effect on Scathach, as she looks to be considering it. Clenching her fist, she looks at Gaea, and asks, "What's so special about this brat? And why can't you teach him yourself?"

"He's the son of someone close to my heart. And I cannot teach him fighting for the same reason you can't teach him magic. It's not my speciality." Gaea says, pinching her nose at the misleading answer. Seeing that Scathach was still hesitant, she asks, "Why even are you hesitant? It's not like you to reject a prospective student."

Calling for some more Ale, Scathach takes a swig, and says, "I don't teach Gods anymore. They take what I teach, and stab me in the back. Or try and sleep with me, it goes either way. Plus, what use is teaching someone who won't worship you anyway."

Gaea sighs, somewhat understanding her sentiment. The mortals hadn't evolved yet, at least, not to the point that they can worship anyone as Gods.

The Upright Man, as Gods like to call them, barely have enough intelligence to cook their food before eating. And even that was thanks to Prometheus, who showed them how to start a fire.

But.. Gaea knows, that in the distant future, likely as soon as some 400,000 years later, mortals will definitely become smarter. The Gods' presence proved that.

While Atum was responsible for the existence of the Divine Energy within the different Pantheons, Mortals, or what the current mortals will evolve to, will be responsible for the shape the Divine Energy took in the past.

It was.. complicated. Gods exist as they do, because Man imagined them like that, while Man will exist, and pray to Gods, because those same Gods will show themselves to the Mortals.

Every Pantheon's Skyfathers, and the Gods of Divination and Prophecy, already know this, which is why they kicked the Eternals off the planet, and Kronos, the Titan – not the Eternal- sent them forward in time, so they don't disturb the development of these current mortals.

It was a surprising collaboration effort between all the Pantheons, and something they all agreed with. Kind of like when the Celestials first came here.

Seeing no other option, Gaea looks Scathach in the eyes, and puts a bottle on the table, which Scathach eyes hungrily. Grinning in triumph, Gaea says, "That's Asgardian Mead, made by Aegir himself. I may have a few bottles with me if you agree to it."

"10 Bottles and the debts forgiven."

"1 bottle, 5 of the debts forgiven, and you'll teach him until he masters everything you have to teach him." Gaea counters.

Scathach scowls, and says, "7 bottles, 8 debts, and I'll teach him hand to hand, and... 6 Weapons of his choice."

Gaea thinks for a moment, and nods. She says, "5 bottles, and not one more. 8 debts forgiven. In return, you will teach him until he masters physical combat, and 6 Weapons. But, you'll have to stay on the island the whole time, and not tell anyone about your student."

"Deal. But you won't interfere in my methods, or I'm out." Scathach says, barely thinking it over. In her private thoughts, she could have agreed on the first condition itself.

---Theos POV---

2 weeks, that's how long Mother said my new trainer will take. Something about getting her affairs in order. I still have no idea who this Scathach is, and I promptly gave up on finding out. It's not like I dream about my past life anyway.

During these 2 weeks, I managed to get a pretty big handle on my Lightning element, which was relatively behind my Wind element. Now, I can use Lightning bolts as a weapon, and somewhat control them.

But, it's only for a few seconds. Any more and I lose control, making even me a fair target.

I also devised a new Wind attack, after thinking back on my fight with mother. The Wind blades, that I blew from my mouth were unstable, and one even cut me on my cheek.

So, I thought hard, and then trained hard. After 3 days of meditation and controlling my Wind element, I was successful in compressing my attacks before spitting them out. Which led me to my new attack, Wind Bullet.

Honestly, I was really thankful only I knew about my extra memories. It took me 3 days to even think of an attack that already exists in my mind.

But.. something felt off, while training my elements. While I do like them, I don't think Elemental attacks are my thing. Same with Magic. Even Mokuton, as I privately call it, feels impersonal.

Maybe it's because it's something Mother already is a master in, and I feel like I'm only copying her. Maybe it's just.. not for me.

But, I'll still learn and master them all as much as I can. Never know when I need lightning.

For now, I'll keep on training. Taking a deep breath, I open my eyes, and look at the Gorilla army in front of me, some skipping stones in their hands.

Smirking, I simply say, "Bring it on, shit flingers."

As they understand me, each and every one of them gets angry, and start throwing their stones at me.

As the first batch gets close, I take a deep breath, and wave my hand. A steady wind blows, and a wall of wind forms in front of me. The Wind Wall blocks most of the stones, while those that pass through, I dodge harmlessly.

Suddenly though, I feel something, or many somethings impact my back, making a wet noise.

Trepidation in my actions, I slowly turn around, and see 5 Gorillas, and about 15 monkeys behind me, all of them holding something dreadful in their hands.

A monkey snickers at my face of horror, and screeches, "Attack!"

Knowing they're completely serious, and want to cover me in their shit for the offence of calling them shitflingers, the irony, I jump back and call up more of my Magic.

This time, I am completely surrounded by a Wind Tornado, like my mother did in our fight, which blocks the initial attack completely. But, the top was open, although too far above for them to do any harm.

Flexing my fingers, I control the trees around me to bind the primates. Unfortunately, they are really acrobatic, and most of them dodge my counter attack.

Taking a deep breath, I mentally call out, 'Wind Style: Wind Bullets!' and blow consecutive, fast, but practically harmless blunt bullets at the now panicking monkeys.

What? It helps me keep track of my attacks, alright. At least be thankful I don't yell them out.

After a few seconds of Wind Bullet barrage, the monkeys and gorillas are all either unconscious, trapped, or they fled.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR THROWING SHIT AT ME!" I yell, looking at the panicking yet trapped monkeys.

"He's your son?!" I hear a surprised voice behind me, making me turn around. Mother, who was standing there watching the show along with another lady, who was looking shocked at me, points at the trapped monkeys, and says, "Theos, be a dear and let them go. And yes, Scathach, he's my son."

Grumbling about stupid monkeys, I do as asked, and free the monkeys. They collect their injured comrades and run away, like cowards. I await the rematch, my enemies.

Mother smacks my head, making me yelp, and says, "They're not your enemies. Just because they refuse to harm you, you should not take advantage and use them for your training."

Rubbing my head, I mumble, "I just wanted to see if the wind wall had enough integrity to defend myself. I needed to provoke them for that."

The lady, who I think is Scathach, snorts, and says, "You provoked them alright. And what the hell, Gaea? You never told me the brat was yours! How old is he? I have no idea how Gods even age, as most of us were just.. born like this. Speaking of, how is he even a kid?"

Gaea looks discontent, and says, "I don't want anyone knowing I have a son. And he's like this because his other parent is not a God."

Ohkay, so we aren't telling this surprisingly attractive woman about my Celestial parentage. Got it.

Interjecting the conversation, I say, "While I have no idea how old I am, I know it's somewhere close to 80 years. Now, are you my new teacher, Scathach?"

I look at the woman, and examine her. She's pretty, that much was true. She was wearing an armour like the one Hela wore in the movies, except black and Purple, and had purple hair. Her eyes were sort of purple, with a bit of pink mixed in, and on her back, was a spear, it's tip pointed down. But after observing all that, my eyes come and stop right in front of me. Magnificent.

"Done checking me out, brat?" the lady asks, making me blush and turn away from her wonderful chest.

Mother chuckles, making me blush even more. I'd forgotten she was here. She rubs my head, messing my hair up even more, and says, "Go clean yourself up, Theos. The monkeys have done a really good job training you. Until then, Scathach and I have a few things to discuss."

She could have just spelled the shit away, but no. She probably wanted me to suffer the walk towards the sea. There's no way I'm washing shit off of myself in my waterfall.

"He's got spirit, and imagination. Two things that will go very well while training." Scathach says, as soon as Theos was far enough away. Looking at Gaea, she adds, "His presence of mind is, pardon the pun, quite shit. He did not even notice us coming, even when we walked here."

Gaea sighs, and brushes a strand of her hair back. Looking at the buxom woman, she says, "My specialities always lie in Weather, and Nature, apart from being a mother. I've had thousands of children, Scathach, and all of them were born adults. Theos is the first one who was born a baby." Sardonically, she adds in her mind, 'And 80 of my children were different incarnations of Thor himself.

Gathering her thoughts, she speaks again, "I am called the Mother Goddess, and here I am, stumbling with my first baby. So, yes. I did forget to teach him a few things, which I didn't think he'd need at the time. This is why I brought you here, Scathach."

Scathach sighs, and looks at the distant beach, where young Theos was swimming, washing himself and getting most of the shit out. She chuckles, laughing at the situation he brought himself in, and says, "Fine. I will teach him everything I am able, we did already have a deal, didn't we. How's 15 hours everyday sound?"

Gaea chuckles in return, not finding anything wrong with it, but counters, "Make it 9 Scathach. I need to teach him my Magic too. 5 hours with me, 9 with you, and the rest so he can be a child he's supposed to."

Scathach hums, as Theos begins his trek towards the waterfall, and says, "Fine. Don't blame me if it takes longer then."

Gaea nods, and smiles wide, making even a straight non horny woman like Scathach blush, and says, "Thank you, Scathach. You'll get your bottles every thirty days."

And then she teleports out.

Scathach widens her eyes, and shouts, "THIS IS NOT HOW IT WAS AGREED UPON, GAEA! For fuck's sake, give me my Mead all at once!"

All she hears is a chuckle all around her, as she starts furiously walking towards the house she can see in the distance.


A/N: Yup, It'll be a timeskip again. Many people might ask, how strong is he?

Right now? Barely above human. He's not even Captain America levels of strength yet, and it's intentional on my side.

But don't worry, he will obviously get stronger.

Until next time! Tata!