

In the CURIO-VII-G bunker net after the Fallout, Dr. Evelyn Walsh, a renowned yet forgotten researcher, receives a crystal with the power to create life from scratch. Her student, Ava Knight, senses danger within this mysterious object. Follow brilliant Dr. Walsh and courageous Ava Knight in a series of recovered tapes narrating the CURIO VII-G anomaly.

Lena_Black · sci-fi
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32 Chs

Tape #10 - Cold Nights in the Bunker

A knock at the medical bay's door startled Dr. Walsh from her sleep. She clutched her pillow closer, a dull ache throbbing in her left side.

-"Doc?"- Ava's voice called from the other side. -"Can I come in? It's kind of creepy out here..."-

With a groan, Dr. Walsh struggled to her feet and unlocked the door. Ava's concerned face greeted her.

-"If that thing is still roaming the halls, why come here?"- the doctor inquires, locking the door behind her student.

-"Being on opposite sides of the bunker doesn't seem safe,"- She stated firmly. -"Together, we're safer."-

Dr. Walsh nodded, a flicker of hope igniting in her eyes. -"I hope you're right,"- she said, collapsing back onto the bed. -"But what about your dog?"-

-"My brother's taking care of him,"- Ava assured her. -"What about your rabbit?"-

The geneticist smiled. -"The nurses adore her. They're showering her with affection and vegetables."-

Silence settled between them, heavy with unspoken thoughts. Finally, Ava broke it. -"Do you think... this thing... is after others, too?"-

-"I'm not sure,"- Dr. Walsh admitted, her brow furrowed. -"There's so much we don't know..."-

Ava poured a steaming cup of coffee and settled on the couch beside the bed. -"Coffee?"- she offered.

-"No, thank you,"- Dr. Walsh declined, her gaze fixed on the ceiling. -"Ava..."- she began, her voice shaky, -"I'm so sorry."-

Her student's eyes widened. -"Sorry?"-

-"I didn't consider the dangers of the crystal,"- Dr. Walsh confessed. -"I was blinded by ambition, and... This could have ended much worse. I wouldn't have pushed the boundaries if I knew it would harm anyone, especially you."-

Ava clutched her cup, her emotions swirling. While she admired her mentor's determination and intelligence, she also recognized her reckless streak and disregard for consequences.

-"Doc,"- she whispered, -"I don't blame you. But please... Promise you'll be more cautious in the future."-

Dr. Walsh turned, a warm smile gracing her lips. -"You're right, Ava. I need to listen to you more often."-

Ava nodded, curling up on the couch and drawing her knees to her chest. Just then, a fuzzy object landed on her face. A blanket.

-"Sorry!"- Dr. Walsh chuckled, a hint of mischief in her eyes. -"It gets cold down here. I thought you might need it."-

-"Thanks, Doc,"- Ava murmured, smiling as she stretched the blanket out and buried herself under the warmth.