

In the CURIO-VII-G bunker net after the Fallout, Dr. Evelyn Walsh, a renowned yet forgotten researcher, receives a crystal with the power to create life from scratch. Her student, Ava Knight, senses danger within this mysterious object. Follow brilliant Dr. Walsh and courageous Ava Knight in a series of recovered tapes narrating the CURIO VII-G anomaly.

Lena_Black · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

Tape #9 - By My Design

Ava pressed the radio to her ear, whispering, -"Please pick up... Please pick up..."- The second ring brought Dr. Walsh's soothing voice.

-"Ava, good night,"- the doctor began, but was quickly interrupted by her assistant's urgency. -"I know I asked you to rest today, but please go lock your door. Windows too, if you can."-

Dr. Walsh's concern mirrored Ava's. -"What's happening? Are you okay?"-

-"Did you know about the huge thing haunting the tunnels?"-

A tense silence followed. Finally, Dr. Walsh sighed. -"I hoped it had escaped, but for some reason, it's still here."-

Ava's curiosity mingled with apprehension. -"What is it?"-

-"I don't know for sure... But it's designed to be superior to humans in every way. Highly intelligent and..."-

Ava cut her mentor off, disappointment tinging her voice. -"Doctor, did you make it? With the crystal?"-

A pang of guilt stabbed at Dr. Walsh. -"Yes. I'm sorry. If I had only known..."-

-"How do we even fight that thing?"- she cried, her concern for Dr. Walsh's recklessness overriding her own fear. -"I barely escaped!"-

-"Are you okay? Did it hurt you?"- Dr. Walsh worried.

Ava assured her, -"No, I'm okay, but..."-

A sigh of relief escaped the geneticist's chest.

-"Whatever that thing is, I don't think it wants to bump fists."- she continued.

There was a rustling sound from the other side of the line, as Dr. Walsh struggled to lock the heavy door. -"Let's think critically. Tell me about your encounter."-

Ava recounted, -"I was returning from the market when I found it in the tunnels. I think it asked about you."-

A shiver ran down the doctor's spine. -"W-well... Was it waiting for you or...?"-

-"It chased me, Doctor!"- the student lost her temper for a moment. -"It... I'm sorry. It ran after me and then appeared in front of me. I threw my puppy's kibble sack at it to escape."-

Dr. Walsh analyzed her words, a cold sweat pricking at her skin. Meanwhile, Ava took advantage of the silence to pile a generous serving of rice onto her puppy's plate. He looked back with a slightly disappointed expression.

-"So, it's not only smarter than us, it's faster too. But still susceptible to distraction,"- The student concluded, building upon her mentor's insight. -"It seems strong, but given its low muscular density, I don't think it's very stable."-

Dr. Walsh's voice filled with pride. -"Brilliant, Ava!"- A warm flush crept into the student's cheeks at the compliment. -"Perhaps we can't outsmart it, but we can out-maneuver it. Or overpower it."-

A flickering ember of hope ignited in the doctor's chest for the first time since the incident. -"I understand if you don't want to visit me tonight, given the circumstances, but..."-

Ava interrupted, her voice determined. -"I'm on my way."-